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Posts posted by Cali

  1. There is more to it as well. Woman's shoes are more pear shape: thinner heel and wider toe area. Men's shoes are more rectangular with similar heel and toe box width. I studied this after my last ankle reconstruction in 2011. I have more pear shaped feet. To get my toe box in almost all men's shoes I would need a men's 9.5 EE.  I would have a 1/2 inch gap on each side of my heel and extra length in the front - clown shoes.  Almost impossible to find any sandals whose ankle strap was short  enough to hold the sandals on.  My ankle problems came from trying to put my feet into men's shoes. Most of my shoes are women's size 10. I stopped buying men's shoes in 2010.

    That's right: Men's (US) size 9.5 EE to Women's (US) size 10 m.

    I also have a very high arch, another fun feature that contributes to my ankle issues. In flat (men's shoes) this forces my weight to the outside of my toe box. In a shoe with a heel, my arch is somewhat absorbed and I don't walk on the outside of my foot. Years of ill-fitting men's shoes has lead to major tendon, joint, and muscle issues.

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  2. I use Aldo gel pads. They put a gel padding at the ball of the foot, but they also help keep your foot from sliding down and crushing your toes.

    I've had major toe surgery with bones/joints removed and I have a large toe box.  4th most painful thing I been through when they pulled the two 4 inch pins out of my foot; the only time I have screamed in a doctors office.

  3. 6 hours ago, Puffer said:

    Health professionals, whilst often condemning high heels, are usually equally keen to see people (not just women) avoiding very flat shoes and wearing a 'modest' heel of 1.5 - 2.5" to give arch support etc.   There are many people of both sexes who are not or who have not been regular 'high' heel wearers but who find a modest heel beneficial if not essential to minimise back or leg problems - you know who you are!

    My orthopedic doctors want me to be in a minimum  of 2.5 inch heel. While they think 4 inch is tall, they are fine with me in 4 inch heels.  However, they would prefer I not wear stilettos.

  4. Too many women buy heels to be seen in instead of heels they can walk. You hear about the "restaurant heel," heels bought for the sole purpose of being seen walking to their table and then back out the door.  They put their heels on in the car, kick them off at the table and once they are back in the car.  Too many heels are designed for this show.

    At an University graduation in 2015 (in doors for a college within the university) it was clear how very few of the women who walked down the aisle had any time in high heels before.

  5. @RonC you are just meeting the wrong women.  

    Seriously, I know of 3-4 women who love their tall heels and at least 2 have the same size foot as me. And many who tell me they wish they could wear heels too.

    I just smile but I would love to tell them to stop wishing and do it....but I just smile.

    • Haha 1
  6. I stopped for some my (coffee) beans for a month. I get a special blend I make.  The woman putting the beans in the bag asked if I wanted them blend and before I could answer, the one taking the money answered, "no, he the one that does it himself."   

    I said "I thought you might know me by my heels" to which the she said, "heels?" and the woman getting the beans said "yeah, he always has nice heels on, what do you have on today?"

    But the bug-eyed stare I got at Costco just before was classic. The older guy shopping with his wife couldn't keep his eyes off my heels, mouth ajar.  :)

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  7. 1 hour ago, LuvsStiletto said:

    This is an easy, clear answer... NO! 

    You just need to find them.

    I won’t get involved with a woman who is “against” my heel wearing, or who places any sort of arbitrary restrictions or limitations on where or when I wear them, period! I get the issue out in the open, very early on, usually by the first date. If they are not accepting of it, there is no second date! Life is too short, to be shackled by the notion, that a woman who would never in a million years, accept a guy telling her she can’t wear makeup, or have the type of purse she likes, or whatever, but that it’s okay for her to say, “sorry honey, I don’t mind you wearing heels at home, when no one is around, but as far as wearing them outside the house, forget about it!” Or worse yet, “that you can’t have or wear them at all”. That’s NOT the type of relationship I want to be in. I would sooner be in no relationship, than have my desires concerning heels, be “managed” by a wife/girlfriend. I’ve written about this before; for me, it’s non-negotiable! I’ve been in a nearly four year relationship with a woman who is very accepting of it. I am fortunate! The good news is, that you can be fortunate too! There are plenty of open minded women out there. You just need to find them.

    But unicorn hunting is really really hard.  

    I too make it clear I wear 4 inch heels and I won't get involved with a woman who has an issue with my heels. Life is too short to live that way.  However, the number of women that would not get weirded by it drops off dramatically as you get older. There's a lot of "it okay BUT not for my man" at my age.


    I just had to edit this because with the new format you might miss this very important statement in @LuvsStiletto post: " You just need to find them."

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  8. I try to return everything that doesn't fit. A few have been on final sale and I can't return them. I had plan to resale about 3 or 4 pairs before the pandemic.  I have learned unfortunately through trial and error (costly) what not to buy in the first place. It's a waste of money to buy boots without a full zipper or even look at pumps. I also need to remove a few pairs I have worn out to make room for my new pairs.

    Before I switched to only women's shoes, I had under 8 shoes total.  You don't buy shoes when you can't find any that fit.  Then I found that women's shoes fit my feet. Now I can say I am a shoe-whore with over 60 pairs. most with over 4 inch net rise (heel - platform > 4).

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