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Posts posted by Cali

  1. 1 hour ago, SirLaffalot said:

    I've read many very similar stories about the problems of self-consciousness in wearing heels. Exactly the same fears are held by men who like to wear nail polish on their fingers or toes, (or both). When you do pluck up the courage to go out wearing colour on your nails or toes, your self-consciousness will wear off surprisingly quickly!

    Welcome to the forum @SirLaffalot.

    I am a man that wears color on both my fingernails and toenails, high heels with short shorts, and I don't stop there.  Women's skinny jeans are still better than the men's version, and wearing your boots on the outside with your skinny pants is great . You got to display complete confidence in yourself. I don't even think about it very often.  There are still some places and new situations that give me butterflies, but you get over them quickly.

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  2. 1 hour ago, p1ng74 said:

    So many guys I have talked to about my heels will make a comment about how uncomfortable it must be, or that I am about to break my ankles.  It makes me think, how do they think women wear them?  Have men really become such weenies that they can't wear heels?  

    Guys? I get this from women all the time.  They try to transfer their experience to me and I wont let them. They don't have the skill (balance and muscle tone) or they make bad choices in the heels they buy. I had a younger (20 something) tell me that she was mad at me because I made wearing high heels look like wearing running shoes (trainers for you brits).

    To me wearing the right high heel was VERY EASY. It took less than a minute to find my balance and off I went. Been wearing ever since.

  3. I was going to try and sell these, but I decided to put them through my shoe stretchers since these are real suede.  Great now.

    New cords too.

    Off to work, an eight step commute.

    SM Gretchenhh.jpg

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  4. @SF can I get you stop calling them girl's shoes and just call them shoes or shoes with heels.  You need to normalize them to yourself and to others.  When you call them girls shoes you imply that there is sometime wrong with what you have on. You've been wearing them for years (decades), they are just your shoes now.

    • Haha 1
  5. Working more than ever. Turn my breakfast nook into a studio. Trying to get a vegetable garden in. Cloning tomatoes currently. Beans carrots, onion, lettuce, peas, all growing nicely. The peas and lettuce are tasty. Fruit trees in blossom, gopher having the time of their life. Construction (demolition) as soon as I have time and it dries out a bit. Have to use this time to design a new house as well.  And then there a million other projects to get done.


    Only trouble I'm sitting working remotely for too many hours each day, not enough time standing walking in heels to meet my body's needs.

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