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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. i am new to the site, and would like to know if it is ok to ask this on the ladies site?

    if woman are known to love shoes sooo much, why in the world do you wear pants that are so long and flared at the bottom that your feet are no where to be seen? i love to see your heels, but when you hide them with long pants, you might as well wear house slippers. not only that it makes you look like gumby. show us those sexy feet!

    I like to wear jeans that cover my feet sometimes.

    They make your legs look longer.

    Close fitting ones, I don't wear flares.

    it's still obvious that one is wearing heels, and I enjoy the suggestive peeks.

    It's a casual only look for me as the hems at the back get ruined.

  2. Hmm, forgive me for posting in the guys only thread again but. I prefer to try shoes on in the store. I make a note of them and then buy them online at home. I have bought shoes online without seeing them but often it's not worth the hassle when it comes to returning them if they don't fit. I imagine for guys it's not so comfortable to brows in high street shops. I think that's a shame but from reading all the posts here then maybe you guys can change that. I wish you luck.

  3. I think Marcus was saying that wearing heels does not make a male heel wearer de-masculanised - Let's face it (depending on your interpretation of masculinity) it does!! Although different cultures view masculinity slightly differently, I think most people here look from a traditional/medieval?/historical/religeous/mythical/christian view - I've got a vision of King Arthur gallantly striding forward leading his men into battle and getting his 4 1/2 inch Jimmy Choo's stuck in the mud :santa_hat: Those Arthurian legends could have been sooo different!!

    I would percieve masculinity to be exhibited by someone able to climb a mountain, fell trees, carry a heavy load up a ladder, drive oxen through a muddy field, push my car out of the road when it's broken, carry me upstairs, build a kitchen extension and run after and tackle that burglar.

    I just can't imagine any of this being done in stiletto slingbacks.

  4. I find that wearing shoes with a strap across the front like Mary Janes helps to stop your toes from sliding forwards and jamming in the toebox. I find Boots with laces are also more comfortable for the same reasons as above and because they support your ankle. When I wear very high heels I prefer to have an ankle strap at least to stop them falling off. What shoes do you consider most comfortable and why?.

  5. Why?

    Suppose there's a guy who really really loves admiring heels. Would you define him "less masculine"? I don't think so.

    Now, let's imagine this guy loves heels so much that he wants to wear'em. How would you define him now?

    Again the concept: a guy admiring gals is "normal" (what a shameful word here), a guy in love with a gal wouldn't be "normal"?

    Anyway I don't want to start a flamewar, but just my 0.02$. I'm not doing anti-sexism or whatsoever, just want to bring light on this matter to illuminate the path of my (upcoming) life...:santa_hat:

    Thanks Marcus,

    for your 0.02$.

    I have no intention of starting any "flamewar" either, I'm just interested and learning.

  6. my right heel snapped in half.

    I had the same thing happen twice now but the heel came right off.

    The 1st time I was hopping off a gently moving bus in Stoke Newington.

    I fell and wrecked my tights, cut my knee too.

    Thankfully?,I was too overcome by pain to be embarassed.

    I stayed well away from cheap shoes since then. It could have been much worse.

  7. Thanks jmc, I didn't mean to cause a fuss. I haven't found my feet on this site it seems. I apologize for posting in the men only threads. I didn't know there were men and womens threads. I'll make sure I read the site instructions before I put my foot in something else.:santa_hat:

  8. I made the mistake of wearing heels all the time. Go and see your doctor if you've had enough. Tendon shrinkage is a rectifiable problem. Mine gave me exercises to do to stretch the tendons out. I've had a go, my commitment was at the low end of the scale but I can get around in lower heels now at least. I never suffered from toes being squashed together, I suppose I should be grateful for that. I'm not so sure that's rectifiable. I wear rounded toe shoes quite often with a roomy toe box for happy toes. I think a stiletto looks just as sexy with a round toe myself.

  9. Since I wasn't expecting anyone to drop by, I had put on a pair of black patent high stiletto heeled pumps. Well, you guessed it. Not only did someone drop by, they came in unannounced

    Gosh I suppose male heel wearers would be able to outstrip any of my embarrasing moments.

    Did you explain it to them?.

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