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Posts posted by yozz

  1. I'm just waiting to see "Page 56" for more on this.

    I don't think it would be legal to post the article. Maybe they have it on their site. But the leader is more spectacular (for us) than the article (as usual). The article is more about ownership of individual objects and how people value more what they have than what they still have to pay for. Like if you would like to sell a pair of shoes you will want more money for it than you are willing to pay when somebody else wants to sell you the same shoes. They are quoting all kinds of experiments with students and some with apes.

    Till recently all experiments were in the US, but now they are also looking at other cultures and find different behavior.

    But concerning the leader, I basically stopped collecting stamps and art after I met my wife and got a stable relationship.


  2. 1. How old have you been, when you got your first heels? 41 2. What was the reason (i.e. special event like carneval/ halloween; because you lost a bet; because you felt in love for them) I had been seeing some heels I liked in a giant shop and one day I was there a man bought some ladies boots buy just putting them with all his other shoppings on the belt and for the rest there was nothing to it. So next time I did the same with those shoes. 3. Who paid the bill? Me 4. How much did you spend? Forget. Must have been some 30 Euros. 5. How and where did you buy? (retailer: grabbed and paid or tried them on; mail order company/ online; etc.) It was a giant supermarket/department store. 6. Were you allowed to wear them at home (i.e. after of that special purpose)? As I was living alone at the time there was nobody to stop me... Y.

  3. I think they look very fancy. On the right person, with the right outfit I would love to watch them. Yet, I would never buy them, even if I were to win a few million in the lottery. They are not my style. I would never feel at ease in them. Y.

  4. The method that is sometimes suggested is to put a plastic bag with water inside the shoe and then put the whole thing in the freezer. When the water freezes the ice occupies more volume and hence will stretch the shoe. I have however no personal experience with this and I would be afraid that it could damage the shoe if the leather is not elastic enough. On the other hand, if you look a bit in old threads you should encounter some posts in which people report success with this method. In short: it is your own responsibility when you want to try this. Maybe you can experiment with a less favorite pair of shoes first. Y.

  5. So why not wear your high narrow heels right off the bat? Also, some people don't like block heels...

    Well, the essence of the original article was to take it slowly. Of course, if you can handle it mentally to flip mode from one moment to the next, there is no need to worry about intermediate steps. But the article explained, the way I understood it, that this can be very painful and in that case a slow way is called for.


  6. Of course the Dr. is right. It is also fully in line with the original article. The article never suggests the other people are actually thinking what you think they are thinking or should be thinking. The only difference is that the Dr. suggests an immediate change of attitude and the article suggests a more gradual approach. Many people here have suggested such a gradual approach as well: start with some block heels of a few centimeters till you are comfortable with them, then move up a bit, etc. Of course it is up to you how fast you want the process to go, if at all. If for instance your SO disapproves strongly, it is not a fictitious problem. Y.

  7. Mostly in local stores. I have only two pairs that I bought online: one from Jean Gaborit and one from Duoboots. I like shopping around in town with my wife. That is much nicer. Most of the time we may not find anything suitable, but we will have a coffee, enjoy watching the people and of course enjoy seeing lots of just not nice enough (or just too expensive) shoes or other items of fashion. Or pick up a nice book or something else. Y.

  8. There is a brand of leggings and tights that are shiny and very beautiful. I ran into them in Madrid, but they do not seem to be Spanish. The brand name is Platino. I have never seen them in The Netherlands. Both my wife and I like them very much. They seem to be made of Lycra. The colors are black, silver and purple. Y.

  9. woot i finally have net again been ages with out it lol :)

    Can someone please translate this into English?

    Please realize that there are many people here who have English only as their second (or more) language. I thought my English was rather good (I lived in the USA for six years), but here I am completely lost.


  10. Hi Imroter, In all the times that I have gone into shoe shops in Amsterdam and tried shoes, I have noticed only twice that somebody took notice. The proper reaction is not to react. Just behave like it is the most normal thing in the world and it becomes the most normal thing in the world. I have the same experience with shoe shops in Germany and Spain (Madrid). Y.

  11. I am sorry, but I do not agree. If somebody, intentionally, posts a provocative statement, that is his/her good right, but then one should expect a lot of flak, and it is the good right of the others to give their opinion as well. I consider it incorrect to make them quiet by closing the thread. Y.

