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Posts posted by kneehighs

  1. Not that no one else has ever thought of this, but I posted a message on Style.com's forums. The headline reads, "Introducing a new trend in heels" (he, he--the women thought they were going to read about fashions for women). Check out the results:


    Hopefully, some other guys here could catch the fever and post some messages on some of the other fashion forum boards on net. Then give us the links to those forums. Then we could get some interesting honest feedback!

  2. Back in the days when I used to live in the Detroit, MI. area, my friends and I would go to a place called Royal Oak. It has a downtown area with full of clubs, bars, restaurants, and dance clubs. Anyhow, my friend chatted up a couple of girls. He talked to this brunnette who was about 5'8" tall, and I decided to talk to her friend. So, my most creative opening line then was, "Nice shoes!" She was about 5'8" tall wearing short daisy duke style shorts, with class. And she had on some black, closed toe, mules with about a 2.5" heel which were popular back then. Combined with the shimmer and shine of her slim, freshly shaven legs, it made my blood boil. Her reply? In a friendly and flirtatious tone of voice, "Thank you. Do you want to wear them?" Wow, if I hadn't been with my friend then, I would definitely have taken her up on the offer! Now, perhaps I would whether or not my friend was with me.

  3. I don't know if you are opposed to wearing womens jeans/pants or not, but Banana Republic tall jeans (available at their shops possibly)have approximately a 34-35" inseam. Victoria's Secret offers on the less expensive side similar TALL jeans with an approximate 34-35" inseam. Just look at the TALL jeans.

  4. Great job! :D I share your same feelings as I was out for the first time during the DAY. I had some "trendy" pin striped boot cut pants on. About 2 inches of my Nine West blade heeled boots were showing at the bottom. Of course I did this in Chelsea, Manhattan on Sixth Avenue. But the rewards were great. Only one person noticed and I'm sure forgot about what he saw a minute later. Overall, it was easy. I shopped for 2 hours and even sat in a Barnes and Noble cafe and sipped coffee. What a day!!

  5. First, I think Paris Hilton is just as ordinary as any other person. She is ordinary as anyone here and if you ask me, completely over-rated. She is constantly being featured here in the local New York City papers, and she doesn't strike me as a person with substance, character, and quality beneath her beautiful exterior. If I saw her out at a Manhattan night club, I wouldn't even do a double take, let alone talk to her. :sleeping: Second, that web site links you to MASSIVE POP UP VIRUSES. I was pissed that POPUPS, including ads against spyware were popping up. What a pain in the ass that site was. Don't go. :x

  6. New York City: most of the women anywhere south of 57th street wear stilleto heels, black mostly....seen a few men wearing block heels. Once on Macdougal street in the village and once when passing through times square. Neither actually elicited negative responses from nearby passerbyers either

  7. The way I look at this: who really cares--after all the guy changed his appearance and still goes to the same bar. The results of her communication were good. But I don't think the results should be attributed to Anita's social graces or excellence in persuasion at all. She knew nothing about the guy except what he was wearing and the few words they had already shared. So her statements to him stem from blind faith. Blind faith that what she was saying was going to work. Kind of like winning a raffle, kind of like through some statistical chance occurence, what she said worked. So I think she just got LUCKY. Off topic, if I was to form a FIRST IMPRESSION about Anita based on this one isolated instance of her social persona and GENERALIZE about her from that, (just like she did with that guy),I'd conclude just as negatively about her as she did about him. :(

  8. I have a similar relationship with my live in girlfriend. I wear only flats outside in public, but am permitted to wear heels in the bedroom. And anytime I do wear heels, i first ask her, then I do it. I don't wear heels everytime, as they are not like oxygen for the sex life, so its not like when I ask, I am asking her to support unhealthy behavior. I think that if she asked me to throw out my shoes, I'd try to get her to compromise first. I'd sell her. Really, my love for shoes comes from the inside out. Trying to resolve the issue from the outside in may eliminate the "symptom" but not remove the cause. Throwing them away would be like putting a bandage on a wound when you really need stitches. I'd remind her of how healthy relationships grow out of communication, commitment, and COMPROMISE. I'd aim for some rules, so we could pre agree to the who, what, where and whens of my shoe wearing. And before I even offered my negotiations, I would demonstrate FIRST that I understood where her viewpoint was coming from. Because I know that before you can be an authority on where someone can go, you have to be an authority on where they are already. I would listen carefully and meticulously establish rapport. I would listen to which words she emphasized with special vocal tonality, pitch, and volume. blah, blah, blah

  9. Check out September's British VOGUE magazine now! Jitrois has an ad of a man wearing stilletos and a leather jacket and leather pants. He has his legs crossed and his hands on his knee. Valentino also has an ad in it--check out the guy dressed as a woman (I think its a guy), he has an adams apple! If this is where fashion is headed, I'm sure looking forward to it.

  10. Okay, here's my idea--so lets see what you guys think. At least if I don't do it, maybe one of the more experienced of you guys could borrow the idea. Since I live in New York City, I convinced a friend who is a girl to walk behind me acting as if she is a "tourist." She'd have a camera, a New York City MTA subway map, and a New York City guide book in her hand. She might also have a sun visor. So she walks behind me far enough to maintain "stranger" distance, acting as if she is a tourist so stunned at my appearance that she just has to snap some shots of peoples reactions. I'd be wearing my black 9 West Stilletos or Blade knee high boots with black shorts and a black top. In broad daylight. This would be a great benefit to alot of closet boot and shoe wearers so my hope is that if I don't do it, someone else will. Maybe you guys in London. I'd probably test somewhere like the East Village first, then venture down to the Lower East Side. Who knows?

