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Posts posted by heidi.bier

  1. How long did you go clubbing for? I'm glad the jeans didn't get too hot for clubbing :wave: Some clubs here in Germany have the air conditioning turned up so high, you have to bring extra clothes to prevent getting frost bite while other clubs have near zero air conditioning so you can practically go dance in a bikini hahaha

  2. Is there someone in here with the same problem as me? I have very small feet EUR size 33,5... I find it very hard to find shoes that fit but I have finally found a pair of beautiful black stilettos and one pair of very nice high heeled boots. Otherwise I'm restricted to shopping in the childrens department... not so nice... I have to import every shoe and I envy all of you with "regular" shoe sizes...

    Nienna, I realize that trying to find a nice pair of high heel pumps or boots in size 33.5 EU is very difficult. Perhaps you can try wearing two pairs of thick socks so you can fit into a larger size pump or boot.

  3. I was not too far off the North Sea coast as I attended festival. There was a lot of events going on but I was there for the free concerts with my friends. There were several famous singers and who went to the outdoor bandshell and the atmosphere was great. At night, while the band performed, a lot of the spectators outdoors held glow sticks as we watched the performance. I wore a white and silver graphic t-shirt with a leather jacket with a dark leather skirt. I was not sure if I was going to be able to get seats to the concert so I might be in the standing room area. To be on the safe side, I wore a pair of black leather fur lined knee high boots with a chunky heel, no pantyhose, but I did wear two pairs of thick knee high woolly socks inside the fur lined boots for padding. I was lucky, I managed to get one of the last few seats available for the concert. I am home now as it began to rain outside and I did not want to ruin my leather jacket in the rain. I removed my fur lined boots when I got home but the temperature change was soooooooo great without my boots on! I padded around my house for a few minutes without my boots on before I quickly put on a pair of knee high, feece lined Uggs to get that warm, cozy feeling back again. Now I am wearing my Uggs at home.

  4. It is interesting Alexa that in romantic situations, we both sometimes keep our high heels on and that we are both conscious of smell. You are conscious of smell as you do not wear socks with your heels in romantic situations. I am conscious of smell even though I typically would have thick woolly socks and pantyhose underneath my high heeled boots. It is because I don't want to be in a potentially embarrassing situation that I do not allow my boots to come off or to even get unzipped. Some guys will try to convince me that I will feel more relaxed if my boots are unzipped during romantic moments but the opposite is true. If they are unzipped, I would be conscious of smell escaping and I would have to curl my toes to prevent my boots from accidentally getting any looser. Also, with pantyhose on and boots which I don't let the guys remove, my dates know there will be no easy access :wave:

  5. Goodness Me...you're wrapped up for Winter! Do you live and work in cold climate then Heidi??

    My 'tip' would be, don't wear boots in the warmer months...wear strappies.

    The temperature is currently about 12C (54F) right now but I would wear my fur lined boots even if it is much warmer as I need the extra padding - fur lining, pantyhose, thick socks - so that I can wear high heels for a long time without my feet hurting. If I wear strappy sandals, I wouldn't be able to hide my pantyhose and socks haha

    Not everyone is as good as walking in ultra high heels in bare feet like you. You have a unique talent though that I wish I had

  6. Thank you all for the links and responses. I'll will most definately check it out. I'm after high heels 12 cm so shopping in the childrens department just won't do anymore. I the only upside to this is the price though :wave:

    Just out of curiosity, how high do children's high heels go up to? How many cm?

  7. My boyfriend is always getting me to keep my heels on in the bedroom, he's a real heels man. He loves the stockings, heels combo - seems to bring the best out of him :):wave:

    Interesting. I always thought guys would focus on two areas a little higher up. What sort of heels does he like? Are you going with 3 inch sandals or knee high boots or pumps?

    How long do the heels stay on for on a date?