  12. Let me tell my experiences with JG, then you will see that there may be an advantage to them measuring you. In Januari 2010 my wife and I decided to buy each a pair of Miami boots from them. We exchnaged some mails with Ian, as we both have inlays and were not sure how to measure that. In addition the measuring chart that you get when you select the Miami boots was not suitable. Ian told us to use a more modern measuring chart froma leter model boot and was also so kind as to send us some samples of the various colors of leather. So we made our selection of the leather and measured each other carefully. Very carefully. Through the rest of the story these measurements have never been taken in doubt. The we ordered. I had asked Ian what the time of delivery would be and he had said 6-8 weeks. Do not believe this. It turned out to be 14. And when the boots came, it was impossible to get my feet in (my wife was out of the country but I could see easily that her boots had the same problem. These were boots without zipper and the zone at the ankle was way narrower than the size around the heel (one of the measurements). I sent the boots back and set Ian a long e-mail explaining my experiences and suggesting that for the repair he put a zipper. No answer till half a year later when he sent the boots again and an e-mail that these were riding boots and hence should not have a zipper. It was still completely impossible to get in, so I sent them back again. And an e-mail. And again no answer and no reaction to telephone calls (only an answering apparatus and no calls back). Till early this year when I got an e-mail that he would be at a Kamasutra fair in the Netherlands, suggesting I see him there. Unfortunately this was impossible as I travel a lot for my work. In March I got another mail that he would be at an old-timers fair in Antwerp, so I managed to meet him there. He had my boots with him and had streched them a lot. With a big struggle and help of him I got my right foot in, but the left foot was impossible, even with the help of two people. He said that he was going to stretch it more and because I had to drive quite a distance to meet him he offered to put a zipper in the boots of my wife (she was not there as at the moment she was abroad). Then, a few weeks later I got a message that he would send the boots. Whatever happened though, no boots. And no answer to e-mails. Finally in June the boots arrived. He had also mounted zippers in my boots. Must have had problems with the stretching. My boots fit very well now. My wife arrived two days later and also her boots fit well. Just that after half an hour the right boot started to hurt because during the mounting of the zipper some ridge had formed somewhere in the leather which was pressing in her foot. The other foot had something similar, but a lot smaller. So we had to send those back again. Finally, after a few weeks they arrived again and then everything was OK. The problem all through is that I think he cut the leather for boots with a zipper, and later did not want to admit that. Which may have to do with the advise he gave to use a different measuring chart. So why the long story? A: they are good boots. B: if they measure you, it is clear all responsibility is with them. C: don't order at the last moment. It takes much more time than they say. Y.

  13. No, I don't think they are "broadening" the word gay to encompass males that wear women's clothing. They believe that any male that wears women's clothing automatically likes having sex with other men.

    There are quite a few men who dress up like women and then act as prostitutes.

    They are gay. (In Madrid there are areas of which everybody knows that all the

    prostitutes there are like that). Many people must think that any man who likes

    women clothes must be in that category. This is what we are fighting against and

    as far as I can tell we are not close to winning.


  14. I have not bought any male shoes in years. I usually wear 'regular' shoes without heels from the womens department. They fit me better (I have small feet and it is not easy to find proper male shoes). I still do have a few pairs of male shoes in the closet, but the last time I wore any was years ago. Y.

  15. I epilate regularly. It is really very easy after a while. The first time is a bit painful when the hairs are still thick and long. The machine kind of yanks them out in a wild way. When the hairs become thinner after a while and when they are still short you do not feel very much. I started 8 years ago and after several months the hair growth gets lighter and you do not need to maintain it so often. Nowadays I do it once a week or less and unless you look really close up, after a week you still do not see very much. But the machine still finds what is there. The hairs on your toes keep their black color though and they keep hurting, but those are only few and I do not do them as often as they grow rather slowly. I have had two periods of three months that I was abroad and did not have the machine with me. After those three months the hairs have their original length and you can feel quite well when you start again. An alternative would be to shave once and then when the hairs come up again use the epilator machine when they are still very short. In the beginning you have to be a bit attentive with ingrown hairs. Those you can lift out with a needle. That is completely painless. It is on the same level as removing slivers. After a while I have not seen them. I cannot say I miss those hairs and my wife is also fine with it. As I never wear shorts in public she is the only one who gets to see it. She is fully used to see me in heels and pantyhose and enjoys when I put together something tasteful. It is also a challenge to her to put on something nice when we go out (I fancy in the house, she outside). Y.

  16. I Don't see what all the noise is about. As mentioned in one of the commentaries, there is no fundamental difference between this and a pair of leather boots. Also we have discussions about pony boots where people are trying so make things look a little bit like this. It is just that people are not used to this. Every year many horses are killed for eating. In France they even have special butcher shops for horse meat. So one recognizable piece that would otherwise be thrown away is being used and everybody freaks out. From now on you should only buy plastic shoes I think. It is not that I would buy them. They are not my taste. But that holds for many other shoes and boots that I see (also on this site) and that other people like very much. Y.

  17. Google translate is you're friend :)

    I think that because nothing looks irritating. These paragraphs are socially acceptable without restriction!

    Take heart and keep it up,


    That is a very poor translation.

    Absatz is either paragraph or heel. And the first sentence is also a mess.

    I find that they don't look irritating at all. These heels are without restriction

    suitable for being around company.



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