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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Benno, Well, with that very informative post from ya (Thanks!), there's a lot of things to look/think about indeed! The only thing I think needs mentioning is that, while I do like to see good fashion, and would like to learn and incorperate it for myself, part of my love of heels goes into kinda a "fetish" feel, at times. I guess at the club I am referring to and going to, style would take a backseat to "fantasy" of sorts. Most places I desire to wear heels to are not like this, and wouldn't wear these there. Happyfeat, Thanks! Like said above, this one club I am going to this weekend is more of a "fetish" club, so may be wearing "regular" (in the sense, not styling) and comfortable clothes. So...sun...bare legs? I hope my legs don't turn red...although...I COULD get a nice pair of red clear heeled sandals..LOL

  2. Thanks!

    I had thought the reinforced toe of the stockings/tights looked a bit trashy, so 'good taste' demanded they were inappropriate. Moderm fully sheer hose, takes care of that.

    Duly noted!

    Next best reason to wear hose, is that the legs wearing them, need it.

    You mean MY pasty white legs? LOL Seriously, with pants, would the skin tone be that important if I was to, say, wear a skirt?

    I personally need bare skin to grip the footwell of a sandal, as does Mrs Freddie.

    I only find this to be a problem with my pumps; ie foot slipping.

    Bearing in mind your legs don't need to be covered (nasty word enters my head), do you want to bother? If you do, they look okay to me. :thumbsup:

    Thanks. I like the feel of the stockings over a night of dancing.

    I am, however, intrigued by which nsaty word entered your head..LOL

    Patent, your opinion always matters to me! :smile:

  3. OK, I have a pair of nice (even comfortable) 5.5" clear heeled sandals which I have worn to the club before. I'd like to wear them again, next week, except I don't want to wear the shiny tube mini skirt. I'd like to wear regular clothes and pants. So, I have heard, while growing up, that sheer stockings are a no-no with open toe shoes (like sandals). I have worn, for the slutty look, only fishnets with them, for both comfort and the edge appeal. BUT, I'd like to wear sheer stockings with them, instead of going bare legged. Advice (No, Benno, I won't burn them..LOL)? Here's pics of me bare legged with them, sheer (which I like), and fishnets...bear in mind I will be wearing pants to the club with them. Thanks! Scott




  4. Boston has lots, and lots....of awsome feet in gorgeous shoes all over! Especially in the Financial District and Back Bay. 3",4", and even 5" heels everywhere! My hometown has lots of beautiful Spanish women who wear nice heels at the local colleges, and all over downtown. I guess it depends on where you are, but MA has lots of heel-clad women! Which is one of the few great things about this state!!

  5. Hello, and welcome! You should definately find others here who share in your love for vintage heels. For your avatar, I believe you'll need to post for a while (at least 10 posts, I think) before you get certain priviledges like avatar choice, etc.... Stick around, the people here are great!

  6. It's interesting to know how many people felt the same urges to HAVE to try other's shoes on here growing up. While I've been in some precarious heeling places, the feeling of dread that I felt, riding down that elevator to the main lobby in those sweet sling-backs, was a feeling that I still get a chuckle over to this day! Total helplessness...

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