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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Whilst I am a great believer in free speech and expression of one's self, there has to be a line drawn when an individual crosses the line and becomes a nuisance, whether that be to some or all. Yes, we do have some that bypass the offending areas and happily go on to read only what interests them and fair play to them. But, in this case I find the offender is flouting the integrity of the board by purposely goading people into a 'pissing match'. I'm pretty sure that as soon as someone says a word that he deems deragotary to his president, a one George W Bush, he immediately jumps onto his soapbox to try and promote the virtues of the man. Again, a fun thread that was intended to be have been just that, FUN, was immediately attacked by him and started a name calling session to which there was no provocation save that which exists only in his mind. If the search in question had brought up Blair, it would still have been posted as it would have promoted the fun factor to which we were aspiring. Instead we have a personal vendetta brought on by the rantings of a socially deluded individual who refuses to see a point of view different than his own. I have voted to remove the offending threads and the user to be cautioned. However, there are others who are responsible for egging him on into continuing his mantra of self proclamation as the sole provider of enlightenment of his president. Is he being paid by Bush for this? Maybe he should save he energies into being a slightly more productive member of society instead of wasting his and others time with the unwarranted abuse that he obviously enjoys posting. I refuse to answer his posts other to to say "face, bothered, bothered, face, look I ain't bothered" Give the troll a wide berth and if you can't think of anything to say that he can't retaliate against, then don't reply to him. Doesn't mean you have to bow down and praise him and agree with what he has to say, but argue your point with the specifics and not degenerate to name calling if you feel you are losing the argument. It does appear that the user is quite intelligent, but his spoutings of what one man has done compared to 99% of the population is no indicator that the man knows what he is doing. The user is clearly locked into his own world and doesn't like anything that conflicts with what he calls 'his domain'. No taint may foul. Avoid this user unless you have a valid point. But, this user must also stop interfering with a thread just because GW Bush is mentioned in a possibly negative light. I'm going to stop now before I have the rest of my brain wake up and really labour the point.

  2. Well, today is my 10th Wedding Anniversary and to celebrate I am having a blessing at our local church followed by an almighty booze up. Jackie and I got married on the 4th November 1995. We met each other in 1987 and barring a 4 year seperation due to other commitments, we have been together since. Expected are about 60 people which is about as many as the small medieval church can accomodate. Expected at the reception are 100+ which is far more than the venue can accomodate !! Entertainment is to be catered for by Dr. Busker and Winston the Singing Farmer. Some are coming to support us and others have just heard Busker is playing ;) Anyway, I thought I'd share this small piece of useless information with the world and hope that everyone else will be inspired to avoid such practices! LOL

  3. Welcome to the mad house !! ;) Isn't the net a great place? Just when you thought you were alone, you suddenly make lots of new friends !! Glad you found your way here and I hope you will enjoy every moment. You don't mention which part of the Midlands you live, but I'm in the south eastern section in Northamptonshire. PM me if you wish to make a meeting and I'm sure we can arrange something. Welcome !

