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Posts posted by loswabs

  1. Dune shoes are so comfy.

    Sorry to go off at a tangent, but I simply adore Dune shoes and boots, they usually look really classy and even the 4" stilettos are great to walk in. Dune were the first pair I tried on and bought in a shop in their Whiteley's London branch. The shop assistant was a little taken aback to start with, but we both held our nerve lol

    I have a search set up on ebay for Dune stilettos and if there is a God, one day they'll be a purple pair of satin Chantel's in a size 8 just for me!!

    Anyway, back to topic :winkiss:

  2. Hi, can anybody recommend a shop in the UK where I can get a pair of tight, skinny jeans. I love the jeans tucked into boots look but all my jeans are just to bulky to do this. I'm looking for a 34-36" (male size) waist. Not sure how to convert the sizes from male to female, also, I've got kind of thick thighs from sport, ext.

    Any ideas?

    I've tried on and bought skinny jeans from New Look at the cheaper end of the market, Top Shop at the middle price range and Miss Sixty at the higher price bracket. Generally, the best time to go is when it's quiet as you're less likely to have a problem trying them on. There a small-ish shopping centre nearby where I bought my first pair of skinny jeans from New Look. I had no problem in there, and have since been in various branches in London. In Top Shop I took the ones I wanted and changed in the men's, my wife was outside to give her opinion and get more as they were needed. Miss Sixty in London's Carnaby Street was no problem even at lunchtime on a weekday. Be honest, they've seen it all before in that area, right?! I've also gone to Camden Town loads of times and never had a problem, far from it.

    Lastly, a good resource is your local charity shop. I've bought quite a few pairs of jeans and of course they're far cheaper than buying new. Oh, you'll also more often than not find a pair of shoes or boots you'll like too. I bought a fantastic pair of 4" black suede stilettos in Kensington's Oxfam shop for £12. They're absolutely gorgeous!!

    Have fun and let us know how you got on :winkiss:

  3. Yes, (some) men are pussies for not going out in heels

    Raymond, which men are pussies for not going out in heels and which are not pussies for not going out in heels?

    In answer to one of the original questions by Beigeboots, I feel it's mainly down to the confidence of each individual and personal circumstance. I sometimes go out in heels 'cos I feel good about it, other times I don't have the courage and pass. It's a shame I lack the courage but I'm not perfect. In fact, I am an incredibily shy individual. In an ideal world I'd wear heels out every day I wanted, to work, to social gatherings, to family events, food shopping, wherever. But I don't live in an ideal world so have to accept there are limits I will not push. So I only wear heels and my fetish outfits in locations I am unlikely to meet people in my "normal" life. And if I did meet someone I knew, chances are they'd be equally "compromised"!

    Were not all super-confident men, but neither is anyone a pussy.

  4. I always wear knee highs with boots, sometimes tights or stockings, if the outfit demands it;) Moving on, I prefer to knee highs rather than socks as the latter are always too thick. The exception is when I'm wearing heavy men's shoes, then it's knee highs under the socks for comfort.

  5. Thanks for your opinion edmondsean, but I really don't need someone - least of all someone I don't know - telling me how I should or shouldn't wear high heels. What makes you think you have the right to lay the law down to the rest of us? You're preaching as though your ideals are a matter of fact, where in reality the wearing of high heels, like any other item of clothing, is a matter of personal choice. Enjoy your crusade, but I doubt you'll get many followers, especially with such a dictatorial and unnecessarily aggresive attitude.

  6. ... but if they are really digging in then maybe the next size up might be worth looking into

    Thanx to everyone for replying so far.

    Heel_Boy, I've tried larger sizes but they're just too big and my feet move around in them too much. The sensation of the tight straps is actually quite nice and re-assuring, not painful in a bad way. It's something I'm more than happy to live with :smile:

  7. I usually take a UK 7 or 8 in stilettos, depending upon the make. However I've found that in high heel strappy sandals I'm a 6. I've even got one pair of stiletto mules in a 5 which fit fine and I can walk in them no problem. Well, allowing for the fact 4" mules aren't the easiest things to walk in at the best of times, are they? I've also noticed that after a few hours wear, when I take them off there are deep impressions where the straps have been. Is this phenomenom unique to me or do others have a similar sizing situation??

  8. I had my first negative experience while shoe shopping the other day. I made a special trip to a shopping area that has both a Nine West and a Steve Madden store. Both stores were moderately busy, but not packed. I picked out a shoe in each store and asked for it in an 11. In both instances they told me flat out that they did not carry 11's. At first, I figured that they may not have considered me a potential sale, but I was wearing my Nine West pumps at the time, so it was obvious that I was quite likely to buy. However, I think they just didn't want to be bothered, since at both Bandolino and Aldo, they offered to check online and order them for me if it was possible. Maybe I will try another time with different clerks.

