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Posts posted by kneehighs

  1. Hey Thighboot guy, Wow, those are some really interesting stories you are telling there. It's great to hear the women at the front desk were supportive of you. Can I ask what part of Columbus you are staying in? The reason I ask is because my grandma lives in Columbus. Actually it's a suburb called Upper Arlington. Thus from my many visits to Columbus throughout my lifetime, I've learned a little about Columbus. Have you had a chance to go to the downtown area at all? There is a pretty big mall down there called The City Center. It has your usual retail giant anchor stores and last time I was there it was still upscale. It might be fun place to go heeling as there are multiple restaurants down there too. And on the way down High Street to downtown you could drive through Ohio State University (if you really want to test your courage). But there is one place between Ohio State and Downtown (on High Street which takes you all the way downtown) called Short North. Its kind of an artsy neighborhood and might be conducive to safe thighbootman heeling. How about the German Village also located downtown? Some cool cobblestone streets there to maneuver through. Oh well, just thought I'd shoot some choices past you, thats all.

  2. I saw these pics on Getty images too. I was wondering if he has ever played the part of a woman? I haven't seen Hairspray yet, but what was his real reason for wearing heels? Any speculations out there?

  3. Saturday night out in Manhattan was neither the absolute best nor the absolute worst, but qualified for interesting comment in both sides. First, I talked with three different women. In each case, after first establishing rapport, I showed the woman my pointy toed pencil thin stilleto boot. And then I asked what her opinion was. One girl said that since she had grown up in New York, nothing at all surprised or shocked her anymore especially in terms of fashion. But with people that dare to be different, she said she was, "actually impressed by them." Case one for the good side. Another girl actually started asking questions about my heel wearing history. "So when did you decide you wanted to wear heels?" "How long have you been wearing heels for?" Her inquisitve nature was warm and respectful. She said they were actually sexy. But she said that if she saw a guy wearing heels like this in the street of the city, she would think he was gay. I felt the reaction was more good than bad in general and gave this a "good" score. Then another girl actually said, "you wear them well." A compliment in the least. Then she went on to say, "if I saw a guy in the streets of the city wearing those I would say to myself, 'straight crossdresser'" She then asked me if I was wearing panties? I said, "no" and she suggested that since I was already wearing heels I should expand my horizons and substitute my uncomfortable mens underwear for some soft and silky panties. :roll:

  4. A guy anxiously walks into a sex shop and runs up to the salesperson at the counter and explains his situation,"Hey, I'm going out of town on business for a few weeks and my girlfriend, is like borderline nympho. I'm not sure what to get her." The salesperson said, "Let me show you my voodoo dildo." So the salesman turns around and from high atop a shelf, he pulls down a box, about the size of a shoebox, in varnished wood, with elaborate floral engravings on the top. Then he opens it, and wrapped in soft, red silk and velvet, is a dildo. The the salesman says, "watch this." And in the tonality of an experienced drill sargeant says, "Voodoo dildo, DOOR" And magically, the dildo lifts itself out of the box and through the thin air proceeds to fly right into the key hole on the door. And then it starts thrusting in and out, and in and out (he, he, when i used to be "single" I'd layer in the sexual metaphorical parrallels to prime my date's emotionally). :roll: Now the guy's jaw drops to the ground and as he watches in amazement, the salesman in the same military confidence says, "Voodoo dildo, box!" And instantly, the voodoo dildo flys from out of the keyhole right back into the box from which it came. And after some haggling and negotiating, the guy leaves with his chin up and a brand new voodoo dildo under his arm. So he leaves on his business trip and now his girlfriend is alone. And after some time alone, and not wanting to give into the urge but feeling the pressure mount from within (he, he) she stares at the voodoo dildo once, gives it a double take, and finally gives in with the command, "voodoo dildo, my p$$$y" And as expected, it mysteriously does it's job. Entering into her with poised elegance and thrusting with equally graceful rythm, she is in bliss. But then she realizes she doesn't know the command to get the voodoo dildo out of her. So in a frenzy of desperation she manages to--despite the constant gyrating of her hips and thighs--get to the phone and dial 911. "I have a voodoo dildo stuck in me, please help" To which the 911 attendant replies, "Yeah right, click." So in a persistent effort to get this thing out of her, she wobbles over her garage door, and writhes her way into the seat. She drives as if she was drunk, with gyrating hips and thighs and all, she makes way down the highway to the hospital. Weaving in and out of her lane, when not but a moment later, She sees blue and red lights in her rearview mirror and realizes she is being pulled over. The officer walks over and taps on her window and she rolls her window down. "Ahem, excuse me miss, but what could possibly cause you to drive like that?" "I swear to you officer, it's my voodoo dildo!" To which the officer exclaims, "Voodoo dildo my ass!"

  5. Well guys, for the first time I actually gathered the courage to go clubbing in my 3.5" stilleto, pointy toe Banana Republic boots. It turned out well. First, I met a girl who was sitting to my left. She was blonde with brown highlights, pink shiny skin, and wearing a black spaghetti strap dress. She was sitting down and bent over fiddling with the ankle strap on her high heeled sandles alongside the dance floor. When I asked her if her feet hurt, she turned and said, "No, I'm just trying to adjust these Steve Madden's. F%% Steve Madden!" So I got to asking her where she lived in the city and it turns out she lived in Queens. In a big Jewish neighborhood. "Is that Forest Hills?" I asked. She said, "Yes!" Then I asked, "Do you think I could get away with wearing these in Forest Hills?" (pointing at my pointy toed-stilletos). She said, "Those are sexy shoes" And went on to say, "I didn't even know Banana Republic made shoes." On her way out, she brought her gorgeous friend over. And asked what the friend thought....So the first girl took my heels in her hand and displayed them to her friend. Instantly, her friend held a thumbs-up and off they went. Wow, right?

