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Posts posted by loveheel

  1. Hi Nate, I like the second pair. The rugged look makes them much more unisex. One reason that these may be making your feet hurt after a long day is that the sole construction is not stiff enough. Especially, if you are on the heavier side, the molded soles can often bend through which can make your foot hurt.

  2. This weekend we're going to see a comedian and then probably go to a club afterward and I'm hoping to wear a new pair of 3.5" stilletto pointy toed boots. I'm going to wear them with a pair of low rise boot cut jeans that cover most of the shoe and some kind of fashionable shirt.

    Jaiden, I would say "go for it". I have done a similar outfit (pointy boots with low rise boot cut jeans) going into malls and haven't really had any problems. I would definitely do it in places like clubs where it is much darker and where people expect somewhat more unusual behavior

  3. Jaiden,

    I hope you have a great time this weekend wearing your new stiletto boots. Let us all know how it all went and how it was received.

    I too, have a pair of stiletto pointed toe 5" heel kneeboots that I would love to wear out but haven't as of today. They are pictured in my Avatar. I think they look great,as you do, worn with jeans that do cover the shoe but leave a bit of heel exposed..Someday soon I hope to get out wearing them..Have a fun weekend...Jim

    Jim, are those Dragon boots in your avatar ? How are they and where did you get them ? I have been looking for a pair like that. I saw them on some web sites, but I would prefer to buy them in a store where I can try them on.

  4. Definitely not my thing. If you want something discreet, why not a nice loafer with a bit of heel. Typically these are under "career" shoes on

    web sites like Nine West and come in various heel heights. Here is one:

    Posted Image

  5. Today I went shopping and bought a couple of pairs of boots. I got seduced into getting a pink pair. My first one ! Pretty cool. At the same time I was buying another guy came in and wanted a pair of high heel boots in size 11 for himself. He claimed they were for a play in which he performed. Sounded pretty transparent to me ...

  6. I agree. One of the first pairs of heels I bought was a pair of 6" pumps at a flea market in Texas. That is the last pair of fetish shoes I ever bought. I now buy my shoes in regular stores and am the proud owner of at least 30-40 pairs (I never count) of great high heels in the 2 to 5 " range.

  7. I have never been given the cold shoulder in 20 years of shoe buying in England. I think this is one difference between England and the USA. I get the impression that certain parts of the USA are very countrified, religious, and traditional values reign supreme; like they have not seen many people from out of town. A big contrast to more developed areas like the North East or Pacific coast. This is what people have told me.

    In England, and Europe it's different. People seem to move around more and you don't get these pockets of ignorance where some sales clerk may think he is upholding the community but in fact he's just failed every retail test in one step.


    On the other hand I find that In Europe people are less reserved in giving their reaction (in particular when it is negative). In the US, there is a certain amount of reservation in personal relations. So even the people that "disapprove" would not say so.

  8. Thanks for the compliments ! The polish in that picture was done so well that I kept it on for a few weeks. My wife reminds me on occasion that it is important to go without polish for a while to let the nail breath. i don't know if there is anything to that. I have several other Nine West's . Yes, they are usually good quality.

  9. Thanks Jamie. Actually it is after reading your post that I started going for pedicures as well. It is really fun and very relaxing. Last time I was in LA I got a pedicure in Santa Monica. They did suc a nice job with an airbrush design that i still haven't removed it, even after more than two weeks.

  10. That is great Kneehighs ! Fun loving people are often open-minded

    Great story!

    Have any other street-heeling guys had a positive responses from women?

    I have had a few good reactions when trying on shoes in a store.

    One women even started asking me for advice (that was in San Francisco) and recommended me to buy the red boots instead of the black ones.

    Strangely, where I have received a lot of postive reactions is when I get a pedicure. Several times women clients have commented that think it is so cool when a guy has his toes done. Maybe it is the type of women that come and get pedicures ...

  11. I think it is not so much an issue of women's styles versus men's. Some pants styles just go very well with certain boot styles. For example, the pointy stiletto boots that one see a lot now, really go great with a long jean with a flare (bootcut). If they are long enough, they will drape perfectly over the boot and leave the pointed tip exposed. The stiletto heel is mostly covered by the pants when you stand but gets exposed when you walk, giving the nts a perfect floating look. Nothing gets better than this ! If you want to wear jeans that are narrow at the bottom, you have to fully expose the heel. I think they even look great when the pants is too short, exposing just a bit of the shaft of the boot. This is a great look with a full heel or even block heel.

  12. I just go in wearing my tall heeled cowboyboots, and ask for what ever style they have that I like size 12, or I'll ask what else they have in the back in size 12.


    This is a great strategy. Often asking sales people to make suggestions is a way to draw then out and engage them in conversation. You will also know right away whether they really want to sell you something or not.

  13. I had one of my worse days todays. I was wearing pointed boots with 4" heels to the mall this morning. I wear bootcut jeans that cover most of the heel, except for when I walk when a bit more than half of the heel gets exposed. The mall was almost empty (a lot of people had gone voting this morning here in the US). When I passed the Express store I saw one of the sales guys call on his co-worker and they both came out of the store, pointing and staring after me as I walked away. All in all, didn't feel all that good. I love my pointed stiletto boots, but the combination of the pointed tip and stiletto heel does attrackt attention.

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