  11. Okay, you said designer boots with a stilleto gives like a wow feeling to you. I live in New York City and lately I've been going to a club near Madison Square Gardens with 3.5 inch Nine West Blade Heeled knee high boots. The total outfit is coordinated with black shorts, and a sexy black blouse that has pleat like folds flowing from the neckline to the waist (with semi detectable floral prints in the background). So my main question is what is your opinion of the blade heels? Would you still get like a "wow" feeling in you?

  12. my interest in heels started when I was like 6. I remember sneaking into my moms shoe closet and just sitting there playing with shoes and being quiet. Then when my mom openend the door and I got caught, she said I could get some when i grew up. In the mornings, both my parents would leave for work before i was picked up by the bus right in front of my house, so I would sneak into my parent's bedroom, find my moms knee high boots, put down thread on the floor marking the postions of the heels and toes and shafts so my mom wouldn't suspect me for playing around, and then literally walk around the house in ecstasy for 15 minutes before the bus came. This same pattern repeated itself in 5th grade when again both parents left for work before I left for school, except that this time I would wear her black stilleto sling backs, goto my desk, and hook my heels over the ledge attaching the desk and desk legs. It was a great experience even then. As far as this women who is using Christianity for her reasons for men not to wear womens clothes, there is not a SINGLE verse in the NEW TESTAMENT explicitly condemning the act. In the Old, Deut 22:5 says men should not wear womens clothes and vice versa. First, New Testament grace negates that. Christians don't live by law, they live by faith. Second, if you choose to live by law, you have to live by EVERY LAST PRECEPT of the law and if you break just one part (even keeping the other 99.99%) you are just as guilty. Look at the context of the verse. The surrounding verses are about not weaving unlike threads together, about putting FOUR tassels on your tunic, about how to care for a dying bird on the side of your home. Third, thats a culturally exclusive argument .alot of men would dress as women in that time to get into female concubines and residences so they could have sex with the women. You could go on and on about this even quoting a biblical passage against her. When King David was being chosen, God said he looks at the heart, not on the outward appearance as man.

  13. Last night i visited the same goth club in manhattan. Wearing my "outdated" 3.5" 9 West blade heeled knee high boots with shorts. I even had the courage to ask 2 of the most beautiful women with mini skirt dresses what they thought of my boots. The first girl said, "they look nice" and "thats funny." And then she took her Diesel pumped boot and held it against mine asking what size I was for I could potentially wear her shoes. And then she laughed. After I explained my fashionlessness by wearing blade heels (I really don't follow fashion that much but if you are wearing sexy, fashionable shoes it seems your chances of attracting positive female attention go up), she said who cares, "they look good." Then her equally legy and attractive friend came over and we asked her what she thought. Her first exact words were, "They're okay," and then,"pointy toes are in." See what I mean about the fashion monitoring? Then the first girl asked me if we were going to be shoe critics of the people walking around. So the experience was definitely positive again. Even as a man in shorts with womens knee high high heels on, alot of people still don't notice footwear. It'll be nice the day when I wear them in day light in public. I'm thinking about going to a venue in St. Marks Place in the Village for my first outing.

  14. Well I did it again last weekend. Same place, same time. Same 9 West 3.5" blade heeled knee high boots, with short black shorts, and a black floral/lace blouse. I met a new women who seemed to think its no big deal and even likes my boots. Even in bed. Even walking the streets of Manhattan, not major ones but minor ones like 30th and 31st, the fear is definitely that: Fantasy Experienced As Reality. Maybe my next step is to wear them out to another venue not as liberal as the goth club.

  15. Oh my God, if there was a club like that in Manhattan, I'd own it!! To my knowledge, there are Crossdressing Entertainment clubs like LIPS (Village) , transgender, gay and bisexual clubs like Edelweiss (on 7th Ave S), and some sex clubs scattered in many neighborhoods--Hell Fire Club in the Village for example. But none with a sole focus on Heels.

  16. Well, I finally did it! I got up the courage to wear my 9 West blade 3.5" blade heeled boots with shorts out in public. Granted to the veteran boot wearer this may seem like no big deal. To me though, it was a major victory. I went to a nightclub on Manhattans Madison Square Garden area called downtime. Granted its a goth club, but baby steps come before running for me. I asked one stunning brunnete with equally stunning black stilleto pumps and long lean legs if she liked my outfit. She said yes (I was wearing simple black t,black shorts, knee high stockings and boots). I even said, "but what about my boots?" And she looked at them and said, "there doesn't look anything wrong with them to me." Another beautiful brunnette said the look was unique. I walked by a group of blondes on a bench and all 4 heads turned to look at me. Maybe shock value? I even had a girl ask me if I was having fun...today we had our first date together too! I can't wait to go out again in my boots. Maybe I'll dare my 4" 9 West Stilletos next time...

  17. I'm going to take Laurie's advice and still wear the blades with pride, but at the same time, I'm also going to start investing in pointy toed, stilleto black pumps and boots. Pointy toed and stilleto shoes never lose their style, fashion, and femininity.

  18. I have this great pair of 9 west 3.5" blade heeled knee high boots I bought in 2001 and have kept in great shape. I could be wrong, but it seems that for this coming fall stilleto's are the "in" and I don't want to be the "out" for wearing my favorite boots. What are your opinions?

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