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Posts posted by heidi.bier

  1. Hello Jane,

    Ah, so you actually enjoy the sloshing effect of closed toe pumps. If you enjoy the sloshing, perhaps next time it rains, you can try a pair of ankle boots for even more sloshing. Just be sure to empty the water before you go indoors :wave: ....... When you wear tan pantyhose, doesn't it become very transparent, almost as if you aren't wearing any when they get wet?

    It is a cool +12C here in northern Germany but that is not what is keeping me in boots. It is the fact that I can hide so much extra padding inside my boots so I can walk relatively comfortably in high heels that I wear my boots everyday. It does get hot wearing knee high leather boots with two layers of pantyhose and thick socks but I have actually gotten accustomed to the heat so that if I am wearing just pumps with my pantyhose and socks, I feel really cool and exposed. Strange, I know but it is the price I pay so that I can wear high heels all the time. If it gets really hot outside, I sometimes do wear just ballet flats. Since I also try not to get wet, wearing waterproof leather boots is another advantage for me, so long as I don't sweat and get my nylons damp and moist.


    Hi Heidi

    I do indeed. I love the way you describe it - slosh! LOL ;o) Actually not so much with the peep toes - they are just wet and slippy cos the water can get straight out. I have worn tan and black pantyhose when wearing them - always with red nail polish. I love the look of my toes through the wet tights. You get the sloshing as you say when wearing enclosed heels. :) A different, but equally nice, experience. :)

    You shouldn't be embarrassed about your feet! Think getting your feet out is very different to forgetting to wear a bra but know what you are saying. Not that I am biased but I think I have quite nice feet though I am still embarrassed about getting them wet intentionally in public when wearing shoes. That's why the current rain is great. Didn't manage to get caught in any rain today but decided to walk back to the car in my heels. The ground was really wet from an earlier shower so I got a few drops of water thrown up on my feet (no tights today) but nothing more.

    Germany definitely can't be as cold as England is at the moment - it's meant to be summer! Don't your feet get really hot wearing all those layers though? Don't you ever wear flip-flops or something more airy even when it does get warmer?


  2. Hi Jane,

    I see you like to wear peep toe pumps when you slash around. I guess the the peep toe allows more water to get in, slosh around and slide out of the pumps? ...... What colour pantyhose do you wear when you splash around? I take it that skin tone pantyhose would become almost transparent while the black ones will remain opaque?

    I find walking in high heels very tiring and uncomfortable. If I wear padding, like two layers of pantyhose and one to two layers of thick socks over the pantyhose, I will have a padding which makes wearing high heels a lot more comfortable. The more padding I have on, the higher the heel I can wear and the longer I can remain in heels. That being said, it looks strange to wear sandals and pantyhose with socks. That is why I always wear boots if I am in high heels. After getting used to having my feet well covered, I feel very shy if my feet are exposed, almost as if I forgot to wear my bra when going outside.

    Northern Germany is not as cool as England in the summer although it is not too hot a place, especially if you live along the coast by the north sea.


    Hi Heidi, great to hear from you. :)

    I have a pair of peep-toe black heels which I love to wear out in the rain with pantyhose... and obviously "accidentally" keep stepping in puddles. Likewise walking in wet grass in the same heels is wonderful. I prefer to wear tights if possible... but depends on the oufit obviously. ;o) I have some strappy heels too but they are nightmare to walk in when wet as my feet slip all over the place... and not sure wearing tights with them looks right or not. Though did try that at home!!! ;o)

    Do you always wear boots? Do you never wear just heels and pantyhose? Germany isn't as cold and wet as England surely!!! ;o)

    I haven't ever had my feet so wet that I had to change at work no. I tend to keep my trainers on now to walk to work from the car even if it is raining. As much as I love getting my feet wet it can get quite uncomfortable at work if it isn't appropriate to wander round in just stockinged feet cos of meetings, etc. So if it is raining I will just keep my heels on after work for the walk back to car... :)

  3. Hello Jane,

    What are your favourite heels to get wet in? Do you wear pantyhose as well when you play in the water?

    One time I wore a pair of suede boots with a mid-heel to work. Living in Germany, just across the North Sea from Great Britain, we get our fair share of rain as well. That day, it was pouring rain and I discovered that my suede boots were not waterproof! My boots got all soaked and the padding I wore inside my boots, a pair of wool socks and two pairs of pantyhose also got soaked! Since i was already wet, I let my inner child out and was splashing in and out of puddles until I got to work.

    At the office, I removed my boots and peeled off my wool socks. When I put my boots back on, they were too loose for me to walk around comfortably in. That plus walking in heels without padding is quite uncomfortable for me. I went to the restroom and spent a lot of time on the hand dryer, trying to dry off my wool socks and boots. In the end, I spent that morning hiding behind my desk with just my pantyhose on. It was not until afternoon that my socks and boots were dry enough for me to wear again.

