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Posts posted by kneehighs

  1. I agree with you about "women's aesthetics" being relative to time, space, and culture.  Femininity as distinct from the female sex. This is literally the old "nature versus nurture" debate that has run in psychology for decades.

    I do think if we lived in a world where 2 buttons on a coat was for women and 1 button was for men, autogynephiles would want the coat with 2 buttons.  

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  2. 52 minutes ago, Shyheels said:

    I read your thread.  Most of it goes straight over my head and indeed the chances of my investing in crypto are precisely nil. Mind you, the chances of my investing in anything are precisely nil - one first requires capital and that’s a detail I’ve never quite been able to iron out…

    Ah, thanks for tolerating my journey to competency.  Building net worth seems to be a skill most people are challenged with. Society teaches us to get income, but the reality is net worth creates more freedom in terms of time and money than income from a job.  It really requires an open mind and deprogramming what our parents and older generations handed down to us.  (Unless one is lucky to grow up in a family that taught entrepreneurism or investing as a skill).

  3. I don't know if anyone is actually reading this thread. I view it more as a diary, since it displays all my flaws in market thinking back to the 2017 bull run as well as gains.

    For this coming cycle, I see $KAS as a really solid bet. Why?

    1. No preallocation. When most new tokens are launched now, they pre-allocate to the founders. Or they premine. Or they raise money through Venture Capitalists which guarantees a pump, but also a dump by the VC's when their vesting period expires.  KAS was launched fair. No pre-allocation, no ICO, no premine.  This is huge.

    2. The fair launch minimizes regulatory risk.  No centralized authority creates singular point of failure. 

    3. It's a Proof of Work Coin like Bitcoin. Not Proof of Stake.

    4. Also, KAS has outperformed Bitcoin over the last year (826%), month (121%), and week (38%).  

    5. It's a large cap token, relative to the crypto economy. Large caps maintain less risk than small caps. 

    5. End of cycle target is $3-5

    6.  A 20X from here could be had. That's 2000% ROI.  Means if you invest 1K USD, it could be 20K USD at end of cycle. Naturally, you are smart and will taking profits on the way up ;)

  4. 4 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    I think there was only one time, and that was only because a salesman at some Big Box store approached me from the back, and I had long hair at the time. I remember having no real reaction to it one way or the other. I do remember thinking to myself, "Dude, quit apologizing. It's not that big of a deal."

    I notice there is no category for wishing to move like a woman, which is entirely different from "having a woman's body" or "having a woman's bodily functions." Then again, not just any woman will do when it comes to finding motion in the physical world attractive. I have been trying for quite some time to adjust my walk to my preference, with some amount of success. This carries over somewhat to my construction life as well.

    Maybe that would be classified as behavioral?

  5. 40 minutes ago, mlroseplant said:

    I have always said that since I find women attractive, why wouldn't I want to emulate them? It is quite true that I have never tried going full "dress," or even close to it. I suppose if I were younger, I might see things a little differently.

    Pretty much the same sentiment here.  My emulation goes to the specific wardrobe style of girls I'm most attracted to: classic and preppy.  So yes, I dress to be attracted to myself, to a certain degree.

    I think I remember reading a post of yours where you mentioned in your younger years people mistook you for the opposite sex? Was that euphoric for you?

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, mlroseplant said:

    All of those things are still things. Roosevelt, of course. Tasty Tacos is one of our occasional indulgences. I cannot believe how averse I am at driving the 15 miles to get there, but sometimes my son convinces me to do so. Adventureland is still there, and it has expanded/updated somewhat. They've still got that rickety old wooden roller coaster, though. I personally have not had a fun filled day for at least a decade, but up until a month ago, I worked right across the interstate from it.

    Wow, thanks for sharing the update. Such fond memories, really.  Completely different world in the midwest.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    PS:  I guess I am "sartorial"...

    Cool.  One can use the Lover Archetype to define it.  The Lover Archetype makes the autogynephilia more understandable.  

    2 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:

    Good topic. Whilst a love of heeled fashion is the common link among us the spectrum indeed extends beyond just footwear. Whether mixing certain articles like wedge sandals and a handbag with bootcut jeans and a polo shirt to go shopping or dressing fully en femme to visit some city friends or attend an outdoor wedding this experience is thoroughly relaxing and exhilarating at the same time. It’s simply a way to create another canvas. Some write or paint or play sports. I do all three of those, spend time outdoors and know what’s edible and to make use of what’s around me. But I also adore women’s fashion. Dresses,skirts, skinny jeans, wedge heels, pumps and boots, nail color, women’s watches and rings and makeup it all interests me. And none of it makes me gay nor on the road to some surgical solution. Women don’t have to check a box nor justify why they wear what they wear they just do it. As I’ve said before we are here for a limited engagement so we had better enjoy as much of it as we can. HinH

    Interesting. Full en femme only appeals to me in private settings when a girl is treating me like her "Barbie". Beyond that, it has zero appeal to me. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, pebblesf said:

    I think this is great indeed.  Helps differentiate the various interests...  Can help to dissolve foolish stereotypes as well

    Yeah, everyone has a different motivation for wearing heels for sure. 

