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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Nice! It wouldn't "hurt" to put in some padding for the balls of the foot either if you plan on walking so far in them for endurance. I've had to do this for my 6"ers, and am up to over 1/2 mile now (on the running track)...

  2. I don't think there are any shoes made for whole sale like this due to the reasons mentioned. I would believe in order to achieve this, you'd need a place who could mold out an entire shoe in one (or two if adhered) pieces. But, the shoe and top would have to fit perfect to avoid your foot slipping forward as HHFanatic suggests...

  3. I haven't worked at 3M in 7 years, but it was all steel toe area (machine Ops). Plus, though I always had heels stashed away then, I wasn't open about it until early this year. I'd only sneak around in them at night...lol I do have to say, though, that I DID get serious butterflies when Jimmy and Gina walked towards me, and the sounds of my heels clacked. Nowhere to run...but even from a "man's man" (Jimmy was a beer drinkin', sport playin', fist throwin' hard ass though a good guy), not an eye blinked from him. So unless the people you fear to meet are ultra conservative, and you plan to be blatant, chances are exceedingly high the fact you're in heels will be forgotten about asap...

  4. jkrenzer, Even with thinner heels like that, I feel noone really notices unless you're blatant about it. Nothing blatant there, nicely done! joesranch, About 5 weeks ago, I purchased a pair of 4 1/4" black sling-backs from Aldo during my work shift. I didn't wear them in the store (did try them on during break), but wore them out with long black jeans (about same heel shown as jkrenzer's). I bumped into a friend I worked with for years at 3M on the way out. A glance down (knowing I was usually his height), but nothing said by him or his wife. Last week I saw them again at the movies, me in men's shoes. Turns out they were seeing the same movie as I, so waiting in line for tickets, his wife simply asked why I wasn't waering my shoes, as they went well with the jeans. I told her I was "slumming" today as I wasn't working, then conversation went elsewhere. Nothing else mentioned, hinted, or anything else about my heels! I think it might become something mentioned at the time if you know the person, but believe it's forgotten soon after.

  5. I think it's the welcoming factor, also. I stumbled onto this site beginning of June, having no real idea that there were "others like me" around. Going to local clubs the only guys you see with heels are TV's, who've always made me feel welcome at the clubs, too. But. I thought I was "weird" not wanting to cross dress fully, yet loved hees with such a passion. I was welcomed here immediately (even from Benno...LOL). Met new friends. Have been encouraged to broaded my heeling experiences and style. Simply, HH Place has helped my heeling experiences!

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