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Posts posted by jim

  1. Whoa....I had almost forgotten the Farra Fawcett hair. As for the lime green boots. :wink: Now that would've been something to behold my friend! Thanks for posting these delightfully retro adds Xapod,I don't often see them. May be you have a secrete stash of old Family Circle and Woman’s Day hidden away somewhere? I know most of my fashion mags only last a few months then end up on the bottom of the bird cage. lol

  2. Hey Bob...I went by the Fusaro site and checked out those clogs.Never had a real desire for them, especially with platts. I really shouldnt be such a stodge. Even tho my hair is grizziled I'm not an ol' geazer yet...and they look like fun....kind of.

    Maybe,just maybe, I could find room in my closet for a pair.

    The only thing is they cost a ship load of money from that store,$US140 for some styles. Ouch!

    I was impressed they offered all their styles in mens sizes tho and found that very incouraging.

    Perhaps Hoverfly has the right idea and I should try making a pair of my own.I have plenty of band-aids and I'm at least as compedent as Tim "the toolman," so it should be a go. :wink:

    Any thoughts on the up comming project Hoverfly?I'd be interested in your views.


  3. Hi guys.....Sounds like you had a blast! I couldn't help but smile at the pic of you all in the pub,thats quite a gathering. There's only one thing missing ... Kiwi Steinlaggers with frost on the bottles. What a shame I'm so far away, I would have enjoyed meeting you all. Any way, the shoe pic is great and it shows just how much fun you did have. I think the lace up courts in the middle row look kind of cool. Very 40'ish with the brown boots (RH top) looking sleek. The guy Fox is making friends with in the alley shot looks a "bit of a worry" and it seems 'pod has misplaced his Tommy Gun. :wink::D Thanks for the heads-up and I hope you'll keep us abreast and up to date with any future jaunts. My best regards to you all..... Jim

  4. Accents.. Generally I enjoy their richness and diversity. They can bring something special into an otherwise mundane conversation...the texture of the spoken word is enhanced and coloured some how. I think my favourite is the soft, honeyed drawl some Southern woman speak with,and because of it, I can't help but be drawn to them. Strange really, I always thought my least favourite was the Vietnamese. I find their accents and the single syllable words harsh and quite difficult to listen too, but on reflection, my own rather bland Kiwi accent would have to replace it. Jim

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