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Posts posted by jim

  1. It has nothing to do with the flamboyant CD or drag queen parties. The main target group is are the transgendered people who feel they need to express their other gender as well, without the need to impersonate it or switch sexes.

    This is what I thought you meant Hiluc.

    I did not think you were attending a "Drag Night" my friend. I should have been a little clearer with my written reply. :wink:

    I was invited to a similar get together a few years ago. Very good folks on the whole. Some tho, were very closeted and I found that a real shame.

    The group called themselves CDROM, (Cross Dressing Real Ordinary Men) and offered support and friendship and did so in a safe non judgmental environment. Much like this board dose for us I suppose.

    best regards


  2. I loved it when Carrie, who was working for Vouge Magazine,managed to get into the models clothing closet.The place was huge and full of designer shoes!

    I couldn't help but relate to the excitement she portrayed when relising she had stumbled into an Aladins cave and they were all there just for her,waiting to be tried on.

    I could lock myself in a place like that and not come out for days. :wink::D:o


  3. Good choice for the more conservative,mature woman....(I think) Any way,I beleave it looks good on you Luc.Well co'ordinated and smart. I hope you and the rest of the folks had a great time. By the look of things you may stand a good chance in the "Best Legs Comp". lol, I checked mine out today and there maybe an early scratching comming up! :wink: btw, Was this your first visit to a CD meeting Luc ? jim

  4. It's a shame to hear that you and your BF broke up Phuong,parting is never easy. Thanks for sharing your pic, it's good to be able to put a face to a name and the heels you are wearing look quite cool.Just the thing to ease the chore of "dishes". :wink:

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