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Posts posted by yozz

  1. I agree with Pussy and Ilikekicks. This is also why I never voted in this poll. I am not a woman, so how should I represent "women". All I know is that my wife accepts me as I am, but already she would rather not see me draw too much attention in my heeled shoes. That should say enough. Y.

  2. I would say: It depends. If you are in the habit of trying the highest heels you can lay your hands on (or stick yout feet in), anything that is not close to the record is hardly worth looking at. On the other hand my sister in law has severe back problems and cannot handle any heels above 1 inch. Two inches is already too high for her. When my wife got some three inch heels the comments of her sister were: "how high they are...". So I can only say: high is what you perceive as high. Many members here "have something for high heels" and hence 5 inches is normal for them. But that is definitely not the case for everybody. Y.

  3. Indeed and "Do women like men in heels?" is a daft question to ask to a community of males who love wearing High heels and would love nothing more than to have women condone such behavior.

    This hits the nail square on the head.

    Many of the "Do women like......." questions are a form of fishing for compliments.

    A large number of the male members are struggling with their "problem" and would

    like to hear that everything is OK and society will readily accept them.

    Reality is a bit more brutish.

    At the same time this "problem" is a very strong urge, almost like an addiction.

    It won't go away either. Hence the sometimes a bit excited discussions.

    Please have patience with each other.


  4. Reading this all, I am still missing a few points. Plus that I have comments on the comments. Like: in a good relationship you do not order people to do things. My wife would never consider to order me to do something and neither would I with her. I got the feeling from your o.p. that your girlfriend knew already rather early about your preferences but probably thought that either you would grow out of it, or she would be able to change you. This is not uncommon. Problem is, that your habit will never go away for longer than a given period. If you try to abandon it, you will grow exceedingly restless and nervous and after a while you will break down, after which you will feel better again for a while. This you can read in many places. A good book is: My husband wears my clothes" which you can find in Amazon.com. It is more likely that, with the proper approach you can come to an understanding with your girlfriend that there is a time for your hobby and there are other times that it is completely out of line. The important thing is that she realizes that it is part of you and it is not something that you can switch off, just to please here. That it is not that you do not love her. The statement "if you really love me, you give it up" is an impossibility. This she has to realize. You on the other hand have to accept that it is not pleasant to her, so you should keep it all in good taste and confront her with it as little as possible. If she cannot accept this all as a compromise, you have a real problem. In that case you will have to consider what is more important: your mental health or your relation. Maybe time to see a therapist and get some advice there. (provided you find a good one). Y.

  5. I have them too, and it takes around 5 minutes each boot.

    There is a trick that makes it going faster (unless you use that trick already of course). Take one lace in one hand and the other in the other hand. Then with the right hand put the lace around the hook on the right and immediately around one hook higher on the left. Next do something similar with the left hand. Then pull it tight and continue. This way you never have to change the laces from one hand into the other. You might get your time down to two minutes.


  6. You must have been working hard to take al those pictures. But I know by experience that it is also lots of fun. My guess is that you were spotted in nr. 7. One and three look very much like they could come from the male part of the shop. Maybe nr. 5 as well. The others look a bit more feminine. Of course I can be totally off. The first 6 pairs look like nobody will notice. And even if they do, it is hardly "out of line" by generally dictated standards. Keep having fun. Y.

  7. First of all, they are made for you. So they are your jeans. Second: does she make them with the closure mens style or womens style? Third: do they have big (=mens) pockets or very small pockets (mostly womens style)? Why worry? You should be happy to have some tailor made jeans. Very few people can say that. Be proud! Y.

  8. I'd have thought he would have cut his losses by now and simply made you another pair in a larger size, rather than attempting to stretch and stretch again the pair already made a year ago. And 67 weeks is a completely crazy amount of time; there can be no excuse for that. Proof of sending can be supplied in the form of a tracking number from the courier company; there's always the possibility the courier service have lost them.

    I am convinced he did not send them. He seems to be in denial again as he does not answer his e-mail.

    He seems to be one of those people who cannot admit that he made a mistake. It is anybodies fault but his, it is unpleasant and hence he puts it in a corner and tries to forget about it. Then at the same time, because he is basically not dishonest, he knows he has to go back to it, but keeps postponing. An unpleasant truth.

    I will see whether I can reach him by telephone this week. Let us see what story he will invent now. My guess about what really happened is that he overstretched it and that something broke. Stretching 28 cm into 32 cm seems a bit rough.

    You are of course right. Any sensible person would have admitted that this was getting nowhere and either have made new boots or taken me up on my offer to choose another pair that would have a proper zipper so that the problem would not arise.


