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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Like others here, my interest in heels started out as a fetish, but not as a youngster. I was a senior in college when I got interested in heels, and only as a fetish. But after wearing them for 40-odd years, the fetish wore off, and I began to see them more as fashion, as art, as sculpture, and mostly as fun - something I never got from men's shoes. So I came up with the explanation that I was born with the "high heel" gene, like many others, male and female, and I might as well enjoy it, which I am, immensely. I've made quite a few friends here on this forum, and have met many of them in person. I am completely happy with myself, I feel privileged to be able to enjoy heeling in public when it's appropriate, and I'm grateful that my wife, family, and friends accept it as part of who I am. I would suggest that if your interest in heels is strictly fetish, maybe this forum isn't really the place for you. If your enjoyment is only sexually oriented, there are other forums out there that would better serve your interests. On the other foot, if you have a desire to be able to wear heels and enjoy them for the fun clothing they are, then this is definitely the forum for you, and welcome! Just my opinion. Please don't be offended in any way. Steve

  2. There is no right or wrong answer. Wear what ever makes you comfortable and achieves your purpose. If socks or nylons work, great, but if barefoot works better, go that route. With barefoot, your feet will not breathe as well, and your foot perspiration will not evaporate as easily, so the moisture build-up will encourage bacteria growth and when they die, they stink. You will need to wipe your shoes out more often, with mild soap and water and let them dry naturally (no heat). Don't worry about getting leather wet. It got wet quite often when it was still on the cattle it was taken from. But do expect that your shoes will smell more if you wear them barefoot. Consider talcum powder and airing out your shoes frequently during the day if you can. And beware, moisture can also encourage toenail fungus. Hope that helps. Steve

  3. I like tiny pockets. That way I don't put anything in them! I use a shoulder bag for all the junk that previously made my pockets bulge and look awful. Besides, I can carry more in a shoulder bag and it's better organized. No more fishing around in a bottomless pocket for that loose item. Furthermore, keys don't scratch my mobile phone screen anymore! My advice is to stick with women's pants/jeans and get a good looking shoulder bag! I would highly recommend the selection of jeans at Target stores. Their Merona brand fits very well, has a great shape, and it's not expensive. They've been extremely durable, too. Good value for the money. That's a long way of saying, "Sorry, I don't know of any men's bootcut jeans." Steve

  4. They look like basic dark blue jeans but they're made with that stretch material, part lycra and spandex?

    Lycra® is a registered trademark for a brand of spandex yarn, manufactured by Invista Corp., a spin-off from DuPont.

    Sounds like you had a successful shopping trip. Some photos would be helpful when you get a chance! Thanks for posting.


  5. Pumpcat, I have to agree with Shafted (as usual). Too funky for my taste. Looks like a truck ran over it and squashed the poor thing! But hey, if you like it, go for it! That's what makes for an interesting world. Steve

  6. It's all about respect. Respect your parents, and treat them as you know they would like to be treated, with respect. You can rebel on your own and make decisions that they would not approve of if you want to when you're on your own, but if you live in their house, or visit in their house, act the way they would like you to, and wear what they will tolerate without causing stress. And remember, they were young once and did the same crazy stuff to their parents! lol Steve

  7. Chris, Don't even think of abandoning us! Even though the forum may not be as valuable to you as it once was, your experiences are valuable to the forum, and to others who may not be as confident or comfortable with their heeling as you are. Stick around and post about your outings, no matter how mundane, to demonstrate to others how heeling can be done! You're a good example of a good example! Steve

  8. I think you can wear any color you want as a guy these days. Anything goes. Google nail polish for men. I love copper, and have some copper jewelry, so I like to paint my finger and toe nails with a copper shade. Thursday I got mine painted a satin rose shade of copper that my wife likes (and has on the same color this week!). We match! Steve

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