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Posts posted by jim

  1. I tend to wear 5-6 inches outdoors.

    Six inch heels still represent a considerable height for me, even in my size UK8/US10. I have several pairs in the 5" to 5.5" range but to wear them for 10 hours or so would leave me quite trashed. They are usually kept for evenings out, or other special occasions. Way to many P.L.F's I'm afraid. If you are doing 6"s on a regular basis then I take my hat off to you.

    That's a good point Jo. :wink:

    As I understand it the buyers from here order for next year, so we get the summer shoes that are on the cat walk now in 6mths time.I know we import some stunning cutting edge footwear from Europe. The French, Italian and Spanish shoes are trulysuperb. We also bring in stuff from Oz and the US, it's a lot more mundane tho.There are a lot items shipped in from Asia and we also manufacture here as well. You folks have shoes in your stores that we never see and vice versa.As far as our guys designing heels for your market? I'm really not sure to be honest,but they could be.

    So I will answer your questions with...."yes to all."


  2. I was allways brought up to be polite, yet more and more people these day's aren't

    You and me both.It really takes no more effort to be pollite than it dose to be a rude ass.

    When I open a door for some one it's nice to get a cordial "thank you" in return.It's supprising how often I don't tho..

    Even those that barge thro when I'm holding the door and say nothing, always get a "you're welcome " from me.Perhaps they will pause long enough to think about whats just happened...


  3. Thanks for the encouragement guys.The boots in the pic are suede,the ones I bought are black and in a very soft calf.

    The ankle strap is removable Yam.Taking it off changes the image the boot portrays and have done so as the mood strikes.I think they look a little more dressy with out them tho.

    As for the heel hight HighSuprise,it depends on what you want in a boot.I bought these for street wear and a 4" heel is quite comfortable in that respect.I think comfort has a lot of bearing when buying shoes for all day wear.No need to be a cripple before my time.

    btw, What heel hight do you normaly wear when out side?

    Do check out the models on the Overland site.They are quite...provocative. :wink:


  4. I think there is something to be said for being a little more careful about how we speak and how we write

    I agree YamYam,but that is something we must choose to do of our own free will and volition. There is nothing wrong with being sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others. I applaud sensitivity and gentleness and abhor bullish behaviour.

    I may or may not agree with what is being said, but when seemingly legitimate debate or concern is stifled for fear of being branded racist, homophobic or even redneck, to name a few of the trendy new phrases, a dangerous precedent is being set.

    When I am told by the social engineers and those lemmings holding the political reins how I should think and what I should say, then all bets are off. It's not simply them "trying to encourage people to avoid certain terms that can be offensive" but more a case of you will not say or think this.....or else.

    PC proponents turn the world into language and culture by the words we use, by defining the limits of acceptability of the meanings of certain words and the ideas we use.

    I hate racism YamYam,I will always look at the colour of a mans heart before that of his skin, but the terms institutional racism and hate speech as peddled by our politicians and their ilk,strikes me as nebulous and deeply threatening. Today calling someone a racist is like calling someone a witch in 17th century Massachusetts. It inspires fear and dread and loathing and otherwise sensible people collapse and wilt when you accuse them of being "racist".It's PC at it's incideious best.

    The onus YamYam is never on the accuser to prove it. The onus is always on the accused to show he is not, and guess what that dose...

    it takes away the presumption of innocent until proven guilty.Exit one more civil liberty.

    You mention that "the whole idea has got a little out of hand", it apears you are not quite comfotable with where political correctness is going,and I would agree.In fact I would say it's the thin end of the wedge.

    I beleave your intuition is correct in this respect.Take your concerns a few steps further and research PC's origins and just where its taking us.

    PC is about fear and control, it can be subtle at times but it is control all the same. Some say we live in a bold New Age and the barriers that prevent us from living in harmony are being knocked down with the help of political correctness .Perhaps they are right, maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel......but that light could also be a train.


  5. Political correctness goes back more than 80 yrs..to the Soviet Union in 1921.

    At that time the notion of being politically correct became an important tool for Lennin, who was trying to consolidate his control over his party,and used it to impose orthodoxy on almost every facet of society.

    When you see where it comes from,and it's rather unpleasant origins in view of Lennins contribution to the 20th century, we should be very concerned about PC appearing in our society.It directly threatens all of our civil liberties..

    I for one completely reject it and all its trappings.

    btw....what a gorgeous woman, I just adore redheads.... the perfume's not bad either. :wink:


  6. Several weeks ago I bought a new pair of black leather ankle boots from Overland Footwear.They are one of my favorite stores down here in NZ and I can't help but spend money there. :wink:

    The girls at Overland are great fun and shopping with them is always a blast. Anyway, their winter collection is on line at long last and thought you all would like a peek.Nothing to high, heel wise (4.2" is about it) and they don't show all their styles but they really know how to model shoes.. :D

    The style I chose is called "Peso", by Sasha. The boot has a 4" heel with the sculptured long point I'm so fond off.It is set off with a bold ankle strap and pewter medalion.

    These boots are a very comfortable and stylish and I've had some nice comments while wearing them out and about..

    Posted Image

    Heres a link to their site..



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