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Posts posted by jim

  1. Tiddled...yup for sure and I manage heels with out a problem. I enjoy a few drinks and party up at times, but getting drunk...the pissed rotten,fall down, puke all over your shirt drunk does nothing for me at all. I don't get that way, haven't for 20 yrs and I don't plan on doing it any time soon.

  2. a girl walked into the security loop in the door of a shop as she was distracted by my heels.

    LOL.........Now this I like!

    I'm glad to hear your wife survived the incident Hiluc :wink: Did you ever tell her why the accident happened.?

    I remember as boy, starring very intensely at my teachers sandaled feet. They were quite pretty and I had been looking for several minutes.

    I was jerked roughly back to reality when she said to me "Jimmy...would you like a pair of shoes like these ?"

    I was absolutely gob smacked and rooted to the spot. My face and ears stung with embarisment as I mumbled an incoherent reply...LOL...I wanted to flee but with feet like lead all I could do was shuffle off.

    If only she knew: :D

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