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Posts posted by heidi.bier

  1. Speaking of sinking one's heels into things, I was at a client's office today who had a really thick shag carpet. The carpet was so thick that my heels kept on sinking into the carpet! Has anyone had experience walking in something like that? I had so much trouble walking in the thick carpet that I almost considered removing my fur lined high heel boots and just walking around in my pantyhose and sock covered feet ......

  2. I know at one of the clients offices I visited, it was an office with younger employees. The guys managed to over ride the master thermostat control and tried to crank up the temperature in the office that December hoping to get the girls in the office to start peeling off their layers of clothes hahaha

  3. It looks like I arrived late to this discussion. I have to second what Cinnamon said regarding ankle boots. Several fashion magazines I have read have also said that pumps make a leg look longer. Knee high boots add confidence and boldness to an outfit. Ankle boots do neither thus they are best for wearing under pants, be it jeans or dress pants. Karen, are you going out with the same guy as last time? Have you considered gladiator sandals if ankle boots are too hot for you?

  4. I am a girl, I am really into fashion but unlike a lot of other girls, I do not appear in public with large expanses of skin exposed, be it very low cut halter tops or bare legs. I like to wear high heels as they make me look taller and sculpt my legs nicely. I do need to stand or walk a bit around my office to various rooms and our office building is rather large. To do so in leather high heel pumps with a 3" heel gets very tiring for me. Instead, I wear a pair of leather knee high boots with a 3" heel that looks very stylish on the outside. On the inside, there is a thick plush fur lining which has excellent padding and makes it feel like I am walking on a rich Persian carpet. Add on two layers of pantyhose for even more padding and I am able to walk in 3" heels without getting tired so quickly. However, my co-workers and friends are wondering why my legs are always covered up and would love to get me out of my heels!

  5. Alexa, do you know what the temperature range is for your office usually? I have visited clients and it is interesting. I have seen office temperatures range from a chilly +16C to a hot +30C. Of course, I hope some of those temperatures are due to equipment malfunctions as such temperatures are not conductive to work.

  6. On this thread of shoes that are hard to remove, today I am wearing a new pair of boots that have two short zippers at 45 degree angles, one near the top of the shaft, another closer to the ankle. Both zippers have flaps that hide them. It has two buckles as well that needs to be undone before the boot can come off. I think if I wear this pair of boots on a date, the guy won't be able to get them off hahaha

  7. It is pretty amazing some of the things one can do in a car. I use it as my private change room at times. With dark tinted windows and a thin blanket, I can go into my car to change pantyhose or socks without others watching. On the day our office climate control system malfunctioned, our office turned into an oven. I thought I could see steam coming out of my fur lined boots so I came to the car remove my boots and pantyhose for a while during lunch time before going back to work in the afternoon. I have been known to change from a dress to sports clothes in the car or vice versa when required. Needless to say, the car is key to my lifestyle just like Alexa & Karen.

  8. Regarding the funny bouncy inflatable castle repair, it is really just applying a big, super sticky sheet of rubber to it. It is the same used for inflatable rafts or snow tubes and it can be done in under 60 seconds. A good analogy is applying a bandaid to a wound. I know because one time my friends and I went snowtubing in the winter. A friend of mine wore stiletto heeled pumps for reasons unknown to me and punctured her bfs snow tube. He took out the repair kit and was done in about 30 seconds. We were snowtubing again and he was very careful where he put her feet :wave: Those shoes you mentioned are aptly named as demonic hahahahahaha Most of the guys I let get close to me are pretty easy going, no control freaks, thankfully. However, some are curious as to why I wear heels so much, especially my fur lined high heel leather boots and pantyhose. The obsession they have is to see my actual leg which they might one day get to see. Might being the key word. In the mean time, I plan to keep them in suspense

  9. Just an interesting tidbit of information I came across as I was reading the news. Researches discovered what they believe to be the world's oldest leather shoe in a cave in Armenia. Armenia is located between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea although its current border touches neither. It was made of a single piece of leather that laced up the front and back and dates back to potentially 3500 B.C.


    The first high heel didn't appear until approximately the year 1500.

  10. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. There is a skill to learning to survive in heels and also an art to properly accessorizing one's outfit so that everything from dress, jewellery, nylons and heels all match. I am learning a lot from some great people here as I myself like heels but am very bad at walking in them. In fact, I never wear pumps with a heel over 2 inches because that tires me out too much.

