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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. I hope and pray (and will work toward the goal) that high heels for guys are a much more common fashion item in that future time than they are today. I'm not sure I deserve or want the title of king, but I'd be willing to be crowned "Foot Prince." (pun intended). :silly: Steve

  2. ABC has made a little progress. An affiliate station WEWS Channel 5 TV from Cleveland has visited me and done an hour long interview on the subject of men's legwear - tights, pantyhose, stockings, etc. - which will no doubt be edited to about 30 seconds. I've done a lot of radio and TV interviews before, but I was impressed by the reporter, who asked a lot of good serious questions. I'm always concerned the story will somehow be twisted to try to be funny (it's usually sophomoric humor - Robin Hood, men in tights, that sort of thing), and I warned the producer that it's been done before and they'd do much better with a serious angle (wearing hose for benefits as opposed to fashion). We'll see what they come up with. But remember, their primary goal is to entertain; their secondary goal is to report news. The story is supposed to air at 11 pm on Thursday, May 10, and it should be posted on their web site. I'll try to email Cassandra this week and see if Nightline has any interest in pursuing a story on high heels. Could be she's a bit freaked out, who knows? Steve

  3. Did you ever stop to think that it's because of your great taste in shoes? While they are women's heels, they look great on you, you walk well in them, and most of all, you exude confidence and you're obviously having fun. Why should other people care what's on your feet? You're showing them you're in charge and don't need or want their opinion. (But I'm giving you mine anyway! LOL) Steve

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  4. It will only be socially acceptable if a huge amount of males are brave enough to do it. Otherwise it will always be seen as an odd curiosity done by a very small handful of men. But the point is that life is short. Why go around wishing society was more this or that? It is what it is, and while fashions change, you can't just sit around and hope and wait. You've already shown that you are quite capable of getting out there and strutting your stuff, and have a good time doing it. That's all that matters. Have fun and educate the great unwashed masses that guys can heel just fine. Steve

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  5. I get my nails professionally manicured and pedicured and the nail tech gives my nails a clear base coat, a coat of transparent pink that matches my skin color, and a glossy clear top coat. I've been doing this for a year and my nails have never looked better. And in all that time, only ONE person (a secretary where I used to work) ever noticed, and she complimented me on it. Steve

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  6. Way to go, TXguy! You handled yourself very admirably. Keep in mind that people noticing doesn't mean people disapproving. It just means that seeing a guy in heeled boots is not something common (yet), so they stare a little longer because it's so unusual. Even if they frown, it doesn't mean disapproval; it could simply be that they are confused. Their brain has a pigeonhole for "men in men's shoes" and another one for "women in women's shoes," and probably a third one (small) for "women in men's shoes" (or at least men's style shoes). But there is no pigeonhole for "men in women's shoes," so it takes a while for their head to wrap around that idea. Think of yourself as a teacher. :unsure: Steve

  7. Perhaps we should start promoting high heels as an "investment!" Way to go, KH. You're still an inspiration to us all. It may be a bit boring to you, but we still like to hear about your success stories, and there are always newbies who don't have time to mine the archives, so please keep posting, for others' sake. Thanks! Steve

  8. I'm with you, Bluejay. I like clogs and I like your heeled clogs. Clogs are a great way to wear heels when you want to be stealthy, as they usually have a non-stiletto heel, they usually don't have a noisy heel, and the front is easily mistaken for men's shoes. I have a lot of clogs in my closet and wear them often, especially if it's too cold for sandals. Clogs are fun! Steve

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  9. Hey, Larry, Nice to see you posting again! Are you and Mrs. Weird1 going to walk again in the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event in Columbus in June? I don't think I'm going to, but if you are, maybe we can meet for dinner again. Let me know! Steve

  10. Well, what HASN'T gone up in price these days? No surprise there.

    Jeff, you're right on! No matter what government economists say about the "official" rate of inflation, some prices have gone way up, and like you say, no surprise there.

    If you put all the economists in the world end to end in a straight line, they still wouldn't reach a conclusion! :unsure:


  11. Hello Spring Shoe Lovers,

    Went to a new Macy's store yesterday and saw these JS sandals. Went to Boston Store later an saw another pair I liked but came back to Macy's to preorder these to give a new Macy's associate a quick lesson in men's heel retailing. She watched me try them on as she chatted how she left Kohl's and didn't want the conflict of working for her husband. She commented on just how cool these sandals worked with my jeans. I said that's key to the look, keep looking at the feet and jeans and not so much the face they're attached to :unsure: Many here have said just how nice Macy's is to shop and it certainly is true. Anyways if anyone is interested in this sandal Macy's is having a "presale" so this shoe ca be had for 25% less than the $98 normal price. Pay for it now and pick it up anytime after the 24th which is when that sale starts. HappyinHeels:wavey:



    That URL returns a whole page of different JS sandals. Which particular ones did you select?


    Good looking T-straps. Hope to see you wearing them soon!


  12. Johnie, It's a great idea to get together again. Our heelmeets in Canton have been fun in the past and I've enjoyed meeting other people with similar interests. Ruby Tuesday's is a well-run restaurant there, and I'd love to join you again. My trouble is that I'm overprogrammed for May and June already. There aren't many Saturdays available, but go ahead and pick a weekend that suits you best, and I'll see if I can fit it in. Don't try to organize it around me. Do what's best for you and the rest of the group. Things should slow down in July. Almost every weekend is available. Steve

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