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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Dr. Shoe, Right after we went to this new forum format, I went to my profile and easily changed my post rank to Steve, the same as my name. I didn't care for Uggs, or Barefoot or whatever it was that I was given. But I went back to my profile tonight and couldn't figure out how I changed it. Did the moderators subsequently modify this feature so it's not user configurable any more, or did I somehow miss how to do it? If it's still user configurable, then I would encourage users to change the label to something they like, like their real first name. If it's not user configurable, I wonder if the mods can just delete it. It really does confuse a lot of people, apparently, who think that post rank is the user name; they just don't see the real user name in the gray field above. And in reality the post rank doesn't serve any useful purpose. It's rather demeaning, I think. So I would strongly encourage the mods to let the user use the field as the user's real name if possible. Steve

  2. G'day, HHfan1, Hey, go for it, mate! Sounds like a golden opportunity to do some serious bonding and show her how confident you are! Remember, confidence is sexy! Be sure to wear shoes you can walk well in - don't try to impress her with heel height and then slip and make a fool of yourself. Be open, honest, and focus on HER, not on your shoes. Above all, relax and have a great time! Report back here afterward (with photos) and let us know how you fared. Good luck! Steve

  3. "Twin Cities" is a nickname given to the metroplex of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Although it's one large urban area, the two cities are separate and distinct jurisdictions. And Minnesota is a beautiful state, Megan. You're right about that. My brother lived there back in the 1980s. Steve (in Ohio, USA)

  4. Very well stated. People are creatures of habit. It may be hard for people to get their head around the idea of a guy in heels at first, but once they get used to it, they miss it when he wears flats! Great observation, Shafted! Steve

  5. Slingfan, I found that source you quoted, and you left out an important detail: that it was originally written by a man (probably yourself). It's the first comment. http://high-heels.myshoes.com/sling-shot-how-to-stop-slingback-straps-from-slipping/ You're the only person I've ever known who is turned on by slipping slingback straps. While there may be others here who do share your interest, they're very few and don't constantly bring it up. I agree with Shafted. To me it looks sloppy not sexy. Don't get me wrong. I love slingbacks. I just don't share your fetish for fallen straps, and I don't think many others here do, either. To say, "All men like it, get used to the attention." isn't true. Some of us (probably most of us?) don't. But somewhere on the web I'm sure there's a forum for it. Maybe you're the hose even? Steve

  6. I don't think you need a medical excuse, especially if it's destined to disappear as you are encouraged to go to flatter shoes, and I doubt that your co-workers will really believe that excuse anyway. Doctors just don't normally prescribe heels, especially for guys, so it will sound like a lame (pardon the pun) excuse to most people. Just wear what you want, as long as it's stylish, coordinated with your clothes, doesn't go over the top, isn't dangerous to yourself, isn't distracting to co-workers, and doesn't get you fired. Enjoy your life. You only get one chance at it! Good luck! Steve

  7. Good outing! Thanks for sharing the experience. The Nine West saleswoman was more perceptive than you thought! Well it's her job to size up customers and she did it well. As to driving in those heels, I'd suggest you don't. It's not the heels, but the platform that could mess up if you had to brake quickly. Be safe and stay alive to continue heeling and posting about it! Steve

  8. 70's platforms are where its at. Shoes will never be made like these again...

    "Never" is a long time, and fashions come and go. The pendulum swings back and forth, and styles often repeat themselves (after the manufacturers are sure most people have discarded the old fashions). We not only might see heels for men again be popular, but it might be in our lifetimes, and it might even be better than the 70s. I wouldn't be surprised.


  9. I did it last year, it was fun, and yes I got the t-shirt, but it's a bit of a drive for me to the far side of Columbus, and I've been wearing heels a lot in public in the past year anyway, so the event is not the draw that it was the first time. Still, it's for a good cause, so if you're planning to participate, good on ya! Let us know how it goes. Last year it was indoors because of the rain, but if it's nice out, the walk might be outside. Good luck! Steve

  10. For cold and snow I wear heeled boots - Clarks knee high black boots with a tapered 3" heel (not stiletto - thicker than that). For ice, I wear a pair of flat faux fir-lined fabric boots (say that real fast 3 times!) in dark gray that I got from Payless a few years ago. They have good traction. I also strap a pillow to my butt... :rudolf: BWAHAHAHAHA Steve

  11. ...She told me her 10 yr old son was having problems with his and asked did I think she could get him in a pair of heels. Work being work I didnt get a chance to answer her. I did however send some of the info I had found on the issue to her including some shoe sites.

    I have become alot more confident and less self-conscious about wearing my heels around work and out in public in the past couple of weeks. All of the encouraging words and stories have been helpful in my quest for normality/liberation/freedom in being me. Thank you all.


    I admire you for following up on the conversation and giving the woman some good advice. Let us know how it goes with her and her son if you learn anything. I'm glad to know that all of us here have been of help to you in improving your confidence. This is a great community and I have found it very helpful, too, so I'm glad to do my part to assist others. Nikki, please continue to post on your progress, outings, and encounters. You write well and I enjoy reading your posts.


  12. Johnie, No one else has committed to attend the heel meet in Canton, July 7. I'm wondering if there is no interest or just that we picked a bad date for those who might attend. I suggest we officially postpone the event, perhaps till fall. Maybe we'll get more interest when it's cooler and guys can wear boots. Also there will be more boots in the stores when we go shoe shopping. What do you think? Steve

  13. Bluejay,

    I see that your review was finally posted on the Naturalizer web site under the Daquiri sandals. Very nice review. I submitted mine this morning (under "essgkay") and they posted it this afternoon. I mentioned that you were my inspiration for these sandals. The link is:


    If you don't see the two posts, click on Sort By and select Newest. Mine is dated June 5.

    I'm pleased that they posted both of our reviews and I'm glad that they didn't edit or change anything (at least on mine). I'll continue to do business with Naturalizer in the future.


  14. Nik, Good progress. Take it slowly, though. Wear conservative shoes and don't be in too much of a rush toward anything perceived as girlie. Enjoy the journey and educate your colleagues. Steve

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