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Posts posted by yozz

  1. Your big mistake was to compliment her `every time'. The complimenting would maybe have been OK when done once, "my, you really look good today" and leave it at that. She knows then that you notice and every next time will only make her think that you have an obsession. The word creepy also came to my mind. You should not try to `educate' your coworker as if she is a pet or a little child. Usually people are far more intelligent than we want to give them credit for. Y.

  2. I think this would be more work for the moderators, because there would be quite a few posts in the girls section and the moderators would have to check up on all the votes. And that probably over a period of time. As is, the moderators do their work already `out of love' and we should not do anything that gives them more work. Let it be that sometimes a thread gets echoed into the for everybody section. At the moment that happens only sporadically. My 2 Eurocents (almost 3 $cents by now) Y.

  3. I also don't think it is quite a fetish. Maybe the first or second time you try them as an adult, but afterwards it is just a type of shoes you really like to wear, but whatever sexual undertone there was in it is (in my case at least) at least 99% absent. It is an addiction though. Maybe the psychologists have a better word for it but most people don't know the proper term and then think they understand it when they use the word fetish. It is a compulsion but what drives it, I have no idea. The best I can do is comparing it with hearing a nice song and wanting to sing along. You see a woman in nice shoes and you want that also. Be just as elegant. But fetish? I don't think so. Y.

  4. I like the second and the fourth most, but those pricetags...... And then there is the question of whether they will fit you as well as they fit the model, especially the first three. They always look spectacular in size 34 (European size which is a circumference of 2x34 cm = 68 cm) which is very thin. Y.

  5. I have flown several times with boots with 7 cm block heels. If you forget yourself to take them off and put them in the tray, they just ask you politely. That is the only reaction. Everybody is very busy with their own things and way too worried to attract attention to themselves. Of all the places where your heels come out in the open this seems to be the most innocent/harmless. Y.

  6. I still have a few pairs, but that is only because I don't throw things too easily. I have not used them for years. At work I wear some very neutral shoes or (under the pants) boots from the interesting part of the shop. My size forces me to buy them there :) Y.

  7. As usual the proper choice is not there. I like block heels without platforms. I don't like platforms. I also like stacked heels. I think that when you design a poll like this, put also the option "none of the above" or "other(explain)". Y.

  8. Your Raw Score is: -475, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

    Your appearance is Masculine

    Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

    You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

    You believe you have normal doubts about your gender identity.

    You indicated your were born Male.


    Male to Female Crossdresser


    You are in a statistical minority as a anallophilic crossdresser. Most crossdressers are heterosexual. Your motivation for crossdressing may be driven by the undirected nature of your sexuality, as a way to more fully explore the Female gender role.

    I had to look up Anallophilic, which apparently means no attraction to either sex, which... isn't at all accurate or even in the same ballpark as reality. Source

    I'm more confused now than before, most of the answers felt like they were trying to pigeonhole me into categories I didn't fit in. Best fit answer questions seem a bit loaded to me. Though the link I found was really interesting, more so than the test.

    I got similar answers and have similar thoughts about it.

    My guess is that the problem is boxes. Everything has to be put in a box.

    0.499 is rounded to 0 and 0.501 is rounded to one.

    And in this case 0.25 is maybe already rounded to one.

    The norm is heterosexual and hence if you are for a small part anallophilic

    you end up pretty soon in that box. This is just like race. In the USA someone who

    is half black ends up as black while that same person in Africa might be seen more

    as white.

    Hence you may be happily married and feel very attracted to your wife, but because

    the attraction isn't sexually quite as strong as "the norm", you are classified as anallophilic. I would not get confused about it. You are still you, you seem to feel

    happy about yourself and if your wife is also happy with you, you should be

    satisfied and let the people who can only think in labels and then let the labels

    take over reality, think whatever they want.

    I hope this helps


  9. People in the shop really like to help you. Today I was in the center of Amsterdam and we passed by the Ecco shop in the Kalverstraat (this shop is new) and we decided to have a look there. I am looking for shoes to go to Japan (flats that you can take off and put on quickly without trouble) and because I have small feet (size 39) we always look at the womens side of the shop. We found some nice shoes and I went to try them on. Comes a man who works there and says: "I have to disappoint you but those are womens sizes". I told him I knew and that I had small feet and after that he was very helpful, getting the other shoe of the pairs I was trying and giving some extra information. He was quite happy to ring up the sale and sell me also some shoe polish. My experience, also with heels, is always like this. At first they try to make sure you know what you are doing and after that they would like to sell you the whole shop. This holds specially when I am together with my wife. This gives it apparently more status. My guess is also that probably men shopping for women shoes have a higher "hit rate" than women in the sense that the chance that they buy something is bigger. Y.

  10. I feel with you. On the other hand you could be in a worse city with this problem. The best solution is to spend a few Saturday afternoons expanding your collection. There are some shops that specialize in big sizes and they themselves say that men are their main customers for the very big sizes. Hence you should not feel shy. They have seen it all. (cannot look in the phonebook for the names at the moment because I am 'on the road' for a few weeks. If you need help, send a pm in two weeks). Y.

  11. It is impossible to give a single medicine for a headache. I have almost daily headaches and they come in different types (at least five). Once I saw a fat book which contained just a classification of different headaches. A few per page.... For migraine headaches the triptanes (like immigram and the like) may work, but not for everybody and not all of them. I have tried several with zero result. Simple headaches may be helped with aspirin, provided your stomach is healthy. Because they have given me an ulcer long ago, I cannot take that. Paracetamol is generally considered reasonably safe and with many people it works better if you mix it with caffeine or codeine. In my case, the codeine only gives me problems with my digestive system but doesn't work against the headaches. Some people mentioned things like oils or things that smell strong. With some people that works and with some it doesn't.. In my case it causes headaches. If you have regular headaches and take medication regularly there is another type of headache caused by addiction to the medication. It may take months to get rid of that:: about one month for paracetamol, two months for tylenol and three months for the triptanes. If you just have occasional headaches and they are not too strong there are two things you can do: 1: take two aspirins or paracetamol 2: just sweat it out and count your blessings that you don't have worse headaches. Think of that in a few hours or one or two days it will be gone. Y.

  12. Soccer? What's that? :)

    In nearly the whole world it is called football.

    The problem is that in the US they have a game in which they carry the

    ball by hand and hence they call it football. Rather than doing something

    about that they prefer to confuse the rest of the world.

    It is similar to the way Microsoft likes standards set by others.


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