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Posts posted by kneehighs

  1. On 3/20/2012 at 6:34 PM, kneehighs said:

    I can't believe I literally just stumbled upon this.


    Yet another example of my above statement, "The internet has evolved into an entire Social Media experience, replete with all sorts of guys promoting heels to the greater public beyond the closed doors of this community." This Social Media experience now includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, tumblr, and blogs.


    In this case, I literally stumbled upon the Instagram account of Shaq91 (who is banned from here and is now 20). That account can be viewed on a desktop by clicking --> @hottestheels Currently, users of Instagram can only upload pictures via an Iphone. Instagram has announced it will reveal an Android app later, but for the moment only iphone users can upload pictures.


    If you scan through his photos and read the comments from the general public, they ought to encourage the skeptic in anyone. You will see he's discovered a plethora of acceptance and generally created his own world of acceptance.

    March 20, 2012

    Beating the drum for Social Media, including Instagram, broadening public acceptance of men in heels.

    And here we are.

    One thing I don't see much of nowadays are memes supporting men who wear heels. We're by no means new to the meme revolution, but it is a defacto cultural communication standard among GenZ and Millennials now.

  2. 2 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    ...This new bunch refuses to say anything, even when prompted. I can't even detect a sideways eye thing going on. They are much younger than the old crew, probably older Gen Z or younger Millennials. We all know that people notice, but it seems the younger crowd, if they're not interested in shoes, just moves on in their mind as if it were an everyday occurrence. I guess that's where we want to be, so I shouldn't complain.

    Very interesting. I've had the same experiences internationally, for what it's worth. From life in Moscow to Budapest to Tbilisi (where I'm at right now).

    Regarding your experience in the US, a recent Public Religion Research Institute study found that 28% of GenZ identfy as LGBTQ. 

    I think social media really started this.  And because a simple VPN allows users to bypass social media restrictions, the wave of acceptance is international--even in cities in the East aligned with Russia/China.

    Mostly, this started with Instagram, which promoted visual repetition of men in heels broadly and repeatedly--an idea I received push back for back in 2016. Back then it was only 400 Million monthly active users on Instagram. Now it's 2 Billion.

    And updated in 2022

    The difference is now in the Western countries "wokeism" has generally advanced political idealogies that support men wearing heels.   Such ideology is not necessary imho for public assimilation, but it's there.  

    Regardless, it's cool to celebrate men in heels as "unique". Congratulations on the experience.

  3. There's no simple answer unfortunately.  It's really about calculating your risk to reward ratio.

    A 1:3 risk to reward ratio is considered good.  

    To get that with Bitcoin at today's prices of 70K:

    Risk--sell Bitcoin if price decreases under the cost of production of one Bitcoin, 60K. So Risk = 10K.  

    Reward--if you expect Bitcoin to hit 100K, your reward is 100K-70K = 30K

    10K/30K = 1:3

    That's an oversimplification of a short term trade.

  4. I think it's awesome he's wearing heels! Some of the comments on the instagram post seemed surprised but open to the image of him in heels.

    I like this REEL with him walking in heels with his wife:


    And this 30 second clip where a podcaster(I guess it's his wife) asks about his heels. She likes his heels and rationalizes multiple reasons why his heels are a good thing:


    • Like 1
  5. On 5/21/2024 at 2:58 PM, Bubba136 said:

    What is the outlook and your suggestion?


    I think Bitcoin still rockets towards 100K this cycle.  And maybe ETH rockets towards 10K.  My base case for when this cycle ends is still end of Q4'24-early Q2 '25. It's flexible though and subject to change based on market conditions.

    How long one chooses to hold Bitcoin really depends on one's financial goals. If holding for 10+ years you will definitely want to self custody.  Hold it in a cold storage wallet. Keep the Private keys and password access secure, probably in your will statement, probably in a safety deposit box where heirs can access it. This is important because one day Wall Street will probably create derivatives of the BTC ETF.  Wall Street has a history of creating more paper claims to assets than there are underlying assets.  At that stage the phrase "not your keys, not your coins" will solve the problem.  Those with self custodied Bitcoin will be protected because they will be able to prove their ownership On Chain. 

    If it's just a short term trade, then it depends on how much profit ROI you are happy with. If a 1.5X is good for you, sell at 1.5X and be happy.  Even if price pumps 5X after you sell. 

    Hope that helps.




  6. Trump talks pro crypto at a rally.

    Democrats (Warren and Gensler who is the SEC anti crypto chair) suddenly realize crypto is a voting issue. 

    SEC requests for accelerated amendments to ETH ETF applicants signaling Ethereum ETF approval imminent.

    ETH ETF gets approved

    Crypto markets rocket to the moon. Welcome back to the fabled alt coin bull run, where everything skyrockets. Irrational upside.


  7. On 4/3/2024 at 2:18 AM, Gige said:

    No, but I do have to be very careful about what I say because it could be viewed as being discriminatory. 

    Or some form of sexual harassment?  I'd be surprised if in Western run companies, the #MeToo movement is over yet.


    • Like 1
  8. On 2/29/2024 at 8:41 AM, Shyheels said:

    So true and so disappointing. I’ve been experimenting with shooting images of myself in heels - not posing but looking natural, casual, as though it were not staged, and shot in such a way that the fact that I’m wearing heels is not immediately apparent although the heels are fully visible. It is entirely possible to photograph a guy in heels in such a way that it seems completely unremarkable -

    From a pro photographer no less. Would love to see your final product! Do share :)

  9. 18 hours ago, Bubba136 said:

    Is anyone buying it at this price?