  8. Alexa, that is a pretty big change, going from not even owning a pair of socks to wearing the thick woolly socks inside your lace up boots! Do you wear the thick woolly socks when you are wearing your tall platform boots with 5 inch heels too for padding? Although it may shock you, I have gone without hosiery or socks when wearing heels as well. It is just that if the heel is anything two inches or higher, no padding becomes uncomfortable. A lot of shoe makers have very minimal padding. Also, the chafing bothers me so I end up tired and uncomfortable in my heels. The more padding I have, the longer I can go on wearing heels it seems. With my current combination of fur lined boots with pantyhose and thick woolly socks, I can wear my three inch heels all day, everyday it seems. Regarding socks though, there are times when my socks did not match my outfit, be it a business outfit, a semi-formal outfit, a party dress, etc so I never would allow my date to take off my high heel boots. Think of me wearing a little black scoop neck, open back dress with suntan pantyhose and my black knee high dress boots. If my date removes my boots, my appearance of having flawless bare legs with a great tan will be gone as it will become obvious I am wearing suntan pantyhose. Also my thick wool sock won't match the dress either. Do you have that problem as well of your socks not matching your outfit so you don't let guys take off your heels Alexa? Interesting, for Anna Louise, your strappy sandals are the ones that are the hardest to remove. Have you considered switching to slide sandals just so you can kick them off whenever you have the whim? ...... I used to think that lace up or pull on boots took the most time to remove, now I am beginning to think strappy sandals could be the most troublesome.

  9. Alexa, I took a look at the Gothic clothes on that website. A lot of clothes there look gorgeous!!!!! I also noticed that a lot of the models on the Goth fashion site wore platform boots. Is platform boots the popular footwear for Goths of 2010? Getting back to the discussion on platforms with heels, I know exactly what you mean when you talk about certain platforms with heels being very stable. I am beginning to find that platforms with a wider base tend to be more stable and allows me to get away with a higher heel. One trend I see is this though. With high heel platform sandals, a cork base is very common. Cork is light. With high heel platform boots, the base is almost always rubber. I wonder why that is. On the topic of driving, I find driving in heels without platforms a lot easier then driving in platforms. Thus whenever I am in my car, I would either wear my high heels or my sneakers, never platforms. I don't think I can get out of my car park while wearing platforms hahaha

  10. Well non-bikini babe Alexa, if you go to the east coast of Great Britain to go to the beach and I head to the northwest coast of Germany, we would both be facing the same body of water, namely the North Sea.

    The temperature is currently 12C (54F) at the beaches today so even if I were to wear a bikini, it would surely be hidden underneath a jacket, a warmer skirt and pantyhose hahaha. Us wearing our thicker heeled boots on the beach or at the boardwalk by the beach wouldn't be out of place given the temperature as I am guessing the temperature in southeast Great Britain is similar to northwest Germany, at the beaches at least?

  11. I feel for you Nienna! It is hard but there is good news. Children's shoes usually cost less and depending on the country you are in, some countries charge tax on adult shoes but not on children's shoes. At a store I went to recently, I saw a pair of adult boots for 100€ but the very same pair in children's sizes was only 75€!

  12. Yup. A while ago, when I was between boyfriends, I wore my lace up thigh boots on a date, later at his place, he wanted to take them off, and took a look at the laces and lack of zippers and was like "eff that" LOL. He didn't seem to mind that I kept them on the rest of the night either :wave:

    hahaha ........ If you really want to tease him, wear those boots with pantyhose and see his reaction, especially when he really really wants something :)

    Did you wear those boots again on future dates? I'll bet he will NEVER forget that night with you either!

