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Posts posted by heidi.bier

  1. The organization I work for was hiring a summer intern to help out around the office with calculations on things such as statistical inference, estimates, confidence intervals, P-value interpretations, etc. A staff member from human resources did the interview. My boss sent me to be our department representative to sit in on the preliminary rounds of the interviews. It was a comfortable July day with cool winds blowing in from the North Sea so that temperatures were about +15C in the morning and reached a high of +20C by mid-afternoon. I wore a white blouse, a long white skirt, white pantyhose and a pair of white knee high leather boots with a 2.5 inch stiletto heel. I was a good girl and didn't wear a black bra underneath white clothes. That is for after work. Since I didn't wear thick padded socks inside my boots, I didn't dare go with a higher heel for fear of tiring myself out that day. The first two summer intern candidates came in wearing business suits with flip flops much to my surprise. The third wore a green dress with a tie and open toe mules with a 1 inch heel. They weren't that much younger then me but I would never dress like that to an interview. Hmmm ......

  2. In a few weeks, some high heel sandals should be going on sale as summer merchandise is going to be cleared to make way for fall merchandise at stores, everyone be on the looking for good deals!

  3. While I have not seen that exact pair, I have seen very similar pairs at clearance warehouses that were clearing winter stock for summer flip flops. Were you able to find that pair or something similar online?

  4. I would never attempt to wear something smaller then my actual shoe size. That is very painful! Wearing a size larger in the cooler weather is okay as I can layer socks/pantyhose to get the right fit. In the summertime, it has to be the right fit.

  5. Hi Leigh, those boots are absolutely gorgeous. You're a very lucky girl lol

    And yes Heidi, to answer you question, I'm also one of those people who think boots offer more support than shoes. I wear boots most of the year but now the sun has come out here in the UK I've switched over to my courts for work and I noticed it straight away!

    I'm the same as you Sue! Now that the temperatures reached a high of +27C just past noon, I switched to my pumps with an ankle strap and feel like I am walking on hard rock. Of course, there is no way I can bring my boots back out until the temperature drops. What months do you wear your boots up until Sue?

  6. I am surprised to see that a lot of girls would just slip off their heels to drive instead of changing into sneakers, Uggs or flip flops. I know that most flats, especially sneakers are usually very comfortable to drive in. I am guessing they are the most efficient shoes to wear too when driving since that is what NASCAR drivers wear as well for their races.

  7. Corsets are great! They take some getting used to though as when I first wore them, I could hardly breathe but now that I am used to them, I love the shape. In the summer, people wear less control top pantyhose which helps keep the waist thin. The corset can take over for giving that thin shape

  8. During the cooler seasons, I wear Uggs at home and sometimes get so used to their comfort, I want to wear them outside. Then I see myself in the mirror with them on and quickly change back into heels haha

  9. Yesterday I had a play fight with my partner which involved him throwing me backwards onto the bed, trapping my legs and whipping my shoes off. He lay across my legs so I couldn't get away and proceeded to administer a foot massage. I'm really ticklish so this reduced me to giggles and after a few moments I was completely helpless. He took his time over it, and after what seemed like ages he put my shoes back on my feet (a good move - I wouldn't be able to run after him so fast) and left the room quickly before I could get my own back. Revenge is a dish best eaten cold. I'm plotting something special for him . . .


    Great story Alexa! Perhaps if you tease him by wearing those pumps with the ankle straps that has a buckle on it, he will go crazy trying to unfasten the buckle as I realized, most guys can't figure buckles out! hahaha

    Do let us know what you are plotting for him :)

    One of my friends claimed he had learned reflexology (the science of foot massage to determine illness and relax a person) when he visited the United States, the origin of reflexology. I let him try but he had no clue how to work the ankle strap on my pumps and eventually gave up trying to get my pumps off :wave:

  10. Believe me I've got much experience with soles and lots of socks to go with it just to be able to fit into a pair of size 35 shoes but that only works during the cold seasons... It works in boots though if you can manage the heat in the summer :wave:

    How many pairs of socks and/or nylons does it take for you to go from a size 33.5 to a size 35?

    I know that once you hit a size 35, finding shoes is no longer that hard. Also, the extra padding you have on will help making walking in heels more comfortable.

  11. Popping out can lead to a lot of blisters as I have seen many other women have an almost permanent bandage around the part of the ankle where the edge of the pump touches the skin. Would wearing thicker nylons help solve that problem for you?

  12. With the hot temperatures here in Europe, it is getting harder and harder to wear nylons although wearing heels without nylons does not work for me. Good thing air conditioning at home, in the office, at the malls and in the car help me out a great deal or else I might have had to go without nylons which means I would have to forsake my heels as well

  13. Speaking of height, I was fairly surprised by the amount of people on this message board that are over 6 feet or 1.83 meters tall without heels. I was even more surprised to find out that these people still love to wear ultra tall heels. In fact, some people who have privately messaged me have claimed to be well over 7 feet or 2.13 meters tall. That is getting into basketball player heights!

  14. I hear you Shintav! The comfort factor can be so big which is why in certain cities, I know girls have just two pieces of footwear that get regular use. Uggs in the winter, flip flops in the summer. Their other pieces just sit in their closet.

  15. Getting back to the topic of driving, I know most vehicle pedals have a rubber surface designed for grip. When I wear boots with a tread or sport shoes or even pumps without too high a heel, there is no problems. The problem arises with shoes that have 1. thick soles, 2. fall off easily, 3. extreme heel. Interesting how many people here opt to drive without shoes and slip their mules or platforms or extreme heels on after the drive

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