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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Kneehighs, I like the way you think. Shorts and pumps could be a great look on you, but unless your leg skin is perfect and totally hairless, I would think you'd want to consider legwear of some kind. It may be too warm for opaque tights, but something sheer and possibly colored or patterned could be a great combo, depending on the rest of the outfit. Give legwear some thought. Steve

  2. RonC, Live and learn. Now you know. I discovered a long time ago that 3.5 inches was my limit for walking and comfort. My foot just doesn't bend more than that! I accept it and just look for comfort now. If, when I put the shoe on, the "wow factor" isn't a 9 or 10, I don't buy them (or if I already own them, off to Ebay they go!). I'm a lot more picky than ever, since I'm wearing much more in public than ever before. If I'm not comfortable, others can sense it by my posture, gait, and attitude. Life is too short for shoes that hurt. Steve

  3. You should accept that this love of heels and women's clothes will probably never go away, no matter how hard you try to suppress it. I may be a bit cynical, perhaps, but I don't see this relationship flourishing in the future; it won't be totally satisfying to you if you have to hide an important aspect of your life from her forever. If she doesn't accept that part of your life, what else won't she accept? Love means having to accept the whole package, warts and all. Just my 2c and worth no more than that. But good luck just the same. Keep up posted on how it goes. Steve

  4. We appreciate being brought up to date on your situation. I agree with Henri that you took the best path. Now you have some breathing room to re-invent your life and continue to strengthen your relationships with family. Take the time to enjoy some family life now! Steve

  5. If the mods will permit me to interject a link here for the benefit of this thread...

    www.comfilon.com has sleepwear in nylon tricot (knitted nylon fabric) and sheer nylon. Find sleepwear in the left hand margin and click on it. It's a good quality source, made in USA.


  6. Yesterday I received an order I placed online last weekend for Naturalizer Kalei sandals (30% off). They fit perfectly and look decent with jeans, so I'm quite happy with them. I wrote up a review and they approved it and posted it today. And of course they listed my gender male. The shoe and the review are at:


    But that link won't be good forever, so here's what I said:

    "These Kalei sandals (in black) are fabulous! They were comfortable from the very start when I first tried them on. I muttered a "wow" when I felt the soft cushioned footbed, which is perfectly shaped for my foot and fits my arch perfectly. The sandal goes great with long bootcut jeans and slacks. The rubber sole provides good traction and the platform and medium heel are stable and secure. The only thing that keeps me from giving them a 10 is the white stitching - it's uneven in one place on the strap and it looks a bit odd, but some black shoe dye will fix it easily. I predict that I'll wear these sandals a lot this summer! I'm a fashion-forward male who wears clothes and shoes from both sides of the aisle with my wife's total approval (I always present myself as strictly male). I've been buying some of the more unisex styled Naturalizer shoes for years, and they are a favorite brand of mine. Thanks for another great design, Naturalizer!"

    Pros: comfortable, versatile, stylish, flexible, cushioning, well made, straps just right, great to walk in

    Cons: white stitching uneven in places

    Yes, I recommend this product."

    Here is a pic of the sandals. I know they won't appeal to everyone, but I like them and that's all that matters.


  7. My advice would be to leave him alone, don't say anything, and let things just move ahead. I gather that your gf knows about your heel wearing and is ok with it. Could it be that maybe the guy was just curious about your heel wearing and found it easier to ask her about it rather than you? I would say don't do anything rash before you have all the facts and know exactly what he said and how she feels about it. Wear your heels with pride no matter what. Some people will accept it and some won't. If you make a scene of any kind, it's just bad publicity, especially if it leads to a lawsuit or something like that. There will always be trifling people in our path. Best to get over it and move on. Let us know how it works out. Steve

  8. Moldbuildr, I have a pair of those boots. They are great. I reported on them when I got them over a year ago. Do a search for "Naturalizer Glassy" and you'll see all the posts and photos about this particular boot. Meanwhile, enjoy wearing them everywhere. Nobody notices. From the front they look very masculine. If you want to be noticed, wear them with your pants or jeans tucked in. Steve

  9. Hey, DB, I'm sorry to hear of your wife's intolerance of your passion. That's just not right. Marriage is supposed to be give-and-take and compromise. Isn't there any wiggle room at all? I suppose you've tried everything, eh? Counselling? I hate to know that you're missing time engaging in your passion. Life is short. Good luck on a turnaround somehow. Steve

  10. Hi, and welcome to this forum! Glad you found us. I can't really answer the question, since I've been wearing heels for years, but in my experience, if the shoe or boot is not comfortable at the beginning, it usually doesn't get a whole lot better with wearing. There are exceptions, of course, so this isn't always true. When I try on heels, whether in a store or when a mail-order package is delivered, if it doesn't have a "wow factor" of at least 8 on a scale of 10, I send them back. The wow factor is where you put your foot into a shoe and say WOW! It's entirely subjective and is different for each person. If a shoe has a high wow factor for me, I know it's a good fit, has the arch in the right place, I can walk and stand in it, and I'll wear it and get good value for my purchase. So if those boots don't have a high wow factor for her, go shopping for some that do. If she doesn't feel comfortable, she won't want to wear them and she'll be miserable. Even worse, she'll make you feel miserable, too! LOL Hope that advice is helpful. Steve

  11. Funny story: Last night I went to a pub with my wife and her sorority sister, we'll call S. Another sorority sister, we'll call C, was working in the kitchen, and she's a great cook, so we like to go there. The waitress, P, seated us and confirmed that C was working in the kitchen that night. We placed our order, and P came back and said that C (who knows of my passion for heels) told her to ask to see my shoes. I backed out from the table and showed her I had on a pair of black Naturalizer Vitality pumps (google them - I can't upload the pic again) with a thick 3.5" heel, and a wide elastic over the instep, kind of like a bootie. The waitress said, "Oh, those are very nice." S complimented me, too. A while later C got off work and came by our house for a short visit. She said that P told her, "Those shoes were fabulous - I WANT A PAIR LIKE THEM!" We all had a good laugh. I thought that was pretty cool, and worth sharing! What a great night! S, by the way, is a shoe collector herself and shares my passion for heels, although I've seen her in flats and sandals a lot more than heels. She refers to herself as my wife's sorority sister and MY shoe sister! LOL Steve

  12. G'day! My wife and I were in Melbourne in November, but our itinerary was too busy to arrange a heel meet, although I did wear heels! We have been there quite a few times, as we love it there. I'm the only Yank I know who loves both Vegemite and Slim Dusty! :unsure: We have friends in Bendigo, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, and we hope to get back again in a year or so. I hope whenever you decide to have a heel meet in Melbourne that it is very successful so you do it again when we can be there to enjoy it with you. Steve

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