  4. The full story christmas day, last year, we had our car broken into and various items stolen including baby photos that can't be replaced as the child in question died aged 5 days :D repeated attempts by thieves to break in to the flat and the non-action of the letting agency led to us having to put all our belongings into storage (a caravan on a friends driveway) and then move into a different friends spare room. two weeks later, a large argument ensued and we found ourselves living in our car for a little while. we then spent a few weeks round at my mothers (which was nice of her), but someone 'grassed' her to the council who then wanted to know all about us and why we were there. we explained that we weren't there on a permanent basis, but still had to move back into the car. Around living our car and mumping meals and baths around various acquaintances we pretty much lived rough as we had absolutely no income. come march, a friend told us that another friend of ours ran a bed and breakfast. a quick conversation later and the double room was duly taken. with a slightly more permanent address we could claim social security money (the dole to some of us), but it meant that we could have less reliance on others. this lasted 6 weeks when the council refusing to pay the full amount for the room claimed that we were asking too much and started asking too many silly and repetitive questions. landlady was not happy and asked us to leave. back to square one, but not quite, we still had permission to use the b&b as an address, thus allowing us to continue claiming the dole. then the same friend we had an argument with said that she had a winnebago sat in her yard that was doing nothing and that we could sleep there at nights. since we weren't in the house, we weren't under her feet and couldn't cause friction and this worked well until the end of may when the council had passed our information to a housing association who contacted us and then offered a one bed flat, which we took, as it may have been a while longer before they offered anything else. so since june I have been fairly happy, except for an idiot living below us that claims we are making too much noise. since when has going to the toilet made lots of noise, since when did a small clock manage to make so much noise that him downstairs can't sleep and no-one else in the block can hear it. his latest stunt was dumping 2 bags of rubbish on the bonnet of my car, so we had the police out on him for anti-social behaviour. so far he has been quiet after me and the wife threatened him. some of you may know that I spend some of my time performing with an entertainer called Dr. Busker. recently there was a split in the group after some of the other members over-expressed their opinion of myself and my wife's involvement. thus, there is a second group name that some of us who perform most of the year go by and the old name will stay with the part timers. luckily, things are coming back down out of the clouds and back to reality. performances are returning to normal and live is too ;) soon, we celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary, by having a blessing on the day followed by a damn good party. 2 entertainers (Dr.Busker and Winston the singing farmer) have agreed to attend and perform for everyones amusement. all in all it will be a day to remember. you wanted to know and, no, it wasn't painful :lol:

  5. where from I'm not sure it's been a bit of a bumpy 9 months for me. Homeless for most of it, living in the car, mumping meals where I can, but I have settled in a flat. still haven't got the place sorted, but a place is for living not for show ;) hopefully, I can now get back to my old duties of spying on everyone, sorry, did I say spying, I meant assisting. with a bit of luck I may be out on the meetings again soon anyway, I'm back and here to stay

  6. I use Red Nose Day only as an excuse for wearing my more fetish/extreme heels out in public. My excuse and I'm sticking to it. Actually, why should we have to have an excuse. True, I would get a fair bit more stick for wearing red stilettos everyday but that's life. I'm not sure if I'm doing any collecting this year, but I'll keep everyone posted if I am. In the meantime, if anyone is planning an event, post it so we can all participate.

  7. this TC stuff does have practical applications, but from what I've read, it will just another measure of control that companies will have over the populace. TC in watches? What happens there? The watch gets DNA coded to the wearer and so it won't tell you the time unless you bought it? Microsoft deletes your family tree because you didn't start writing it on a TC freindly piece of software. TC will spell the end of anything you wish to do. Imagine the scenario. Man wakes up to his alarm which he can't switch off because TC says that he is not authorised to use it. Smashes clock. Goes downstairs to have some breakfast. Toaster refuses to work because it has detected non-TC bread product inserted. Bloke smashes toaster. Goes to work and needs some petrol. Car refuses to run because he fills up at Shell and today he stopped at Total. Bloke smashes car. Walks to work, arrives late. Boss has him fired. Bloke goes home, switches on his computer, but his computer is linked to his work and the TC deletes the contents and prompted blows the computer up. In the meantime, his bank has been notified that his computer has blown up, he's lost his job and his car insurance is no longer being paid, the system shuts down his accounts. Car recovery drags off his car can't be paid for the service and then confiscates his car. TC has buggered another poor sod up. and that's just the tame version. It can (and will) be much worse !!! TC = Total Control (government version) = Total Crap (public version)

  8. Moderators could always move men's posts into another category called "men's responses to woman's posts," couldn't they?

    and how do you propose to follow the conversation?

    anyway, off topic for this thread. sorry girls!

    please desist

  9. we have noticed that despite many requests by moderators and the female members that many men are still posting in the gals section. Usually this is sending the thread off topic. Spare a thought for the women. It's akin to having a group of girls trying to have a conversation and then then having a bunch of guys dive in and continue their own chat while drowning out the girls. We appreciate that you guys like to get involved, but can we please respect a few boundaries. We're not asking much and it doesn't take much effort to restrain yourselves. Some of us can read without replying. In fact, I think this is my first reply in about a year in the girls section, but this is only because I feel that we moderators need to take control of the situation. Now the book has been thrown, I will apologise to all the girls for the intrusion, even if it is in their interests. ps. I don't think that wholesale zapping of posts will solve anything. All it will do is cause more animosity.

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