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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. gwl1 - Roni - Kneehighs, Great tips! Thank you! Just got in from a short, trip out to a local bar...unfortunately alone. Seems it was the kind of day that noone was around, including Jen, the girl I met while having a pedicure last week. 9:30PM comes, and I get bored. Throw an outfit together. Talked myself, against better judgement, to wear my 6" Pleaser Dominas. Good thing is the outfit actually, to me, looks pretty decent, and is black. Shirt - 50M Virgola Silk. Pants - Size 18 Jessica Simpson, black, flare bottom. Black stockings with affore mentioned Dominas. Arrived to the bar on "Saturday Is Such A Drag" night, yet somehow (THANK GOD!!) found a space close to the door. Shoes prove tough to walk in, but I managed. Opened the bouncer's eyes a bit, as I wore them in with pants rolled up to reveal them. Once inside, though, too dark to really show em off like I'd have hoped. Fairly uneventful 3 drinks, and limited dancing. Ankles ached a bit, and I got tired quick, but felt SO good in the super high heels! Enjoyed a couple of shows there, chatted with a couple "divas" who were duly impressed with my heel height, but not much more happened. Drive home and my gas light goes on. Oh well, this would challenge me a bit, as the only gas station along the route is a busy one with a 7-11. Lots of people there, but somehow managed to walk from the pump, into the store, paid for the gas and bottled water, and got back to the "security" of the car area with only a couple looks from the lady behind the register, and the old guy pumping gas on the opposite bay from me. I probably only got the looks I did due to having to walk really slow at this point. By this time, of course, my pant legs hung down and nearly covered the heel.... Still, got a decent work-out, though the stairs were a real test. But just wish my club-pals weren't MIA... Here's the pic from a few minutes ago, and a couple showing the LONG heel and how the pant leg hung over nicely.




  2. I would love to try a nice pair of strappy sandals, with a more moderate heel (3 1/2" - 4"), as I have been told a lot lately that my feet are nice. Plus, that takes nerve, so if I could buy a nice pair of those, and wear them, than I'll feel like I can do anything. Plus, just adding to the collection!

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