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Posts posted by jim

  1. It's a vivid memory even now.I was also 4yrs old when I tried on my mothers stilettos for the first time and walked (shuffled) up the garden path.It just seemed like the natural thing to do.

    The next defining moment was in 1966 at a friends house.We were playing in her room and her mom brought in several pairs of stiletto's for our dress -up games and we wore them most of the afternoon.

    Wearing heels still feels like the natural thing to do, but thankfully I no longer shuffle.. :wink:

  2. Shoe sizing,now there's a bone of contention!

    "Doc Shoe" has talked about this subject in depth but Laurie's summed it up for sure.

    I think the best way is to try the shoe before you buy.That way you are assured the style of shoe suits and they are a correct fit.If you are unsure,the sales girls will generally steer you in the right direction. Besides,shopping for shoes in person is great fun.. :wink:


  3. EUREKA !

    A government force consisting of detachments of British Regiments, the 12th and 40th, plus mounted and foot police of the Victoria Police, attacked an entrenchment of aggrieved gold miners at BALLARAT at daybreak on 3 December 1854. The resulting action, the attack on the Eureka Stockade, is today among Australia's greatest legends.

    Posted Image

  4. Hi StreetHeels....a rather interesting site.Not a lot of really high shoes but interesting non the less.

    I could have sworn the legs in pic of Ped66 were mine!! :wink: but then I havn't been to the UK of late and I don't wear a skirt....whew! It seems we both need to put on a little weight.

  5. Julietta........! :wink: It's great to see you back!

    I really hope things are on the up for you and lifes a little more settled. I know everybody has missed your imput,thats for sure.


    BTW... very nice combo Francis.Love the hose with the embossed roses.(At least I think they're roses..)

  6. daylight savings time is a north american thing,

    Nope, You haven't got that all to yourself. :wink:

    We've had it down here for yonks.DS finished about 2 weeks ago and now there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get every thing done.

    It may still be a little early in the season for y'all,but if you can find a local bee keeper, I'm sure he would give you a small lump of propollis.Take a pea sized piece and gently suck on it.The antibiotic properties in this bee product will ease your throat and kill any infection.A very pleasant and natural remedy.

    While you are at the bee yard getting your propollis,don't forget to take the time to sit quietly with the bees for a while.That in it's self is very therapeutic and they love to hear your troubles and family gossip.

    A delightful English woman ( an anthropologist)I know has one of my hives in her garden for this very thing...


  7. Which still means it could snow at any moment and a mess could ensue. That is how it works no matter the season. Yes, it has snowed in summer.

    Am I glad I live in the South Paciffic Laurie ! it's 25c at the moment with warm autumn rain.

    It's fall here and all the winter boots and things are now in the stores.There are some great styles! Lots of stiletto's and long points with heel heights to about 120mm (close to 5").Just bought a great pair by Sachi on my last trip to the city,they are calf lenght with a cute little belt that fits around the ankle.

    Enjoy the summer and all those sandals......

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