    Once upon a time in my student days I had some (very cheap) boots in a kind of glossy PVC material with zips on them. On returning with my boyfriend to his flat, he tried to remove them and succeeded in jamming both the zippers. The serrated edges of the zips had got out of alignment and the sliders could not be moved up or down. Fortunately I wasn't wearing tights, so we could get the rest of my clothes off, but I was aware that I hadn't got any other footwear to put on if If I tore them or cut them so I wore my boots all night. My boyfriend's flatmates were surprised to see me going to the bathroom in the morning with a dressing gown and high heeled patent boots on. I think their opinion of him rose quite considerably as a result of that. Whilst my wearing them seemed to enhance my partner's ardour, the boots themselves became distinctly damp and clammy over the course of the night, so it was a relief to get home and get them off. I cut very carefully along the fabric of the zip, so as not to damage the boot itself. I intended to take them to a cobbler and get new zips put in, but as they'd only cost me around £30 to begin with I never got around to it and threw them away at the end of the academic year as it didn't seem worth taking them home.


    Alexa, you wild thing!!! You really have lots of adventures don't you? You have the inflatable bouncy castle adventures, the drinking wine out of your heel adventures and now this adventure where you get your date's pulse rate up to 150 for the entire night. Perhaps I should purposely keep my boots on with my date after hearing about your adventures and see how they react :clap:

    Did you wear socks on under those boots? I know with a lot of knee high boots, if the zipper is halfway down, if one tugs and gently prods, my boots can be slid off over slippery nylons. If you have socks, the socks might come off with the boots. Perhaps the guy didn't want to try that hard to take them off as he preferred you with them on. Perhaps he liked the image of you wearing them with your nightie when you two had your fun? :smile:

  13. Alexa, thank you for mentioning the book on how to walk in heels. Which do you find more challenging, tall platforms or tall heels? Like yourself, if I didn't have a car, I probably wouldn't wear heels half as much. Puma sneakers would probably be what I would wear all the time outside of work but with the aid of a car and lots of padding, I am lucky to be able to wear heels everyday of the week. With regards to walking in heels, looking elegant is great but if one looks clumsy, then it really defeats the purpose of wearing heels.

  14. It is 13°C here today so it is still cool enough for me to wear my fur lined leather boots with wool socks and pantyhose but perhaps over time, I have gotten so used to the warm micro climate and protection that my boots offer that I feel extremely vulnerable without them on. Perhaps I should do what Alexa does, just go and play around at the beach in just a bathing suit when the weather gets warmer. The North Sea does get warmer by July and at the latest, August.

  15. I always wear stockings with my shoes since I dread panty hoses... this togehther with beautiful garters I tend to wear it almost everyday since I live in a quite cold country :wave: I love beatuiful lingirie and I love quality so I always strive to look my best even on the inside I feel more comfortable knowing that I have something beautiful even underneath.

    I am just like yourself! I love beautiful lingerie and how it has made itself into mainstream fashion. I take it most of the skirts you wear are long enough to cover the garter belts?

    Do you stick with stockings even in the winter time or do you switch to pantyhose then?

  16. Yes...it's a VERY common foot fetish. I have Galleries on 'Flickr', and I receive dozens of messages everyday from guys who want to 'smell' my feet and toes (and do other unspeakable things to them as well)....and these fetishes always involve the insides of my shoes that are worn regularly.

    Each to his own I say....................

    If that is the case, I will have to work harder to prevent any smell at all from escaping from my boots, especially now, during the warmer months! Any tips?

    The IT staff are still doing their major rewiring of the office lab now that new drywall has been put up and the lab has had a facelift. I never know when the boys from IT might need to come back to my lab workstation while I am working there. Today I have worn a pair of wool socks up against my skin. Wool is great for absorbing any sweat. Then I have pantyhose over that before having my fur lined high heel boots wrap up my calf and feet. I am hoping no smell can escape, otherwise I would turn beet red with embarrassment!

