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Posts posted by Cali

  1. I can't really say except it is a "public job". But I live my life in my heels...today after work I stopped by my coffee shop for some beans and then went and bought another pair of heels at the shoe boutique 3 doors down, all while wearing 5" inch heels.

    When I work at home in my home office (author/illustrator/editor) sweats or bikini bottoms/shorts depending on the weather. No need to create an office environment. Barefooted some of the time, 4+ inch heels otherwise.

  2. I've been going back and forth on this pair. But for $34 what the heck.

    SpeedLimit 98 Mail in black.  I'll get photos next week when I wear them to work. Similar  to SpeedLimit 98 Manji, but different shaped holes.



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  3. Heels in lines...simple. I go everywhere in heels and shorts. Today I wore Perfectly MisMatched wedges as well (see photo elsewhere).

    Do you think the people in Costco noticed?  Of course they did, I got several "I like your shoes" and a couple of thumbs up.  And about 8 "I like your nails" today. I know my heels and nails are over the top, but is there any other place to be?

    Life is short, enjoy every moment.

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