    Simple solution - complain to the management, either locally or at head office. If nothing else this is unnecessary discrimination and we all deseve better. You're a potential customer FFS - don't they want to make a sale?

  9. Somewhere (many posts ago) I said I'd stop trying shoes and boots on in the shop. Wasn't able to do that. I still try them on, like these which I think are just wonderful. But I still 'impulse' buy and return pairs (that don't work) later on too.


    I don't blame you for trying those. They're gorgeous :o

  10. A nice pair of Bandolino 4.5" stiletto pumps, low vamp, and thick ankle strap that I "impulse" bought yesterday. Have a new look for tonight's outing (think more "rocker"), and these had to come with me. Here's the bartender grabbing a pic of them at the local club I go to as a "test ride" to make sure they were comfortable for 5 hours of dancing!

    Very, very sexy heels!!! :o

  11. I think you should have asked first. :o

    Bit late to "mind" after you've done the deed?

    Just what good is likely to come out of it? Free entry next visit? [i've already said I wouldn't go again even if it was free entry.]

    More likely is that someone will turn up and explain it was an 'unusal day'. The camera's are not usually there, and the Chef is......

    Will that contibute to changing my memory of that day? Impossible.



    I'm really sorry my contribution isn't appreciated and that I've over stepped the mark. I don't think sarcasm is necessary, but if that's the way you wish to behave, so be it.

  12. I've sent the addy to this thread to the LFF web-site. Maybe someone will come along and answer the questions and points raised. Please be assured I have no connection with the organisers and have no other interest other than wanting a friendly and safe place to totter around in. Hope no-one minds?

  13. Went out today in 3" high boots. Usually I don't put them on until I get to my destination. This time I had them on to make sure they went with my outfit and then walked to the car to drive off. The heels made quite a noise. My neighbour was out gardening and looked up to see, expecting perhaps to see some totty, and he got quite a surprise when it was me, but didn't say anything. Another boundary pushed back??!! :o

  14. We had no warning about any filming that was being done before we got there. As for people taking the piss out of us, I didnt notice any. Just a bit of a piss take of charging £5 to get in and not much going on when you do get in.

    Fastfreddy2 said, "As a side note, my escort told me after we left, a couple of men there had a 'titter' at us wearing HH's." Shame, but they don't sound like regulars in the BDSM scene.

    It saddens me to say it but LFF has gone way down in the last year. Last time we were there for 20 minutes, then left. £5 is a bit rich for that and they must try harder if LFF is to survive.

    As a matter of interest, what did you expect or hope to see or experience?

  15. I've been to LFF on a number of occasions, usually wearing stilettoes. In all that time I've not once had an adverse experience. On the contrary, I've been complimented quite a few times on my heels, ability to walk in them and generally how good I look. Yes, LFF is a small market for buying fetish apparel, but it's also usually a good place to meet friends, relax and have a good time. Having said that, I think Shillibeers is a poor location as everything is so crammed together and the cobbles outside are ankle breakers waiting to do their worst. The filming which was mentioned really does concern me though. They filmed there last year for a piece which was broadcast on I think Channel 4, but people were notified in advance on their web-site and via e-mail. Even so this caused quite a kerfuffle and many regulars didn't go that month. Indeed, we left earlier than usually as dodging a camera is no fun. This time there was no such prior warning and that to me is unforgiveable. Does anyone know who / what was being filmed and when it's likely to be broadcast? Were you warned prior to, or at the point of entry that filimng was being done? It's a shame you felt like outsiders because one thing I've learn over the last couple of years is that 99.9% of people in the BDSM / fetish scene are friendly and a non-judgemental bunch. Perhaps you were just unlucky and a few idiots got in to "take the piss" out of everyone?

  16. Variety is the spice of life. If we are being honest here, many of the shoes we love are not the most practical (does a pair of six-inch platform sandals protect your feet very well?). If this were the "Most Practical Shoe Place", we wouldn't be discussing our love of high heels. Ballet flats fall into the same category as high heels in that respect. I agree that this is the High Heel place, but someone (or a few of us) also wear something other than high heels. Please do not take that as a denouncement of those who only wear high heels. I mostly wear high heels. So if ballet flats aren't the most practical shoes to wear, who cares. We're here because we love shoes.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion on this forum, and no opinion is less valid than any other opinion. Some of us also like non-practical ballet flats. If we all liked the same things, we'd all be wearing the same kind of shoes, and wouldn't that be boring?

    So true!!

    I love to wear my stiletto boots and shoes but also have a passion for simple ballet shoes. Recently I wore a black suede pair with back fishnet sox and under-skintight skinny jeans. I love that look, felt great walking down the street and even got an admiring glance as I walked past a nice young lady

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