    Larry Fink, CEO of Black Rock talked about that today.  The BTC ETF is the most successful ETF in history. But the ETF is a narrative. Narratives change rapdily.  In 2023, the narrative was recession while markets rallied.  Even Elon Musk was wrong. Nevertheless, the Bitcoin halving narrative (daily BTC issued gets cut in half) occurs in April. 😕That doesn't address the demand side of your question, but it does address the supply side. Many ETF issuers also can't promote their ETF until +90 days after initial issuance for regulatory reasons. So with 6 trillion in cash sidelined from the 2023/2024 recession, and a supply shock (halving) and demand surge (ETF) you get three new narratives to pump price from. 

    So for me, I'll rely on Technical Analysis indicators to bypass narrative hype.  As price accelerates through the Optimism, Belief, Thrill and Euphoria stages of the Wall Street Cheat Sheet cycle, dips get shorter and shorter in time. The shorter the time the dips average, the greater the risk the top is near. Why? Because in the final parabolic stage, dips barely last more than a few days. Coupled with Super Bowl ads for crypto, Coinbase app being #1 in the app store, and multiple mainstream celebrity crypto endorsements the top will be near. 

    But that is for cycle traders (about 4 years according to the liquidity cycles).  For those who hold BTC for 10-15 years +, they'll hold BTC into a whole new global financial reset when the USD loses it's default global reserve status




  10. This guy in this conversation always told me "trust the FED" and constantly mocked me buying Bitcoin

    Bitcoin was at $5K USD at this time. This was March 2020. Bitcoin never went back to $5K ever again after this.

    Naturally I playfully have to occasionally give him a hard time for his decision to not buy Bitcoin back then.

    Per usual, most don't understand risk to reward is in your favor when the rest of the world is fearful. Now that Bitcoin is consolidating near 70K, most are becoming greedy. 

    And that my friends has me playing defense now. 



  11. On 3/21/2023 at 1:25 PM, mlroseplant said:

    Out of the blue, a friend sent me this picture, which was posted by this young man's mother on social media. I have very inexpertly blotted out his face because I don't know any of the people involved, although the post was set to full public. The caption to the photo set read, "[Young man's name] absolutely slayed his senior recital! And in 4 inch heels. He worked so hard and we could not be more proud."

    I shall have to find out the back story, but it is encouraging to see. I believe my friend sent me this because doesn't this general style look a little familiar? Only on somebody younger, taller, and better looking than me. This is at a fairly famous music school, too, so this guy is no hack.


    Off topic from the most recent thread, but did you ever find out the back story on this?

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    The workaround link evidently doesn't work in the U.S., but like a good American, I'm going to offer up my opinion from a position of ignorance. I wouldn't want to break tradition or anything.

    I, of course, have no idea what the article says, but what I imagine it says in part is right up my alley. Much of what attracts me to high heels is the athletic challenge, and I alone in my world actually walk in high heels. I cannot say that this practice has done me any harm. In fact, I'd say it's quite the opposite.

    I seem to remember another guy who walked several km in high heels pretty much every day. I want to say he was from Oz, but my memory is fuzzy. Perhaps a former member here?

    Any chance you have a parental control setting on your wifi? Or some kind of safety setting? The archive.ph often doesn't work in that situation.

  13. Now that Bitcoin is starting to gain attention again, if anyone has time to read this article it makes the strongest case that Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto is Len Sassaman.

    I'd bet money on it. Satoshi's online footprint and Len's peaked at the same hours of the day, they both spoke the same kind of British english, Satoshi made reference to Euros too.

    And most importantly, Len roomed in San Francisco with the creator of Bit Torrent, Bram Cohen. Bram started an online Peer-to-Peer marketplace called Mojo Nation. Mojo Nation was powered by "Mojo" coins. It collapsed due to hyper inflation. 

    Thankfully, Bitcoin has the 21 Million limit in supply forever. I wonder why?


  14. On 8/11/2017 at 9:36 AM, kneehighs said:

    Blockchain is happening folks, for real: http://www.trustnodes.com/2017/08/10/institutional-investors-move-bitcoin-ethereum

    Goldman Sachs: “Whether or not you believe in the merit of investing in cryptocurrencies (you know who you are), real dollars are at work here and warrant watching,” Goldman Sachs said according to Bloomberg."

    The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), US’s biggest options exchange, is to soon offer bitcoin options and futures trading following an agreement with Gemini Trust after CFTC approved Ledger X for clearing derivatives on July 24th.


    How times have changed, eh? I gotta laugh at the comments that mocked Bitcoin.

    All the people in this thread mocking what Black Rock and Fidelity are selling to their clients. For what it's worth, I doubt these clients even fully understand Bitcoin. The sales call, if one even occurs, probably goes something like "BlackRock here. Larry has a new ETF. He wants to get you to 1%.  It's our best performing ETF in history. $5B of inflows in 5 weeks." Client "Do it". Click

    Imagine fading Bitcoin now. Ethereum also has ETF's coming in May. So it'll get a bid too. 


  15. On 1/27/2024 at 4:46 AM, Cali said:

    We had all campus meeting today. Wore my black (below) knee high boots with a thin 3.6 inch heels. This is also the unoffical meeting of the high heel club. 5 women stop by my table to compare heels with me, 3 stiletto booties and 2 knee high boots. I was also stop by half a dozen other women so they could tell me how much they loved my boots. About 20% in low heels and a few kitten heels.

    Cool affirmation!  Feels great when it happens.

    • Like 2
  16. It's common.  What do you mean by "her heels looked so done?"  I understand that to mean "her heels were worn out, old and dilapidated".  Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Unless I was wearing heels myself, I wouldn't say something to a stranger though. If I was wearing heels and had the impulse to say something, I'd say something like "You look great in those heels. Guys can rock them too! (then finger point at my heels)."  She'd probably look surprised. Then from there in a playful way I'd say "heel toe, heel toe in a straight line right?"  And see where it goes.

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