    1 hour ago, Shyheels said:

    I simply like the styling of some, but by no means all, types of high heels. It’s no more complicated than that, at least not in my case. There’s a certain pleasure in flouting convention, but that pleasure has nothing to do with the fact that heels are perceived to be feminine. In my case it is more a kind of schoolboy delight in breaking some arbitrary rule - and a defiant self expression. In addition of course to the cool styling 

    Are you familiar with Jung's 12 emotional archetypes?  Nike's use of the Hero Archetype phrase "Just Do It" (hero), the US Army "Be All You Can Be (hero), Star Wars (good vs evil, hero). Archetypes transcend socioeconomic and geographic cultures.  "The Rebel archetype personifies defiance, nonconformity and a desire for change. Rebels challenge the established norms and conventions, usually pursuing some form of justice or freedom."  I'd say that's you!  



    • Like 2
  9. Quote

    "Autogynephilia (AGP) is a sexual interest in feminine embodiment. "Auto" refers to the self, "gyne" refers to femininity, and "philia" refers to love. AGP can be thought of as a sexual orientation which, like other sexual orientations, can lead to strong emotions and sentiments which resemble those of conventional love in some people."  

    There are 5 types of autogynephilia, according to Phil Illy. 

    • Anatomic AGP—having a woman’s body
    • Sartorial AGP—donning women’s fashion
    • Behavioral AGP—behaving like a woman
    • Physiologic AGP—having a woman’s bodily functions
    • Interpersonal AGP—socially being a woman

    Surprised this topic hasn't received any attention here over the last 2 decades. I brought up in the topic "Autogynephilia in women" in the For Everybody section.  Here's a link to a popular book Men Trapped In Men's Bodies.

    I know for me, I'm mildly autogynephilic.  Specifically sartorial (80%) and anatomical (20%). My autogynephilia is secondary to my heterosexuality though. My AGP is about 20% of my sex drive maximum while my heterosexuality is 80% minimum.

    Ultimately, the closer I can get to embodying the femininity of the women I sexually desire, the more aroused I become.  For me, there's a definite sensual and erotic motivation to having my body hair laser removed, wearing heels, wearing perfume and basically dressing exactly like a woman I find visually attractive.  

    Yet, I've never fantasized about transitioning MTF. Nor have I ever fantasized about being with a man.  I'm very direct with my partners (and current partner, singular) about my AGP.  Almost all are supportive. 

    What's your opinion, good or bad, about autogynephilia?


    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    Race car driver, eh? You know, Jerry was a race car driver. At least, that's what my son tells me. My son is into Primus. I risked nothing to tell you that little tidbit of information, it is true.

    Dr1819 was a small airplane pilot.

    admirer5577 was also a small airplane pilot

    Paul Duane rides motorcycles

    I wonder if there is a correlation between cis men wearing heels and risky transportation sports

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  11. 4 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    And he definitely walks better than Mark Bryan. Or me, for that matter, despite my best efforts.

    If you look him up on Facebook by his real name Klaus Vemmer, he used to be a race car driver. So he has something in common with Bryan. 

    Unfortunately, according to his Linked In, they only sold 30 pairs of heels.

    I give him credit. He risked time and money and it didn't work. Speaks more than some guys here who offer risk free arm chair opinions.  

  12. The golden bull run of 2024/2025 is coming soon.

    Liquidity cycles, presidential cycles and the Bitcoin Halving all lining up simultaneously.  Add in simultaneous approval of Bitcoin ETF's and Black Rock ETH ETF, and we are well on our way to peak Euphoria. No buyer demand for US 30 year Treasury. Dollar will lose globally currency reserve status starting 2030, imho. Putin and EuraAsia see it. EU and US? Not so much yet.

    I'll be shaving Bitcoin profits in segments, starting at 80k, 99k, and letting the rest run

    If you invest in alt coins, make sure to reduce risk by finding coins that have outperformed Bitcoin. This reduces risk and maximizes reward.  Leading narratives this cycle will be gaming, AI, and tokenized Real World Assets (Rolex's are being traded on chain now. Eventually real estate will also be traded as NFT's because crypto automates the labor intensive paper work process inherent in real estate transactions).

    See you on Lake Como in my heels!


  13. 5 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    Not an OG here, but I suppose I'm close. My dates don't show it, but I was around. I can remember when there were actual women on this site, and I can remember when there were men pretending to be women. I can say that it may be boring around here nowadays, but there's very little stupid stuff that goes on anymore. It has just become a site for men who like to wear heels. It may be that there is a need that is better filled elsewhere, or it may be that there is less of a need for a support group like ours. There is no question that the world, in many places, has become more accepting of fashion non-conformity than it was in 2002.


    Social media has replaced the membership boards.  The digital experience became more individuated and decentralized. 

