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Posts posted by Cali

  1. Got a whisper compliment today. I was walking out of the Post Office while this woman was walking in.  I was a foot or two pass her and I heard this very very faint "nice heels."  That's the softest compliment I've ever gotten.

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  2. 4 hours ago, spikesmike said:

    Cali : I have seen your photos here, also on Pinterest . Are you saying that you wear high heels to work ? Question - If this is your day time attire for work, Why hasn't  the media picked up on your high heel interest . There seems to be plenty of fanfare for Ashley Maxwell-Lam or Mark Bryan . Some how we need to make you and HHPlace  more popular . Comment ?  Mike

    I'm on Pinterest?  I found out in 2015 that raising my heel by about 4 inches changed how my hip works.  The pain I had been living with for 12 years dramatically reduced.  And the pain quickly returned when I tried to return to flat shoes.  So I basically wear heels almost all time.

    The injury that lead to wearing heels was rather sever and I couldn't stand or walk without heels for over 5 months.  At the beginning I would hide my heels with long pants, but I got to the point I wanted to wear knee high boots and hiding them under pants was hard. And if I going to wear a $200 suede boot I'm sure don't want to hide. So pre-pandemic I would wear my heels with skinny pants and some days with knee high boots.

    I am also not interested in marketing my heels on social media at this time.

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  3. 3 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    Well, it might have been "interesting", but he/she might not have appreciated being trapped into possibly making comments that were not complimentary

    I've worked for them for well over 30 years and have been on some very high profile committees with upper management, so I am a very well known person.  The fact that I also wear 4+ inch heel just adds to it.

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