  11. It is pretty amazing how one can wear a very nice hat, a great top, great skirt, have a great hand bag, nice earrings, excellent mascara, great eye liner, nice lipstick but the outfit is not complete until a nice pair of shoes is there. Women tend to notice shoes a lot. Vogue had a huge article about how an outfit is not complete until you have the proper sandals. I can't link to it since I read it in an actual magazine instead of online but it was a very good read and shows people's attitudes towards how important sandals are. When wearing pumps, I myself do not wear more then a 2 inch heel as I get tired too quickly. Anything over a 2 inch heel I go for boots instead as I can layer padding on inside the boots via a fur lining, thick wool socks and or pantyhose so I tire out less quickly. Also, with the higher heel, I tend to go for wider heels so that it is more stable and I have less chance of spraining my ankle. I love wearing heels though so the only comments I usually get are "I love those boots" or "would you want to take your boots off? it is warm today".

  12. The patterns I have seen on tights is a huge variety these days. All sorts of flowery patterns and designs. Cartoon characters on nylons is something that I have seen in Germany and Japan. I have seen Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Hello Kitty, Betty Boop, Pebbles Flintstone, Snoopy, Garfield, Healthcliff, Tweetie Bird, Barbie, Bratz. Some may be look alikes but they sure draw attention to your legs.

  13. Alexa, you certainly have had a lot of adventures in your heels, be it back in college, be it in the bedroom or at that pub with the inflatable castle! With regards to the bedroom, do the guys have a preference for tall boots, strappy shoes, pumps or sandals? At home, I usually switch to flats unless I am with a date. If I am with a date, then I leave my high heel boots on at home. Unlike the guys Alexa knows, most of my guys keep wanting to take off my high heeled boots. After one romantic date, I was getting playful and cozy with a date, drinking white wine on the couch when he said he wanted to see what my legs look like. Perhaps the white wine had lowered my inhibition but I almost let him unzip my boot when I realized that I was in a very formal looking little black dress with opaque black pantyhose and knee high black leather boots with tall heel. Very dark, very elegant, very mysterious. However, underneath my black boots was a pair of knee high, bright red socks with cartoon characters all over it. It would ruin my look for sure so he ended up having to settle for me with my heels on. Funny story about the inflatable bouncy castle outside the pub. I am surprised they didn't use a bicycle tire repair seal to patch up the leak and re-inflate the castle. It would have been very interesting to see Alexa trying to make her escape from a sinking castle under the full moon at night in her heels!

  14. The plastic bag to cover up my damp wool socks was a good idea. Plastic really does cover up odour. It was a good thing I went to my car and changed the wool socks underneath my boots yesterday because in the afternoon, with the office climate control system still not working properly, one of the really cute computer technicians was rewiring some cables in the office. He spent about 20 minutes under my desk untangling and doing something with the many cables attached to the back of the computer at my in lab workstation. With his nose sometimes very close to my fur lined leather dress boots, I had to be sure that I did not stab him with my high heel, I did not kick him and that no smell escaped from my boots that very warm Monday! Rest assured I had the zippers pulled to the very tops of my boots and if those boots were spacious enough to accommodate another pair of pantyhose, I would have gone to the restroom and put another pair on just to prevent any smell from embarrassingly escaping. Regarding the razor in the car Alexa, have you considered the Quattro razor for women? One of them uses a AAA battery so you don't need to use your car's lighter socket and they are readily available at most pharmacies.

  15. I see you are daring when it comes to fashion Alexa. Have you ever surprised your dates by wearing longer skirts and had them gradually realize that what they thought were gladiator sandals on you actually turned out to have a shaft that went up and over your knees? My skirt collection is huge and I have skirts that range from mini to ankle length skirts. I typically wear the knee length or longer ones to work to look professional but I do wear the shorter ones when I go out to play. I suppose I can wear the gladiator sandal type thigh highs to work and hide the tops under a very long skirt ...... I know I would be very self conscious and would go through great trouble trying to hide the tops though. When you sit down, doesn't the tops of your the boot sandals crease your skirt in such a way that others suspect that it isn't just your thighs under the skirt?

  16. I agree, unlike some of the others here, we do not have the luxury to take off our heels when on the dance floor. I find that in order to accommodate the extra padding for dancing in high heels, I order my boots one size larger then my pumps. You should consider that too.

    Just for the record, 3.5 inch heels are the highest I have ever tried and even two layers of wool socks and pantyhose was barely enough padding to allow 3 hours of stop and go dancing in such high heels! My legs were very warm though.

    First off, congratulations on being able to dance for such a long time in skyscraper 3.5 inch heels.

    When I find I need to wear heels that are over 2.5", I usually avoid stilettos as I want a thicker heel for better balance. Spraining my ankle is not fun.