    Have you ever had your pantyhose and heels get too wet to wear at work?

    Hi Heidi, how are you?

    Yes I have got my feet wet many times. Still being self-concious about it though I tend to avoid doing it too obviously in public. Fortunately England tends to live up to its reputation and I can "accidentally" get caught in the rain quite a lot. :)

    We hadn't had much rain for the last few months but recently we've had some pretty heavy downpours (it's summer!) so being caught out in them has been quite easy.

    It's really strange to talk about and I feel weird talking about it here. I have talked to my best friend about it and she makes fun of me no end but that's what friends are for! I got her to get her heels wet once but once was all I managed!

    It doesn't appear you have ever got your heels wet... haven't you even by accident?

  4. If you rotate every so often between footwear with narrow toe boxes and wide toe boxes, you might be able to avoid having your shape altered. Wearing padding also helps. I have to admit though, most of my boots and pumps have narrow toe boxes as I find that shape more glamorous .......

  5. What height heel are you most comfortable with Alexa?

    While I wear heels on a regular basis, I typically wear heels with at least one layer of thick socks and two layers of pantyhose for padding to offset the heel thus I still can't wear heels barefoot. Without padding, I am still stuck in flats like Uggs, sneakers or ballet flats.

    I'm getting closer and closer to being stuck. On the increasingly rare occasions I walk around in flats I can certainly feel it in my calves, and even my shins. It's still possible to walk in flats, but, for example, after a shopping trip a few weeks ago where I wore ballet flats for a day wandering round the shops, it was a relief to get home and slip some heels on for an hour or two in te evening. Felt like my feet were finally in the right position!


  6. Alexa, very good to see you again!!!!!!!

    Do your platform heels have a good rubber grip on the bottom Alexa?

    Alexa said:

    Seems like ages since I've logged in here. I didn't even know whether my password would still work. The things I find most difficult are sideways slopes. I'm usually to be found wearing a fairly broad heel, so thye're less likely to go down through gratings or between paving stones, but my love of platforms means a side slope is an adventure in itself.

    Yes, I'd agree with Amanda, going downstairs is a challenge. Wearing heels makes the whole staircase seem steeper and more precipitous.



    Amanda Snake said:

    That's odd, I never had problems going up stairs before4. Only down.

    Actually that's not entirely true. Come to think of it, I did trip going up steps in a restaurant once wearing pointy shoes. One toe of which caught on the step.

    I agree, going down stairs is even more hazardous in high heels but the staircase I was mentioning was very steep and the ledge was very narrow so evening going up the stairs was a huge challenge for me.

    After my presentation, I waited until no one was around on the stairwell before I removed my boots and walked down on socked feet. I find it really embarrassing to have to remove my high heel boots in public. Partially because it means that I can't handle such high heels, even if the environment was hazardous like that rickety old staircase, secondly because I don't want people to know that I can wear such high heels because I hide layers of padding such as a layer of thick wool socks and two layers of pantyhose inside my boots for padding and thirdly because my grey wool socks do not match the rest of my outfit!

    Has anyone else had to remove their heels to navigate a certain environment like a steep staircase or cobblestone walkways?

  7. Getting back on topic of wearing heels for an extended period of time, I have been trying to adjust to higher heels this week. My current pair of boots have a 3.5" heel which I am very slowly getting accustomed to as I usually wear 3" or less heels. I have worn this pair of boots for 3 days straight with them only coming off for showering and sleeping everyday! Today is probably my last day as my legs are getting exhausted so I will likely change back to flats when I get home.

  8. Dolly, you listed some very serious challenges to heel wearers. I really have to think about your list as they all seem to apply to me LOL. Stairs, especially steep staircases without hand rails present the biggest challenges to me. In fact, I was giving a presentation at a very old museum one time. The staircase was long, windy, steep and it did not have a hand rail. I was wearing a white business skirt suit with white knee high boots that had 3" stiletto heels. With no one in the staircase, I took off my knee high boots. With them off, I realized that the thick grey wool socks and black pantyhose I had on underneath did not match my white skirt suit at all! I quickly grabbed my boots and went up the stairs as quickly as possible to avoid anyone seeing me. Once I arrived at the 3rd floor, I quickly put my boots back on.

  9. Heidi

    You make it sound as if I'm organised. I'm afraid not. Most days I tend to wear the same shoes all day. If the mood takes me I might change at work.

    People typically wear different outfits to work everyday but like you, if there is a certain pair of heels I like, I would wear that pair for quite a few days consecutively as well! In fact, the pair of boots I have on right now, a leather knee high pair of a 3.5" heel and a plush fur lining, I have worn for 4 out of the last 5 days at the office. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who wears a favorite pair to work for several days in a row :)

    Is there a comfortable or favorite pair you have been wearing to the office lately Dolly?

