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Posts posted by jim

  1. If none of the advise given to you by the board's reasident bush lawyers apeals....just back the removal van up to the bedroom window when the ex is at work,load up all those Manolo's and Jimmy Choo's and head for the hills.. :wink: jim edited for spelling....again.

  2. What an unpleasnt dilemma Badger,I hope you are not going thro the agony of a seperation...

    I'm no expert on these matters (by any stretch of the imagination) but here's my 2 cents worth.

    If you are the person who bought the shoes and only loaned them to your partner to wear, then I would say they are still yours..

    If you gave them to her, I think you have relinquished your rights to the shoes and they are now hers.

    If you live with someone here in NZ for more than 2 yrs, half of your property becomes your partners, by law.If the same applies in your AO then take half of the shoe collection each, or perhaps take them all and give her something else of equal or greater value.... then again maybe you just give her the lot and be done with it.

    I suppose what you do depends on how much you love your heels and how prepaired you are to compromise with her.

    I hope it works out well, jim

  3. Troldeg.... What very cool shoes you've bought! I like them both, but if I had to choose, then the first pair would be the ones I would take. Those mules are a classic and I like them a lot.I have just "discovered" mules myself and have added a 2 pairs to my closet of late. Wearing backless shoes dose require a different approch tho...but I think that's part of their charm.

    btw...do you think these shoes run true to size ??

    regards jim

  4. I hope you had a great time wandering around the old buildings 'pod.I'm no expert but that house? you are standing in front of is very interesting. The round windows are different, that’s for sure. Being an antipodean from a relatively young country, we don't have those "really old buildings”. There are Victorian structures here of some note, but nothing compared to those fine old European buildings.....and a lot of these are being knocked down. What a shame we're loosing such precious links to our past all for the sake of car parks and high rises. Anyway, I'm sure you enjoyed yourself and thanks for sharing. jim

  5. the little girl (I suppose about 5 or 6 years old) started to walk around the supermarket on tiptoe to try out the feeling !

    Now thats cute! :D

    Mothers can be funny at times but I'm glad yours took the comment in her stride Xaphod.It's cool your Mum is comfortable with you in heels.Mine would have a blue fit!

    About 10 yrs ago I was trying on a pair of pumps when a small boy stopped right in front of me,watched for a moment or two and called out to his mother, (who was several feet behind looking at a display)," Why's that man wearing ladies shoes"!!

    Mom was over in a flash and did her best to dislocate the childs shoulder as she pulled him away by the hand.She never said a thing to him, or me for that matter, but I felt uncomfortable for both of us.

    On a cheerier note... Just a few weeks ago I was trying on a pair of boots when a woman and her daughter (7ish) sat down beside me.She didn't pay me any attention until I stood up, then watched with interest as I walked up and down the store in them.When I sat down again, she asked the magic question,"Mum, why is that man wearing high heels"?

    Mom said to her,"Because he likes them honey" and then made a small comment to me..

    "They go well with your shirt".

    Anyway, I never did buy those boots but that brief encounter made my day. :wink:


  6. Hi Alex,That's quite a list you have there.... :D Don't you just hate it when you find a pair of killer heels and they don't have them in your size...aahhhh, the agony! But in saying that, don't give up looking,you just never know what's around the corner. As for me, I don't have a list.When I find a style I like and the shoes are in my size, I buy them.. I suppose I'm quite fortunate,being a US 9.5/10 makes finding nice shoes relatively easy. :wink: jim

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