    With regards to order boots one size larger then a normal shoe, I agree, that is a great idea. Even half a size larger is not always enough to accommodate the thick socks and/or pantyhose used for padding inside the boots. One size larger is definitely more comfortable. All my new boots with heels above 2.5 inches will be one American size larger. Time for me to go shopping again for heels :wave:

  17. Hello there! I LUV Gianmaro Lorenzi (Italian) shoes. Anyone know anything about the sizing on this particular line?


    I asked a friend who said they fit true to size. Have you tried them on at your local store just yet?

  18. It is around 65F degrees outside but our office climate control is set to 70F year round. It is interesting how in January, with our office climate control at a set 70F, women will wear thick turtleneck sweaters with wool skirts, pantyhose and high heeled boots to work while in July, with the temperature at 70F, women will wear halter tops, the thinnest cotton skirts you can imagine and flip flops to work.

    I also notice that at my office too. People tend to dress a lot more according to the temperatures outside and a lot less for the temperature inside the office. I take it because that is because there is a much wider fluctuation in the outside temperature for the human body, be it too hot or too cold and the office is set at a temperature that most people feel comfortable at. Unless of course you are working in a lab environment, then the temperature is set so that the bio cultures get the best yield :)

    Today, I have on a crisp white top with a darker color silk blend skirt. On my legs I have on two pairs of skin tone pantyhose to prevent runs and a pair of tan, almost skin tone knee high leather boots with a thin heel. It almost looks like I have on a white top, a dark skirt and nothing else because my pantyhose and boots are skin tone and without a close up inspection, it looks like my legs are bare.

    Do you guys think this look is too sexy for the office?

    Great look!!! You look like you are covered up on top but are completely bare below your skirt for the long bare legs appearance until people look closer to see your heels to discover that you are actually far from bare below the waist. You are also quite a tease :wave:

  19. Cinnamon, like yourself, I read a lot of fashion magazines but only selectively follow fashion trends. Tights, stockings, pantyhose, nylons of any sort was out of fashion from about 2003 until 2008. Now I know they are making a big comeback as designers of all stripes are coming out with newer better materials they run less, more comfortable materials and all sorts of fun, sexy, creative, playful patterns. Also like yourself, I am almost never found with bare legs as I am too white and too shy. I wear my pantyhose/tights seven days a week, more conservative colours on weekdays to work and more playful fun patterns on weekends. After getting used to regularly wearing pantyhose, I feel very exposed without them on. You said you like to wear clips to hold them up to a garter belt or stay ups. Do your bfs enjoy playing with the clips? I know that is a very big tease and if I ever wore stockings on a date, I know it would attract his attention for sure.

  20. First off Alexa, pouring a drink down his shirt is great revenge! Also, the link you sent about the history of guys drinking champagne out of women's high heel slippers was interesting. I know guys like heels as it makes our legs look longer and our posture look better but I had no clue alcohol and high heel slippers had such a history. I guess that is only in older movies as that fad seemed to have fizzled, most likely for sanitary reasons although I know wine glass makers are very creative and who knows what shape glasses they will come up with next. Alexa, Cinnamon, you both said that guys have asked you to keep your high heel shoe or sandals on when intimate. Is that particularly difficult for you? Does it get tangled up with sheets, other clothing items or stab him in areas you don't want stabbed? I also take it the high heels usually fall by themselves once the action gets intense, doesn't it?

  21. How high is the platform on the Bebe Lizas? I have noticed a lot of manufacturers place their branding on the insole of the shoe which is only noticeable to the wearer. The current pair of boots I am wearing has no branding on the outside at all, only a small silver buckle ornament around the ankle which does not have the brand on it. Then again, I purchased these boots because they look elegant, they have good traction and because the fur lining provides excellent padding. Speaking of wet, there was some light rain this morning. When I parked my car at the office, I opened my car door and there was a big puddle waiting for me. I am so glad these boots are water resistant. If the fur lining inside as well as my wool socks and pantyhose got wet, I would be in for a very uncomfortable day at the office.

  22. Hello to all

    My name is Vicky (30 something) and I live in sunny Florida---I love to wear my high heels to work every day and for play on my weekends off. I am a hostess at a popular restaurant and love the looks I get from both the men and often the women I meet every day.

    Welcome to the forums. Feel free to join our chats in the girls section of the forum. We have some interesting discussions going on there.

  23. What I keep in my car can sometimes end up in my hand bag like lotions, spare pantyhose, spare socks, tampons, etc. Is that the same for you as well Alexa & Karen? One small problem I face today is this. I wore my knee high fur lined boots with 3" heel along with a pair of pantyhose and wool socks. However, the climate control system is not working properly in my office. Come lunch time, I might go to the car to change to a fresh pair of wool socks as this pair has the potential to get damp in the warmer climate of my office today. How can I prevent the pair of damp socks in my car from making my entire car from smelling? Hmmm, such an embarrassing problem.

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