  10. Wow, I see I am late to this discussion but I also oddly find I enjoy getting my heels wet. Like most ladies here I always thought it was horrible. Then one day a couple of years ago it was pouring with rain (mid-June so you can guess it was England!) when I headed to work. It isn't far from my car to the office and having worn trainers to drive didn't actually have to change at that point but did... so my feet got quite damp in black tights and heels. I was really annoyed and spent most of the day just rambling around the office in just my tights to let my heels dry. At the end of the day my heels still weren't dry but I wore them back to the car, changed into the trainers and drove home.

    I have no idea why but when I got home I did what now seems to be the most insane thing ever. I filled a bowl with warm water, put my damp heels back on, sat in front of the telly and put both my feet in the bowl without removing my tights or heels. I just loved the sensation... kept slipping my feet in and out of the heels in the water.

    Interesting experience ...... since that wet day a couple of years ago, have you gotten your heels and tights wet again?

  11. Hello Heidi

    They sort of accumulate over time. For instance we had a dreadful winter here. So I obviously wore boots to work, I'd take some shoes in may bag and change into them at work. I didn't want to wear wet slushy boots all day. The shoes would get left at work because I couldn't face taking them back in my bag I carry enough stuff as it is! This Thursday is a good example. It was throwing it down with rain so I wore some knee boots to work - I hate having to wear wet tights that have splash marks on them from cars or just mucky pavements. I got to work and just changed onto one of the pairs of shoes under the desk - easy! That said I came home in my shoes too so I've left the boots there now.

    Like you I only wear heels at work, I don't do this flattie /heels thing. I do drive in flatties now and then, which means there might be a pair or two of shoes left in the car too.

    My husband says that I have more shoes at work and in the car than he owns. Not quite true...but close.

    That is very practical of you to have a good selection of shoes and boots at the office and in the car so you are ready for whatever weather you encounter. What is the most pairs of shoes you have worn one day at the office?

    Strange as it may sound, I feel very naked without my heels on in a public place so at the office, my boots never come off. I know I am in the minority as the majority of women at the office seem to switch shoes, like yourself, very often.

  12. Indeed i was not my intension to use thin heels on that treadmill.

    Just only boots that have a wide/big heel.

    Wedges would also be a good/usefull idea.

    Today i walked 30minutes on the treadmill with my boots on.

    Works great, and a very good excercise for me.

    How high are the wedges on the boots you wear on the treadmill?

    How how are the boots? Ankle boots? Calf boots? Knee high boots?

  13. Ok better question would be what colours do I not have. I can see

    black flat, black patent, brown, beige, white, grey, blue navy, blue royal, blue sky, red patent, red-orange, yellow, taupe, peach, plaid, white, off white, hot pink, light green, dark green, purple, hmmmmmm more in the garage

    Love your collection of colours!!!

    Do you go through the trouble of making sure your heels match your dress all the time or do you usually rotate between a few pairs of your favorites?

  14. On the rare ocassions where I get to wear ballet boots we are usually out of town where we will not be recognized and sometimes i have been locked in them and he leaves the key at home so i have no choice until we come home.

    Then how do you shower or take baths?

    I have been trying to adapt to higher heels by wearing my high heel boots with 4" heels for an extended period of time. However, they do need to come off for showers and for when I go to bed.

  15. Heidi, did you never know a submissive man who wanna worship you wearing boots?

    No. Boots are conservative footwear. They cover your legs so the guys have nothing to see. I would figure the fetish community would prefer pumps or sandals.

  16. I can't see that wearing heels has helped my career. I've pretty much always worn heels to work - there's a nice collection of them under my desk at the moment. But I don't see how that has done anything job wise. The main thing with me, because I'm not too tall, is they give me convidence more than anything, so that helps me. Part of my job is meeting people in and out of work and I'd never meet anyone for meetings like that without decent heels.

    Out of curiosity, how come you have a collection of heels at your office? Do you wear flats to work, change into heels, a lunch time, change back into flats, come back to your desk, change back into heels, leave work, change back into flats?

    I actually see other co-workers who have a collection of heels under their desk too but for me, whichever pair of boots I wear to work will stay on me all day and that is the same pair I wear home.

  17. I wouldn't call that shoe play nor i do that intentionally, I often cross my bootlegs whenever i sit. Rotating and flexing my ankles in my boots are just normal

    After walking in heels for a while, it is good to sit, rotate your ankles to loosen up your tight ankle and calf muscles. If others enjoy the show, all the better :)

  18. Since I am in heels about 23 hours a day I have been driving in heels but a couple times I have had problems braking and having my heel caught on the floormat so most times now I just go barefoot. Usually not a problem unless i have white stockings on and the soles get black from my dirty carpet and floormat in the Jeep.

    Going barefoot when driving does sound safer. I should take off my heels although I usually am way too lazy to go through all the effort of unzipping and pulling my high heel boots off, driving and putting my boots back on ........ ah, the sacrifices we make to be in heels

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