  17. For me, my equilibrium is under 1.5 inches without good padding. If I wear lots of padding, like fur lined high heeled boots, pantyhose and thick socks, I can go up to 3.5 inches. I won't exceed that though as I know my own body. As for wearing the 3 to 3.5 inch heels with lots of padding, I typically still do not exceed 11 hours time in them. When I come home from the office I usually change to flats unless I have guests over or I am going out. If I go out after work, I have spent up to 16 hours straight in 3 inch heels without platform or 5 inch heels + 2 inch platform but my boots are very well padded to try offset the strain and even then, a plush fur lining, thick socks and pantyhose still can only help so much.

  18. It seems when summer comes around. There are less women wearing heels/boots and out come the ugly flip flops. I see a lot more women wearing heels/boots in the winter. Which is kind of odd since its a more dangerous season to with the snow and ice.

    sad I am :wave:

    I love the look as well as the feel of high heels so I try to wear them whenever I can. Plus heels go so much better with my skirts. Myself as well as some people college friends plus people here have also confirmed what I found. The higher the heel, the more uncomfortable, especially if you are standing, walking or dancing in them for any length of time. My typical heels are only 3 inches high but in order for me to wear them day in day out, from morning until evening, I almost always wear them with my knee high boots. If I know I will be on my feet for a long time or if I will be doing anything resembling distance walking or dancing, I will choose to go with a pair of knee high boots that are very stylish on the outside but have a thick padded fur lining on the inside. I will then also wear dancers pantyhose and thick socks inside the boots for additional padding. All this gets warm. Although I have gotten used to being very warm, most girls prefer to be cool, thus they opt for flip flops instead of heels in the summer time but will choose heels with lots of hidden padding inside in the winter time.

  19. I suspect the guys who are trying to convince me to go without my high heeled, leather knee high, fur trim boots at the office are curious as most other women are wearing flip flops yet here I am with my legs still fully covered up. My boots go up to my knees, then there is pantyhose that covers up my knees or if I am wearing long socks that stick out the end of my boots, they sometimes cover my knees too and above that I have a skirt that goes to my waist. Several other girls in my office are wearing minis and flip flops. Then when it gets cold in the office due to the air conditioning, they sometimes switch to ballet flats with thin skin tone nylons.

  20. The "smelling used shoes" fetish is just one of the more "mild" fetishes some men have for high heels. Just use your imagination and think of every unsavory action that someone can do with a pair of high heels

    Hold on a second, you mean some guys like to smell girls shoes??? Is this a common thing???

    I am asking because as a girl who is not good at walking in very high heels but loves to wear heels, I usually wear a pair of knee high boots to work that has a 3 inch heel. To offset the very high heel, I found a pair of boots with a thick fur lining for padding. I also wear pantyhose and thick socks for even more padding. Some guys seem interested in trying to convince me to take my boots off but I thought they were just playing around ............

  21. Are you comfortable with stockings or pantihose or rather just bare foot

    The higher the heel, the more padding I want. Otherwise I get tired very quickly. I know some girls are really good at walking in skyscraper heels without any support but as some girls on this site said, they take their shoes off once they sit down.

    I typically keep my heels on all day at work and since I wear 3" heels, I wear a pair of knee high fur lined boots. The fur lining is great padding. I add pantyhose and thick socks for even more padding. Then I can go all day without tiring myself out in such high heels.

  22. Yes, I can get changed and d a lot of beauty touch-ups in the car. Often I shuffle over into the passenger seat so the steering wheel and pedals are not in the way whilst I change. It helps if I'm parked somewhere where people aren't overlooking me.

    So your boots and socks do come off sometimes Heidi. But it sounds like you prefer to keep well wrapped up most of the time.


    I don't know what to do for the summer Alexa. I love wearing the 3" heels but only if I have lots of padding. When it gets really hot outside, I might have to drop to pumps with 2" heels and go without socks and pantyhose ......

    You are amazing Alexa, you've managed to wear heels of such incredible heights without padding or anything else to help you out! The girls at your office must be jealous for sure. If I was there in person, I would ask you to teach me how to walk in such high heels. A walking lesson if you will

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