  6. Have you guys seen the bandolino.com site yet? When I first started street heeling when I lived in the Detroit area, I went to an outlet mall and asked a sales girl for some help. She steered me to some Bandolinos and WOW, they were comfortable! Honestly and not to overstate, they lasted for at least 3 years without much wear. They are actually owned by Jones Apparel Group, Inc. Who also owns Nine West, Enzo Angiolini, Easy Spirit, and Anne Klein. All pretty decent shoe manufacturer's.

  7. Well, if you ask me--and I am not a practicing Christian--I don't think God gives a hoot if you wear high heels, or any article of womens clothing with a couple of caveats. First, whatever it is that you are doing can not control you or then it becomes "sin". So if you are still in a state of self-control when you practice your heel wearing, then go for it! Second, I think there is a passage somewhere in Corinthians where it talks about causing your "brother" to stumble. Something about eating food sacrificed to idols...so heel away when not present with a "brother" who to him, heel wearing is a "sin".

    Wow, this topic could really digress into another thread, because it seems like at this point sin is subjective for the sinner. What is sin to one, is not necessarily sin to another. And this is while either sinner is still justified by faith. And then there are the effects of cultural context on the defintion of sin, too. Back then men practiced crossdressing in the context of religion to have sex with women.

    As I see, to each his own...I see it all here in New York, and not much seems to shock me at all anymore.

  8. Just exactly where in the new covenant does it state that a man can't wear high heels? The rules of "tradition?" Oh yeah, that's right, new born again's are bound by tradition aren't they? Oh, and I forgot that God judges men by their outward appearance, like he did David's height, right? Give me a break, nothing that goes into a man from the outside in can make him unclean. Perhaps, some "brothers" may stumble because of your heel wearing, but exercising your freedom in front of them is better left to your good discretion and judgement.

  9. Unfortunately, I was with my girlfriend and some friends from out of town. So, NO, I was not wearing heels, only my flat knee high boots. If only I could get my gf to let me wear heels while with her in public(not trying to create another thread here so I'll leave this one alone). Just today on First Avenue and 55th street I saw an older man, about 55-65 smoking a pipe and wearing some women's flats--loafers with the really short vamp that barely covers the toes. As he walked across the street he kept looking down at his shoes.... There are websites that make free business cards if you pay for the shipping. Don't know if they ship internationally though.

  10. Okay, this may seem a bit overboard, but I was out Saturday night in New York City and I saw a total of 4 guys wearing high heels. Yes, you heard me right, 4! Now, when I saw that, I wanted to talk to them about hhplace but everything moves so fast in New York and considering that I was entertaining company, I didn't have the time to approach them about our site. So what if we had business cards to hand out to guys about our site? I'm sure this is not a novel idea and possibly has been discussed before on another thread. The fact of the matter is that I see guys in heels all the time. On the street walking, on the subway platform, with their girlfriends, wherever and whenever with whomever....

  11. Okay, guys, thought I'd have a little fun here and I found another web site forum: http://www.luxuryfashion.com/phpBB2/index.php

    I've been lurking here for about a month now, gathering some information about the population there. Since the forums inception in August of 2003, there are 2323 members as of the date of this post. The top 3 posters alone have a combined 20117 posts. Thus, the threads there move very fast and only a choice few survive the first page of selections. The remaining less popular ones swiftly get lost in the maze of archived posts status. With your help posting, the thread can be one of the choice few that remain at the top of the message threads.

    The posts I've read at this forum suggest to me that the people at this forum are more open minded that that of ELLE (bumped for people that did not get to see the thread). They seem to come from many age groups (15-40) and many different socio-economic rungs. But for the most part, they seem open minded.

    Now I am about to start another thread there along the same lines of the one started at Style.com and Elle.com, but thought that if we pulled together and I got some input from you guys, we could present men in heels in a good, smart, and respectful way. Better as a group, than me and a few others alone.

    I want to include photos of men in block heels, men in stilleto heels with the pant leg covering the major part of the heel. But what should I leave as the message? We're not doing it to see what they think of men in heels because we are so terribly self conscious that we can't bear the idea of disapproval, but we are doing it to spread the concept that men in heels is a fashion trend that is catching on. The more we can publicize the concept, the greater the chances that other people like us will find out they are not alone. Search engines will pull threads from the forums, people will talk about it at lunch, on the phone, on the subway....etc, etc.

    So what are your thoughts?

  12. LOL was supposed to be a reply under my original thread, Empire State bulding pics. LOL was a response to how big my avatar photo which I took off originally came out. Sorry for the oversized photos...in this thread I did say it was my FIRST time ever posting personally taken pictures. So Azraelle while this is definitely far from being rocket science, I resent your earlier comments.

  13. Hey guys, just to let you know, I chose to title the thread, "INTRODUCING new high heels fashion," because that headline appeals to the readers self-interest, curiousity, and has a certain "news" appeal to it. The success of an entire advertising campaign may stand or fall on what is said in the headline. For you guys that use english as a second language, test the power of ,"Are you afraid of making mistakes in English?" vs. "Do you make these mistakes in English?" The second is more powerful because it arouses your self interest and curiosity. Alternatives like, "Men in heels," or "Man spotted on street in stilletos" or "what do you think of men in high heels?" may don't really offer anything of self interest to the reader. I was trying to get as many as people as possible to read the thread. If anyone has more powerful suggestions for the next "women's" forum that I am going to post on, please let me know soon. Thanks

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