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Posts posted by jim

  1. VS make superb shoes and boots.There are 2 pairs in my shoe closet and I love them! You have bought a very fine pair of boots Loveheel. Isn't it nice to receive a compliment from a women... or even a man for that matter. Just a word or two can make a real difference to your day. rock on jim

  2. Hi Bob! Greetings from the Land's Down Under. Great to see you here and I look forward to your posts..I have to admit to being a fan of Spanish shoes,some are quite awesome and have found the leathers,on the whole, to be of very good quality.

    even with stiletto heels, a guy does not seem as ugly or unacceptable or ridiculous as initially expected. Facing things with an attitude of total normality is a key factor for success.

    If a guy is reasonably slim,has good dress sense and is confident and comfortable within himself, there is no good reason not to wear stiletto's.

    I, like others here, do so fairly regularly and it's a blast .My favorite boots are a pair of black suede beauties by Cesare Catini .They have a delightful long point and a very thin 5" heel.Just can't help feeling sexy and elegant when wearing them.Sure, there are odd negative comments from teenage girls or some Neanderthal,but the positive remarks outway these by a large margin.

    Wouldn't swap any of my still's for all the tea in China and that's a fact. :wink:


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