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Posts posted by jim

  1. It wasn't to long ago that the media reported social change, but these days they seem to implement it.The popular media really dose influence our thinking, they tell us what's hip and what's not, what to eat, where to live, how to think..

    The thing that I find staggering is that we, like good little lemmings just nod our heads in compliance and take it all on board.

    I do not know this magazine but have read similar stuff printed in rag's aimed at young men aged 16 to 25.My guys have brought several of them home from University over the last few years. You know, "Just for the articles Dad.."

    Thankfully they are able to think outside the square and know their own minds (mostly) but pear pressure is a powerful thing .Heat is a bigoted magazine that much is for sure, and with articles like this it dose nothing but promote narrow mindedness and intolerance.

    It makes me sick, knowing that one or two red necked individuals can force their own pea headed ideals on their readers, helping to foster and keep alive the "different is dangerous"mentality.

    Good on you for making a stand against it Julie,I take my hat of to you for sure. Whether it will make a difference or not remains to been seen, but as long as there are free thinking people willing to say no to these lemmings then we've all got a hope.

    Just why some people are so desperately worried about difference and diversity is open to debate and I could name lots of reasons for this phenomena. Simply put, it all boils down to parachutes.. and I knowa lot about parachutes.

    I believe our minds, together with parachutes have an awful lot in common...

    They don't work if they're not open.


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