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Posts posted by Cali

  1. As a person who constructed his last house in the 90's and is planning on building another one very soon, it all depends on your builder, construction manager, and construction materials you choose. What @chesterx needs to do is to insulate that cooper pipe in the attic., especially if it is near the eaves. As we get more dramatic climate shifts in our temperatures, there will be more and more polar vortex visits, droughts, hurricanes.  

    But many of these homes (especially in Texas) were not build to withstand prolong exposure to freezing temps with no heat generated by the house. You should find this type of construction in snow country but not in many parts of the south, especially close to the Gulf.

    We would leave the heat on at 50F, open the cabinets to expose pipes when leaving our ski cabin for a few days.

  2. It all depends on your view of it. I see many of the '666' women on dating sites.  They say they are 'open minded' and want a man that is open minded until it comes to man in heels. Then they are 'open minded' in the sense they are not upset about it, but they are not 'open minded' about dating said man. For many it's because they don't want other women to see them dating a man in heels.  For me, heels are not an option. Heels mean a better life with less pain.

  3. In fall 2019 I took a leap and bought the leopard print sherpa shown elsewhere. Its been an unbelievable purchase. It's warm and comfortable. I get lots of double takes Today I wore it to do some shopping. At Costco 3 men complimented me on it.  The male exit checker at Costco wanted to know how I could walk in heels. I laughed.  Then at a drug store, a woman leopard print fan and I had a conversation about leopard prints and masks (I had a leopard print mask on too).  She ended it with "Now all you need is a pair of leopard print heels."

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  4. We have had lows in the single digits for a week, but many years ago. I remember climbing under my house in 15 degree temp and replacing a burst pipe. It was not fun. I'm a skier, I have driven 1000's of miles in blizzard conditions so I don't envy you right now. Stay warm and safe.

  5. 36 minutes ago, RonC said:

    Hey Cali, thanks for making many of us feel bad....lol


    Your Welcome @RonC. Just wanted to brighten your days.  The snow will met (one day).

    Want pictures from sunbathing on the beach?

    I just couldn't resist. It's going to sprinkle tonight.

  6. My Steve Madden Estrellas are my 'run errand heels'. they slide on but I need to pull them off. The gel pad I use in them helps to hold my foot from slipping down and it also helps my heels from slipping off. (These must have several hundred miles on them already and I have another pair still in their box.)  Love these wedges!!!!


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