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Posts posted by loveheel

  1. Xaphod, That is funny. I was in London last week for a few days and also saw the women preaching next to the Oxford St tube entrance. I noticed it because I am not used to seeing people preach on the street in Europe. Of course, in the US we have those folks everywhere. Funny. Didn't get any heeling in as I was with the family. I must say that there is lots of heel action in London. Women are generally very well dressed with nice shoes.

  2. Saw a few guys in heels but most were transvestites and it was downtown in Pittsburgh in the club and bar area...late night...where there are some great clubs but there are some gay bars and those strange strip bars and that's where I saw them....

    other than that....never in the daylight! kinda like a vampire thing around here (?)

    Actually, Pittsburgh is exactly the place where I once saw another guy in HH boots. It was in one of the nicer downtown hotels and he was normally dressed. Definitely not drag. I am up to two sightings !

  3. Hi folks, Those of you that have been on the board for a while, may remember me. I used to post a lot here, but jus didn't have much time in the last year to post, though I have kept up the heel wearing and wear them out a few times a month. I wear stiletto sandals in summer and block or spike heel boots in winter. I am now for several months in Belgium. The heel scence is not bad here, but a bit conservative. Lots of women taking on the new fashion of wearing the pants in the boots so you get a great view of the boot an dheel, but most heels are of the 2.5 to 3 inch variety. Saw a great pair of steel heels, at least 4.5" in Gent yesterday though. The lady walked with them on cobble stones ! Anyway, that is not why I decided to write. Today I saw a guy in heels in a small city in Belgium. He was in an electronics store browsing for a digital camera and must have been in his mid fifties. He looked like just any regular guy, except that he was wearing boots with about a 2.5 to 3" heel uncovered by the pants. The boots were the type with pieces of different colored leather. The type of heel (slightly curved like a Paris heel) and the style gave away that it was a women's boot. This is only my second sighting of a guy in heels in quite a few years (not counting guys in full fem outfit). It was a cool experience. Because I am on assignment I had to leave most of my shoes in the states, so not much heel wearing for me here.

  4. I was on vacation in Hawaii this week. I wore nail polish with a flower painted on my big toes and was out in flip-flops and sandals the whole week, with the nail polish clearly visible. Never got any reaction. Standing in the elevator with other people I though i saw people glancing at my feet, but nothing very obvious. I wish I had brought high heel sandals with me, though in Hawaii even on women that is seriously overdressed. So i guess it would stand out on a guy as well.

  5. That is great. I have never worn heels out in Japan as I am always there on business and most of the time accompanied by colleagues our clients. But I agree that you can see nice footwear in Japan.

  6. Update: I've tentatively planned to go out (as in, more than one block away out) to a nearby store that sells shoes cheap. I don't know what to expect at all, from the owners to the customers to even the space in the store, but if I buy something I'll be sure to return with pictures.

    I never really have gotten a bad reaction in a shoe store. If you hit the owner, or a store manager, or another shoe lover, you usually get great service. The worst that can happen to you is that you get some lazy sales clerck who doesn't care about service (to you or any other customer) and just got the job because h/she was fired from McDonalds.

    When people love shoes they don't care who they sell them to !

  7. I have my toes done regularly, even in summer when I show them in sandals. I don't do very bright colors, so it is only noticable if you really look at it carefully. I have never done my finger nails, so I would be interested in hearing what kind of reactions people have gotten to that.

  8. I really enjoy the process of browsing for shoes and trying them on in stores. I must be hard when you have a size 13. Here on Boston, there is a store that specializes in large sizes. I have never tried it, but there may be similar stores in other cities.

  9. The funny things is when you meet people that are wearing the same shoes as you and they don't have a clue. This has happened to me when I was wearing my Franc Sarto's. Admittedly these have a very low heel and they are the only women's shoes I will wear at work. At one point I was at a conference with a collaborator and I noticed she was wearing exactly the same shoes but in brown. She is not a heel person and probably doesn't notice anyone's shoes. Otherwise, my secret would have been broken. Sometimes I recognize the shoes on women from a store I have been in. I have always thought of impressing the women by telling them what store their shoes are from, but have never actually done that. I think it is the kind of conversation that could be either very pleasant or become akward quickly when in a business environment.

  10. Nice story Loveheel, it's fun when you get a sales assistant who's all over you. A nice change from those who want to get you out asap.

    I had a nice time yesterday lunchtime at Faith in Wimbledon where I was looking at the dog end of the sale. Extra 20% off. Not much left, but a lot of larger sized boots, I tried one on and a young male assistant came over and offered to get the pair of anything I wanted, he came back with a brochure of shoes up to size 9. I bought a pair of 4.5" knee boots, and got into a bit of a conversation with him. He said they had a couple of guys who shopped there regularly. He complimented me on my confidence, which pleased me greatly. I said I'm nearly 50 if I can't do what I want now it's a poor show.

    I have only once shopped in the UK at a Faith store and I remember exactly also getting their brochure for size 9 shoes ! Must be their policy when you ask for larger sizes.

  11. I had one of those great shoe shopping days that would never mame me doubt anymore that I want to try on shoes in a store. I went to the Burlington Mall here in Massachusetss and went by Bakers, but they didn't have much. So I walked into the Nine West store as the boots were seriously discounted. After a while a young sales lady came out of the back of the store and right away asked me if I wanted to try something on ! So for those of you guys that think you can fool the sales people saying that they are for your gf, think again. I hadn't even opened my mouth. I had an amazing time. At one point I described the type of boots I was looking for. The girl went to the back for several minutes and came back with seven boxes ! All different models I got to try on. After that there were a few more pairs I noticed that I wanted to try. So I profusely apologized for making her run around so much and she told me not to worry; that this was the most excitement she had had in a slow day. I ended up buying two pairs for a total of only $60. One pair is a pointed boot with a kitten heel. I know some folks on the board aren't that crazy about them, but I have recently decided to broaden my interest in women's shoes outside of the types I used to wear. The other pair are brown stretch boots with a croco pattern. These have a high heel. All in all a great day.

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