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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Hello, and welcome! You should definately find others here who share in your love for vintage heels. For your avatar, I believe you'll need to post for a while (at least 10 posts, I think) before you get certain priviledges like avatar choice, etc.... Stick around, the people here are great!

  2. It's interesting to know how many people felt the same urges to HAVE to try other's shoes on here growing up. While I've been in some precarious heeling places, the feeling of dread that I felt, riding down that elevator to the main lobby in those sweet sling-backs, was a feeling that I still get a chuckle over to this day! Total helplessness...

  3. I am sure it all depends on the "cutting edge-ness" of any manufacturer's marketing department. HOW they go about it, and how long will they "go out on a limb" for business is what they would be thinking and discussing at any meeting, I am sure. Once done, and any kind of heels are modelled in the fashion the way you discribed, then I am sure it would only help men who do heel. Of course, that's not what any marketing gurus would be thinking about... I would love to see it. How long any manufacturer would stick to such change would be determined by sales later...

  4. OK, finally had a good adventure. The entire adventure will wait until later as I need to sleep (just getting in from the club!), but here's what I wore out (more pics from my friend's camera soon): G-Unit button down shirt, red being the strong color (with navy and white). Touch, women's wide waist belt, dark jeans with slight flare (LOVE the fit). Size 10, Anne Michelle 5" (1/2" platform) RED (bold) mesh, peep toe pumps with wood brown heel and platform. "Problem" was, not the kind of shoes and outfit to wear stockings with, meaning my feet got beat. BUT, they DID show off my pedicured (and freshly polished) toes! Story tomorrow, but suffice to say a birthday party, and 4 hours of techno dance and I had a blast! Think I did OK for myself considering the only place I shopped was AJ Wright. Did pick up a few other outfits... Pic 1 & 2 getting in a few minutes ago trying to get the 10 second timer going. Pic 3...these shoes DID show off my "pretty" feet!




  5. Nice topic, Benno!

    In your dreams or in reality... What could/do you wear:

    1. To work. Assuming it's some sort of office based environment.

    While working in Boston, I have ALWAYS enjoyed watching women in 3 piece suits and heels (especially in skirts). So, if I worked in a place I could, it would be one of these!

    2. Out to a casual but nice dinner followed by some sort of late night evening out/party.

    I don't know yet, but will be trying to find something in a few hours for tonight!

    3. To actually try to impress a member of the opposite sex (let's pretend they are receptive to the idea of someone wearing what they like if it's well sorted/assembled and tasteful)

    Ditto to above, but with no wiggle-room for shoes that don't "go" just because I love them.

    4. To a formal event i.e a wedding.

    Well, I kinda always wanted to try and wear a wedding dress, aka Dennis Rodman, but try and make it look good. Especially with sexy lingerie under it.

    In reality, what I'd imagine Roniheels wearing, especially with the fedora.

    5. A party hosted by yourself. With carefully invited guests only.

    Fetish wear, especially thigh-high boots with 5" stiletto. Whatever I have never tried before, even rubber/latex. Just to try it all. Like what I saw a lot of when Dita Von Teese was in Cambridge at a club I ventured into. Wow!!


    Get creative.

    Warmest regards,


  6. Wow, very good advice Benno. I think it makes all the difference between having them for house play, or actually going out in them. The tallest I have worn is 6", but they had a nicer arch, so I could actually walk in them. Saying that, though, the originals are SEXY looking!! I just know I couldn't do any more than house play in them. Nice shoes!

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