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Posts posted by Cali

  1. Yesterday I had a woman in a parking lot ask me to help her find her cell phone by calling it. After she found it she asked me about my heels. First she said "I wish I could still wear heels." Followed by "I bet you doctors aren't happy about you wearing heels."  I told her that I wear them because of a bone spur and my doctors want me in at least 2.5 inch heels because of the shape of my feet (extremely high arch). Then she gave me a response I've heard before; why don't I get "medical" heels. My response has always been the same (1) they are very expensive, (2) heavy, (3) cumbersome, and (4) extremely UGLY.  If I have to wear heels (it's either heels or pain killers) I might as well enjoy it.  That means knee high boots, stilettoes, ........

    Today, in the parking lot of a farmers market I turned a corner and encounter two women leaving. The lead woman said "I love your heels" -  "Thank you" and other woman said "beautiful."  First time I had these old heels called beautiful.

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  2. Helen - a very short skirt or shorts with knee high boots is a fun look. You can still wear nylon.  I just can't find a photo with that combo or I would post it, I know I have at least one.

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