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Posts posted by Kittyinboots

  1. Nice boots, Bootylicious. I would say yes they do qualify for HH Place, since I have a similar pair of cowboy boots. I had a similar story when I was a kid. In grade school at age 11, I wore my cowboy boots to school and had several comments about my wearing my boots to school. I tell myself that they were jealous because they wish they had a pair. Otherwise they wouldn't be mocking me. Skipped wearing boots in high school. But when I went to college, since there was no formal dress code, I decided to wear my cowboy boots with jeans tucked in. In college I felt free to express my fashion preferences.

  2. I haven't been wearing heels much for the past six months. I'm having quite a bit of pain in my left ankle, so have seen an osteopath and a podiatrist. I've now got a pair of expensive insoles which have given me quite a bit of relief. This week I've worn heels for the first time for ages, today the osteo asked me "have you been wearing different shoes?" no I lied! "Been walking down hill a lot" he continued - "not especially" I replied.

    Ok - this guy knows his stuff. I'm falling apart, I think it's time for me to retire from heels.

    Fog -

    I had a similar problem a few years earlier. Back in October 2004 I decided to refrain from wearing my black thigh high boots, 4” heel, in order to give my feet a rest since my wife and I were going to Disney World in December, and there would be plenty of walking. But as I stopped wearing heels I started to feel pain in the balls of my feet and a burning sensation on the soles of my feet. After researching this online, I had all the symptoms of plantar fasciitis or heel spurs. Needless to say I was very afraid that my heel wearing days were over and that I would need foot surgery. I was starting to get very depressed.

    Being a martial artist I consulted with one of my master instructors, she recommended that I massage the pressure points where I feel pain. Here is a link to shiatsu, Japanese art of massage: http://www.ehow.com/video_8591_apply-pressure-points.html. Basically there are pressure points all throughout the body. If you take your thumb or index finger and place light pressure on a point on your body and feel some pain, most likely you are touching a pressure point. When you feel pain in a pressure point it should be massaged out.

    I started to use my thumbs to massage the pain in my feet, knees and the tendons near my ankles, then eased up and let my feet relax. As I rested I started to feel a tingling sensation in my feet, as if the circulation in my feet was coming back. I also noticed my muscles in my feet twitching involuntarily but it felt good since I felt circulation coming back. The burning sensation also disappeared. I felt good again and was able to enjoy my trip.

    Currently I use a vibrating massager with a ball tip and use this on my pressure points in a short circular motion. My master instructor agreed that this would work well on my feet. I also use a Chinese rolling massager with rubber bumps on the end of the rollers. Rolling the soles of my feet against the rollers also helps restore the energy flow.

    Though I am no podiatrist or expert in massage, doing these simple techniques have done wonders for my feet. I was able to keep my boots and massage almost daily. There are links to massage and you can also search for massage devices online. I hope you kept your high heel boots. I hope this helps.

  3. Hope everyone had a nice holiday. Today for our Christmas Day dinner, for the first time I decided to wear my knee-high cowboy boots to the party, fully exposed. I have worn these boots to other parties, but first time at Christmas. Normally I wear dress shoes, slacks and sweater or dress shirt. But since I am going through a transition phase in my life, I decided to wear my boots to be different. But to my surprise more than half of the ladies were wearing all kinds of boots, knee-high flats, Ugg, fur wedge, ankle boots, and then of course there was my cowboy boots. All the ladies were talking about their boots, and nobody mentioned my cowboy boots. This is what I prefer, not to call too much attention to my boots since I was dressed in all black. Overall it was a good outing in boots. Happy Holidays.

  4. I agree about the World Series not including the world, however there is Toronto, Canada (Blue Jays). So I count 2 nations competing for the World Series.

    Going back to the Cubs, yes I am a Cubs fan. I think they will eventually win it all. Since Cubs tickets sell out often, their payroll will attract big names, some players would even want to play to be the hero that breaks the Cubs curse. I have read that even other nations follow the Cubs and heard of the curse. Go Cubs.

    Just forgot to add, I guess the other thing that makes it a World Series and a world championship is the fact that baseball players from around the world compete for the title. Sure we have two 2 nations, USA and Canada playing for the title. Yet the players are from Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Netherlands, Japan, and so forth.

    OK back to the current topic.

  5. I regularly wear heels to church (and everywhere else!!) as well. The heels are usually sandals: thongs, slides and wedgies - clogs in the winter - with 2 to 2 1/2 inch heels. Never had a problem. No one has ever made a comment or seemed to notice. My wife is generally OK with it too...

    Merry Christmas to all !!! SF

    SF - I have recently started wearing my tall black cowboy boots, jeans tucked in, to church about 2 years to date. I am getting more comfortable wearing boots in church as time goes by.

    joesranch2 - Excellent story. Although she does not approve, my wife has been more accepting of me in high heel boots in recent times. In fact we had a few rare romantic moments in high heel boots.

  6. Here in England we find it slightly funny that it is a World series with just US teams :thumbsup: but then again Im sure Rugby and Cricket must looks very strange to you too lol

    Thats not a dig (honest)

    I agree about the World Series not including the world, however there is Toronto, Canada (Blue Jays). So I count 2 nations competing for the World Series.

    Going back to the Cubs, yes I am a Cubs fan. I think they will eventually win it all. Since Cubs tickets sell out often, their payroll will attract big names, some players would even want to play to be the hero that breaks the Cubs curse. I have read that even other nations follow the Cubs and heard of the curse. Go Cubs.

  7. While I stayed at Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando, Florida, USA, I took a picture of Elton John's knee high, high heel boots, 70's platform style in a display case. I would say for the record that men have worn tall high heel boots in the 70s, of course my wife would say that they were all rock stars back then.


  8. After reading several posts, my confidence level has gone up to about 50% in my brown knee high boots, 4" heel. For the first time, day after Thanksgiving I went to the movies, mid-morning. Normally I go out late night or early sunrise. I am sure my confidence level will rise even higher over time.

  9. Today, for the first time I went out to the movies in my brown knee high boots in my avatar. I rarely go out in public in my boots, during mid-morning. But it was the first showing of the morning, so there was not a lot of people. It was uneventful, no one even noticed me. Usually I can only go on short trips, early morning or late night. I would consider this a medium sized outing, yet it was my biggest public outing to date.

  10. Nice boots Tex :-)

    the boots in your avatar are fantastic as well. Look like vintage 70's. They sure made nice womens boots in the 70's. I love the boho boots but especially the Frye OTK campus boots.

    Maximilian! -

    Thanks for your kind words. I always considered my brown boots in my avatar to be vintage 80's, but it could also be late 70's-early 80's boots. They don't make them like this anymore, otherwise I would get another pair if they brought this style back, simple classic look.

    As for my black cowboy boots, did I mention they were made in Canada? We need to keep Western Ranch Boots in business.

    Thighbootguy - Thanks again for your comments about my black cowboy boots. I can wear them in public with about 95% confidence level. I would not wear them in front of my co-workers or family members on my side (except my mother), my wife's family I have worn these boots at several gatherings.

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