    Plus, the broader world is more accepting now than it was in 2002-2012 (2012 is when mass adoption of Instagram really started) era. 

    When the pendulum will swing back against this remains to be seen. 

    You can just downright tell a first date now "'I'm autogynephilic, I love to embody femininity in myself and it arouses me...and she'll whip out Dior lip gloss a minute later and offer to put in on you. All the while you're wearing pumps and leather pants.  Friends are way more open to it, especially in the West.  Heck, even in Russia where I spent the last 3 months people were still open to it.


  14. 11 hours ago, Bubba136 said:

    I confine wearing of feminine clothing to stockings and girls shoes including high heels.  These days I mainly dress casually in golf shirts and slacks along with various styles of heeled loafers and knee highs.  My children are grown and gone living in other parts of the country.  My wife passed away several years ago.  So I am am alone living most days here at the beach.  I do occasionally get questions about the way I dress mainly when wearing shorts and sandals.  I usually respond by saying that I find it much more comfortable dressed the way I do. 

    I have been a member here for a long time and have posted a lot about myself in the past.  Answers to your questions are there.  Just scroll back through my comments.

    Off topic, but I just wanted to say it sure is good seeing you active here, a fellow OG (Original Gangster) at that.  How times have changed since "2002"

  15. 2 hours ago, Jkrenzer said:

    It's the high classic pumps. Beautiful shoes make all other aspects better and classic pumps, no platforms, are the most attractive of all heeled shoes.

    Agreed. Nothing beats a classic pointy toe pump. The sound they make is distinctive, the sex appeal is distinctive. Just. The. Best.  Especially for sexy dates (with members of the opposite sex, for me)

  16. 3 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    Speaking of 5 inches, my Steve Madden Klory pumps, that which I have called my perfect pumps after a long search, approach 5 inches, but do not reach it. What I can't understand is why I think it is a great idea, given my duties, to wear such shoes to church. I can sort of walk in them, that's not the real problem. It's the standing for an hour, and THEN trying to walk in them while carrying instruments and equipment. Luckily, that stuff is never on camera. I have become rather proficient at standing still in heels, something I used to struggle with quite a bit. I have little idea how you manage to wear 5 inchers every day. Mad props to you!

    Beautiful, beautiful shoes. Inspired you wear them to church! 

  17. On 9/16/2023 at 10:31 PM, alphax said:

    Here's a question for more knowledgeable bitcoin enthusiasts:

    Is there factoring in the increasing cost of maintaining bitcoin by mining?

    Bitcoin's ledger is only updated because of ongoing mining, i.e. solving increasingly complex mathematical puzzles to earn bitcoin, and get awarded the right to update the blockchain ledger.

    Given that energy is increasingly expensive, especially fossil-fuel based energy, is there a point where the cost of maintaining the ledger through mining outweighs the value of the utility of the currency, or even the value of the currency itself?

    Professional bitcoin miners have to purchase computer server hardware, buy or rent facilities to house the servers, pay for the energy that they consume, personnel to operate and maintain the servers and facilities, etc.

    I have heard that the bitcoin mining community is set on staying with "proof of work" i.e. the current mining model for maintaining the ledger.

    This is as opposed to "proof of stake" which is where currency holders commit their holdings for the right to update the ledger, for which they are rewarded with additional currency. This is a much less energy intensive process.  To be fair, I really don't know how this works.

    The best known example a cryptocurrency using of "proof of stake" is Ethereum 2.0

    I'm not sure how to answer all your questions except that in the next 10-15 years, I foresee the price of Bitcoin stabilizing.  Price will enter the Late Stage Slow Growth part of the S-curve after the parabolic tops from ETFs/AI/ are achieved.   This in turn will make things more predictable, reduce risk the comes from price volatility, and make it easier to manage investment decisions.  As Michael Saylor states, "Bitcoin mining is the most efficient, cleanest industrial use of electricity and is improving its energy efficiency at the fastest rate across any major industry. No other industrial energy consumer is so well suited to monetize excess power as well as curtail flexibly during periods of energy shortfall & production volatility. Bitcoin mining is a global industry that provides economic opportunity to people all over the world."



  18. On 9/9/2023 at 9:05 AM, Shyheels said:

    My plan is to step off-grid, draw up the drawbridge, live frugally  and let the world ride its own race

    You've mentioned that before.  That would be quite a peaceful life, tbh.  What country will you be doing that in?  Only place I could see myself doing that is Spain, Italy, Greece, or France.

    On 9/9/2023 at 5:40 AM, Cali said:

    My plan was to  buy coastal land when it was cheap.  Up over 200% in 9 years. 

    Grow your own organic food.  Retire triple dipping.


    The key word is when.

    I think the crypto industry has spoiled me. 200% in 9 years seems like eternity to me.  Bitcoin mining stocks are up 234% on average since January 2023.

    Anyway, I know. your mentioning that in a different context with different priorities. California weather is absolutely gorgeous.  Arguably the best in the US. Hope you make it happen sometime!

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