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Posts posted by loveheel

  1. There may be be many issues that determine a women' reaction to a man wearing heels. People are complicated. But shoes are shoes, and when you have a passion for high heeled shoes I think it matters very little whether you deal with a man or women. I have seen this behavior in sales people. Once in a while I get served in a shoe store by a person who loves the shoe thing even more than I do, and you really get the feeling from them that the fact that I am a male trying on HH womens shoes is a non-issue. Some of the pictures on this web site prove that guys can look pretty sharp in HH shoes, given the right combination of outfit and shoes (just like is the case for women). I know plenty of woemn that have no clue how to coordinate their outfit. What colors our feelings is the other stuff. The association of HH shoes with lack of masculinity. Once we get past this, there is very little resistance that remains (except for the little envy of not being the only one to grab people's attention. Larieheels, thanks for the very honest post on this. You have my greatest respects). This is why in the end there are many spouses that seem to have no problem with their husband wearing HH shoes. They know him to still be the same person, whether in flats or on heels. It is only the shallownes of random interactions that allows the association of men in heels with lack of masculinity to live on.

  2. I find stilletos no harder to wear than block heels, but there definitely is a difference in appearance. Stilletos are clearly womens shoes. With block heels, even the 4 inch high ones, people just seem to be "confused" as to whether the shoes are womens or mens. Not that it matters to me. Just saying there is a different reaction.

  3. You are on to something. I believe some women really have a problem with the masculinity image problem when you tell them about HH wearing. But, there may also be the issue of "why did you not tell me this earlier". Many of us (including yours truly) keep our HH wearing secreat from our SO for a long time before we fess up. I remember when I told my wife, the fact that I kept it hidden for so long (I had the most ridiculous hiding places in the house) was a big part of it. She is pretty well OK with it now. Now she is probably more worried about the money I spend on shoes. She is no shoe fanatic at all

  4. Does everyone have as much trouble with finding the right trouser lengths as well ? I find that one pretty much needs a length for every heel heigth. Otherwise the trousers either droop over the shoes or look silly short. How do the women do this ? Buy lots of pants ?

  5. I have seen two men in heels in the last couple of years. One was in an airport (chicago) and was dressed rather extravagantly. The other was in the Hilton in Pittsburgh and was dressed just like any other guy: black pants and short leather jacket. Hopefully I will see one of you guys someday !

  6. On 2002-05-03 19:25, 5_Inch_Pumps wrote:

    I've got to say the absolute best heel shopping experience I've had was at Miko's in Providence RI.

    Is Miko the fetish place ? I have heard about them, but never made it there on my trips to Providence. My favorite in Providence is the Nordstrom store. Awesome selection and many shoes in larger sizes.

  7. JB, The sales experience at Naturalizer stores has been mixed for me as well. On occasion one gets a great sales person, but quite often they Naturalizer seems to get people in their store that don't have the least interest in shoes. I have had much better luck with sales people at stores such as Aldo (You should find that up there in Canada).

  8. Those boots are really lovely. I have been going out in 4 inch heels regularly, but never with spike heels. After seeing your picture of the boot I think I am ready. Sounds like a fund party. I agree with LaurieHeels. While we often a first ar surprised when people do "unusual" things, in the end we often admire these people for their confidence and courage to do what they feel is right. So few people stand up in the tide ...

  9. It is an interesting issue. I have a young child who will soon be old enough to "notice" my shoes. I have not been wearing them around her, but I also don't hide the shoes. They are in the closet with everyone else's shoes. I am curious how many of the people that answered have kids themselves. It seems one thing to wear heels in front of someone else's kids, but with your own kids the relation is quite different.

  10. I can imagine that most of the stares are from women. On average there are just a lot more woman interested in shoes. Ever counted the number of men shoe stores in a mall and compared to the number of women's show stores. I for one, never fail to notice a women's shoes. It gets to the point where I get to recognize all the common new models and can even spot when women wear a shoe that I have seen on another women before. When I occasionally venture out in heels, 80% of the looks are from women. (I am a guy).

  11. Name: loveheel Age: over 30 but not near 40 Gender: M Location: Eastern US Occupation: College Professor Height: 5. 9 Weight: 170lbs Shoe size: 11 (women) What's your favourite heel style: blade What's your favourite shoe style: boot Do you wear your heels outside: yes What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 4 (:smile: Your highest heel height: 5 How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: 1/week outside, every day inside (:smile: Your highest heel height: rarely Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: socks Anything else you wish to add:

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