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Posts posted by Kittyinboots

  1. My wife does not approve, yet she is a very loving and tolerant wife. She knows that I will wear my high heels boots when she is not around. Today we had a very nice compromise. She really wanted to go to Chicago's Chinatown district (USA). I told her that if she can tolerate me wearing my boots and jeans from my avatar, I would take her. We compromised, I would leave our home dressed in my brown high heel boots, and then change into sneakers when we got there. This was fine with me since we would be doing a considerable amount of walking at Chinatown. So I left our place dressed in my high heel boots, even got out to pump gas and pay for it wearing boots. She didn't seem to mind. And when we arrived, we walked through the neighborhood in sneakers. It was a simple afternoon of lunch and shopping. As it was time to leave, I was starting to get cold, so I changed back into my boots for the ride home. I mentioned to my wife that this was actually my second time going to Chinatown in my boots, first time was the Chicago heel meet earlier this year. So she is slowly accepting me in boots and I am glad that I got to kiss her wearing my boots. She was just glad to have an outing and enjoying my company. All in all, it was a fun outing, and I'm glad that my wife knows me a little better.

  2. This is my 100th post, so it is only fitting to explain my user name. My nickname is Kitty when my wife calls me, since I am more of a cat person and have more of an attitude like a cat. She is more of a dog lover, loyal and obedient, hence her nickname is Puppy. So instead of Puss In Boots, I just call myself Kittyinboots, I use this as my username for my other web site accounts. And for this web site, I am only into tall boots with high heels.

  3. From one IT person to another, welcome to HHP. Of course if I wore any of my high heeled boots to work I would get a lot of stares, criticisms, jokes, etc. Besides I need to stay in comfortable shoes since I do a lot of walking from desk to desk and floor to floor. Can I guess your initials? (Go To My Happy Place)

  4. One funny thing I noticed as I compulsively read all the posts (which I also did catching up on cakewrecks !), I noticed that this picture : http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b183/susie_bubble/Style%20Bubble/vogboys10.jpg is actually of a woman.

    It can be pretty hard to tell with some of the models these days. :winkiss:

    I'm not sure if that's a step forward or just fashion's latest stick-insect female models.

    But on a more cheerful note, it was interesting to see all the different ways men wore high-heels. I've never seen a guy in heels in real life in an "everyday" setting - maybe I should pay more attention next time I'm in Boston. :silly:

    Wow, that could have fooled me! Looks like a man in heels to me.

  5. Two things that result of bad economic times. One is that people repair their automobiles and keep them going longer because it's less expensive than purchasing a new one. Another sign of a bad economy is that people tend to have their old shoes repaired so they don't have to spend what little money they have to purchase a new pair.

    If you have an opportunity perhaps you can revisit him and encourage him to wait a couple of more months before he shutters his doors. Business is bound to improve the way things look.

    Yet in my case, I repaired the heel tips simply because they don't make boots of this style and shape any more, not for economic reasons. I see a lot of very pointy boots with very skinny heels. But if they ever bring back my favorite style of boot, I would have at least another pair in black.

  6. I found an interesting video about two German female reporters trying various styles of boots, including thigh boots. ;-)

    Unfortunately, I don't speak German but from what I can pick out of the conversations, it sounds like they had a lot of fun with their assignment. Regardless, there are some great images in the video.

    We should watch this clip over and over again to increase the number of hits for this video and give it more exposure. Great video, thanks Thighbootguy.

  7. Here is my best recollection of Friday's heelmeet. I drove to Chicago since I live in the suburbs.

    It was held at a Chicago studio near their Chinatown district. Ms. C was our hostess and has friends from the domme fetish scene. The studio decor was predominantly a collection of dominatrix accessories and equipment, chains, whips, racks, etc. as the owner of the studio was a domme.

    The party itself went from 8pm to 1am CST, although I could only stay until 11pm since I was losing my voice that night. I did not meet a lot of members from HHP, maybe a few appeared after I left. Yet the friends from the domme fetish crowd filled up the studio enough to have a party atmosphere. I would guess anywhere from 20-40 people were there, but I can't be sure since people left and more showed up later. There was even a small tour group with a guide who was explaining some of the accessories that the dominatrix uses. Then they of course left after the tour was done.

    There was a rep from Skyscraper Heels in Chicago who brought several pairs of shoes and boots for guests to try on and buy. Some of the guests modeled the shoes/boots as the party progressed.

    This was my first social outing and my biggest outing in high heel boots. I wore a black dress shirt, and from my avatar, my blue riding jeans and tall brown high heel boots, topped off with a leather jacket. One of the guests even felt the leather on my boots and asked me to feel the leather on her boots as we discussed what materials and style of boots we prefer.

    My only goal was to enjoy a party wearing high heel boots. But not a bad idea to combine heelers with domme fetistists to increase overall attendance. But overall I had a nice time. I was comfortable wearing high heel boots in public, knowing that I was in a group that is accepting of a man wearing high heel boots.

  8. Just got back from the Chicago, IL USA heel meet. It was nice meeting Ms C. and all the guests. Thanks to all the organizers for putting on this event. For me this was my longest outing in high heel boots. It felt good getting compliments on my boots and being able to enjoy a party in boots knowing that I was in a group that is accepting of a man wearing high heel boots in public. I wore my boots and riding jeans in my avatar. I hope they do this again next year.

  9. Probably one of the most memorable movies I remember watching whilst growing up was 'Pretty Woman'. Julia Roberts looked mighty fine in those thigh boots!

    If anyone hasn't see the movie i've attached the cover.

    What's your favourite movie?

    I saw this on TV a while back, on a VH1 special about movie secrets. For the movie poster, a model was used and Julia Roberts face was transposed in the picture. For the opening scene where she was zipping up her thigh high boots, they used a body double. Although I will always picture Julia Roberts looking hot in her boots.

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