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Posts posted by Cali

  1. 17 hours ago, chesterx said:

    Another Amazon splurge purchase. Was looking for another pair of wedges as I only have 1 pair in my collection. These are way outside my normal scope of style, as I prefer the classic looks, but these kept coming up as recommended ever time I went to Amazon & I finally said what the heck. They are from some fly by night Chinese supplier, no name anywhere on the shoe or the box, will have to look at my purchase history if anyone is curious to know.  They arrived pretty fast for overseas shipping. There was a strong chemical smell when I opened the box but it dissipated when i aired them out. These turned out to be pretty fun! The fit is excellent, with no sliding around when i walk. The straps are the easiest to fit up of any of the strappy heels I own, they are adjustable at both ends & stayed where I arranged them (I hate it when cross straps slide over to one side). The 1st few steps are daunting but i got them figured out soon enough. Wore them around the house for a few hours with no issues other than tired calves. I am happy I pulled the trigger on them. Gonna try them in public this weekend...I have several with this much corkfunny.jpg

    I have many wedges with this much cork, so I would wear these IF my toes could fit in.

  2. 7 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    I'm glad you found something to wear with your normal guy clothes. I have never carried around shoes in the car for that very reason. If I'm not wearing heels, I'm probably wearing other clothing which would not go particularly well with heels. Some people would violently disagree with me and say that the rest of your outfit doesn't matter, but I refuse to wear filthy, greasy work jeans with heels. They don't go together.

    Maybe a beat-up pair of heels would go well with your filthy, greasy work jeans.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    You reckon you’ve logged thousands of miles in heels? :shocked:

    I don't wear lockable heels, but when you put your heels on at 7 am, leave for work, and don't get back until 9 or 10 pm, it's about the same as lockable.

    Easily.  I wear heels almost all the time, even around the house. I change into my wedges after taking off my ski boots.

    Well over 2000 days with at least 1 mile per day (on my feet for 6 + hours walking back and forth).  Some days Its 4-5 miles, so I'm confident its in the 1000's.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    I’m impressed! I cycle a lot and have fit legs but find that wearing five inch stiletto knee boots for an hour to be just about the best calf muscle workout I’ve ever had!

    Pre-pandemic I would wear my Jessica Simpson knee high stilettos for 14 hours straight.  It's a function of how many thousand of miles you have logged in high heels.

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