  9. I figured it is time for an update. We are now almost 8 weeks later and still no boots. Ian makes promises and promises and breaks them every time. He was going to have the boots here before April 9 (the day that my wife was coming back to Amsterdam) and then again nothing. I finally sent a mail two weeks ago and then he mumbled something about problems (he always has a story, not that I believe any of them) but that he would send them the same day. Now we are two weeks later and still no boots. Hence he did not send them. It is now 67 weeks since I ordered those boots and he took the money. Now my wife has to travel again and won't be back for two months. And I will be on the road for a month pretty soon as well. I always say that you recognize a true professional by how he repairs his mistakes. He fails miserably in that department. Needless to say, I am very upset. Y.

  10. To me it is exciting to see a woman managing elegantly in beautiful heels. Any aspect of pain and suffering would immediately distract from that. Depending on the circumstances I would either feel pity or a bit of disdain when it is clear that the selection of shoes was unwise in advance (or just plain stupid...). But it never gives me joy to see someone suffer. This does not go so far though that I would offer my own shoes in exchange :smile: Y.

  11. I think it depends on the person. For some people 4 inches is way too high and for others it is not. Some people are better off starting with 2 or 2 1/2 inches and then move up slowly. OK, for the grandmasters here that is nothing, but a certain amount of comfort is important to make the shoes part of yourself. Otherwise you are just training to see them as foreign objects. If you can handle 4 inches right away and start running around in them immediately, so much the better for you. But do not see that as the norm. Y.

  12. This case makes me think of something I read years ago. There was a woman with the last name Sony who had a shop in an American city. I think she was originally from the Philippines. Of course her shop had a big sign outside. The shop had nothing to do with electronics. Yet the Sony corporation tried to sue her. Eventually they must have seen that they could not win that and they paid her a lot of money that she would take that sign down. Lawyers can make a case out of anything though. Probably here it will boil down to whether there was an attempt to get benefit from someones reputation. As both are already famous I would think that is not the case, but considering how big a fee the lawyers on both sides are going to claim and how long this might go on there may well be a settlement eventually. Y.

  13. I also do not experience this as a TV/CD site although sometimes it does need corrective action to keep it that way. But different people may have different definitions and think that someone who does not want to look like a woman but wears heels and a skirt, as some of our members do, is a TV/CD. They have not grasped the essence of free style fashion. That is a pity. It hurts a bit when it is one of the few females that are posting in the mans sections without being here because they support their hubby who wears heels. This thread is exactly about the free style fashion. a man who wears items of clothes from both sides of the isle, in particular shoes, but is still wanting to look very much like a man. Which most of us think can be done. It is just that you have to have the proper taste to make it look good. But what is so special about that? The same holds for women putting together an outfit. Someone whose circumference is greater than his/her length will have a very difficult time looking good in stilettos although I would love to see a picture of someone who can pull that off. Y.

  14. Well, what are you doing out on the internet, you silly lass? Or working, for that matter? Shouldn't you be in the kitchen, cooking for your man? :smile:

    I don't think this is called for, even when you put the smiley.

    She gave her opinion. That is her opinion and it is just as valid as the opinion of people who think differently.

    There are women who like their men with lots of hair and there are women who like their men cleanly shaven. Nobody would make a big stink about that. So she doesn't like men in stilettos. She also says that she likes very manly men. Those manly men probably are walking more like oxen than like deer and hence would not look good in stilettos. Just like the average 250 pound woman would not look good in stilettos either.

    Not all men are like that, but why would she have to like all men? OK, that may hurt a few egos, but that is the way it is.


  15. Well, consider it part of the job. When you have shoes like that they break easier than flats. But you can hurt yourself in flats as well. I regularly have a problem of `misstepping' and only because I have a light tread I avoid injury. This happens more in some shoes than in others. It can happen in flats, but I also have some heels of only 2 inches with which it happens frequently. My wife has the same shoes and it also happens to her with those shoes. With my higher heels I have not had this so often, Maybe I am more careful walking in them. They may force me more to pay attention. Y.

  16. I go buy look, more than by smell. Smells give me a headache very easily. If a women looks very elegant, and nylons/stockings/tights are part of that, it is to me the visual equivalent of a beautiful piece of music. Y.

  17. Having read the original, I do not think there is much there that has not been discussed here in the forum before. Advises as buying your shoes in the afternoon when your feet are a bit bigger make lots of sense but as said are not new. This list of 'mandatory shoes' is cute though. I am not sure most members here will follow this exactly. Personally I do not need tennis/sport shoes or ballerinas. The remark about selecting more colorful shoes is very personal. That is up to everybodies taste. Y.

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