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Posts posted by mlroseplant

  1. 9 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:

    Well done mlroseplant! Sounded like an adventure.Perhaps your first "service" call in heels?? HinH

    Ummmm, I think it was, actually. I can't recall ever going out on a service call in heels before.

    8 hours ago, Cali said:

    When the correct part comes in your should test the chair out (and get a pedicure at the same time).

    I would agree wholeheartedly, except for one thing: We've known them (the nail shop girls) for about 10 years, and in that 10 years, they've never allowed us to pay for any of their services. Fantastic, huh? There's only one problem with that. Paying customers always come first, even if they're right in the middle of your pedicure, or whatever. Back in the day, 2010 - 2012, the economy wasn't so great, and there was always time for us. Today, the shop is always so busy that it's difficult to squeeze us in. And yet, they refuse to let us pay like regular customers. It's a bit like traveling non-rev on an airline, eh @pebblesf? Finally, you just throw up your hands and just laugh. That's just the way it is.

  2. On 9/6/2019 at 5:49 AM, CHRISPAP said:

    I am in the same situation is more easy for me (in my mind) to wear closed shoes like à boot or low boot that shoes show more open like pump or sandal

    I'm sure it's not only in your mind. As someone who does wear sandals and open shoes all the time in the summer, I seem to get a lot more attention than when I'm wearing long pants and boots in the winter. I would wear sandals all winter if I could get away with it.

  3. Moving right along here.  .  . I was called to the nail salon two nights ago to solve a technical difficulty. It has been a very long time since I have been called there to fix something, but of course I dropped everything and went straight there, having NO idea what the hell they wanted, as they aren't really good at explaining things in English over the phone. It turns out that they are finishing up a remodel of the shop, which the franchise forces them to do every so often, and the last step is freshening up the pedicure/spa chairs. When I got to the salon, which is located within a Walmart, there were big cardboard boxes piled in front of the entrance, and a salon full of customers. The owner asked me to wait just a few minutes.

    I sat down at one of the manicure tables which was unoccupied, on the manicurist's side, not the customer's side, opposite three ladies who were all getting pedicures. After a few minutes, the owner got up briefly from her manicure table, where she was working on another customer, and went to fetch her phone, pulled up a video, and asked me to watch it. The video was in Vietnamese with English subtitles. It was at that moment two things happened: I finally figured out what they needed help with, and the lady across from me figured out that I wasn't a customer. I guess I can understand the confusion when I waltzed in there in my shorts and high Michael Kors wedges (non-mules, by the way). I didn't really look like I was there to fix something, but I figured that whatever it was, I would have to go back home and get something anyway, so I could change clothes if necessary. Once it was clear to all that I was there to fix something and not there to get a pedicure, the lady across from me said, "Oh, I'd trade you legs in a heartbeat!" I laughed sheepishly, and said I would be right back with the necessary tools to do the job at hand. When I returned, the errant pedicure chair had been emptied of its occupant, and I proceeded to disassemble the chair and not fix it. The part they sent was not the source of the problem, which was rather disappointing. However, I did get a compliment out of the deal.

  4. 19 hours ago, Cali said:

    It takes a certain amount of confidence to walk into a busy store and ask to try on a pair of heels. It's so easy to get intimidated and walk out. Once you have over come the "flight" impulse it can be very enjoyable. The Sale Associates at several Brand Name women's shoe store recognize me as a customer that tries on heels and buys heels and (I think) give me better service than the average customer.

    I am an all-the-time heel wearer, I couldn't be one without confidence, too scared to live life.

    I guess I really don't even think about this much any more, but yeah, I guess it does take a certain amount to get "over the hump" and go into a shoe store, particularly one where you have to ask for the shoes to be brought out. I think it helps a great deal if you're already wearing heels (and probably a smile as well) when you go in there.

    • Like 2
  5. On 9/3/2019 at 9:41 PM, HappyinHeels said:


    I was curious about this issue so I messaged Tech about it. TBG was never banned from this site. He voluntarily chose to leave. I may have confused his post total of 10000 with someone else but he did have an unbelievable number of views as well. He can (and should) come back if only someone will email him to do so. So let's not opine or speculate anymore about it as I have received a sufficient explanation. HinH

    Well ANYWAY.  .  . he says "hi" to everybody.

    • Like 1
  6. My shoe buddy just bought a new house this summer. I went to the housewarming party recently. The guests were all Vietnamese, with the exception of me, and most of the ladies were dressed up, as is the custom for such occasions. This meant a lot of heels, some of which were impressive. It is usual for people to remove shoes before entering a Vietnamese house, same as it is for many other parts of the world. However, on this occasion, there was one woman, who is a familiar acquaintance of mine, who did not remove her shoes because she was carrying a large tray of food as she entered the house. This woman, in her mid-30s, spares no opportunity to dress up, and always wears very high heels when she dresses up. As in nothing lower than 4 inches that I have ever seen, and usually higher. The problem is that somehow, she has never learned how to walk in them properly.

    As she made her way through the house wearing fabulous burgundy pumps with probably 4 1/2 inch heels, she fell down when descending a few stairs to another level of the house. I was right behind her when this happened, wearing my usual summer uniform of a nicer t-shirt and shorts, with heels of course. I also failed to remove my shoes, because I was also carrying a large tray of food. Once it was determined that she was ok, all eyes turned upon me, in my high heels, poised to descend the same set of stairs that she had just fallen on. I smiled and said, "Don't worry--this ain't no hobby!" Few probably understood the comment, and maybe that's a good thing!

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  7. On 8/30/2019 at 2:10 AM, HappyinHeels said:

    I too enjoyed his material. Replacing someone with over 10000 posts and 250000 views is a tall order indeed but that's the sizeable contribution he had. I had intended to get an email from him and then he just wasn't here anymore. HinH


    On 8/30/2019 at 4:36 AM, JeffB said:

    Good to hear he's doing okay. TBG introduced me to the joy of thigh boots and earrings, the latter now a permanent part of my look as a fashion freestyler.


    On 8/30/2019 at 2:49 PM, Tech said:

    What exactly are you talking about?

    Please show me where it says or states that he is banned or not allowed to take part?

    Just over 2 years ago he got a slap on the wrist for posting innappropriate images and still has not bothered to acknowledge that.

    Its on him, nothing I can do. Nobody banned him.. I wish people would check their facts before reaching for the keyboard...

    Oh and I only saw this because rather than post speculation about me, somebody actually was decent enough to message me directly.

    Why do people always go for the negative first? You could have said "I might drop Tech a message, see if he has heard from him or find out whats up"

    Where are these 10,000 posts? He has 4179 content items... That includes PMs, pictures, comments on pictures, the lot...


    On 8/30/2019 at 10:53 PM, Bubba136 said:

    Typo:  Joking=Joining.  

    My impression is that he was banned for posting comments and pictures oriented more toward crossdressing than wearing heels.  In fact, I believe it was he that mentioned that he had been banned because of his shifting more towards wearing women’s clothing and posted that he was leaving the website.  Chill tech! No one is criticizing you.  Perhaps you are the only one that is aware of what the actual facts of this situation really are.  My thought was that after such a long time you might consider reinstating him after reiterating posting guidelines and his agreeing to remaining within the guidelines.  He was a well known and active member for a number of years.  


    Guys, it's really none of my business, but just to set the record straight, he ain't banned. He quit posting voluntarily. I also know for a fact that he holds no ill will toward anybody here.

  8. Some of the newer members won't remember, but many of you do remember Thighbootguy. I heard from him yesterday, and he told me to tell everyone "hi." He's doing well, still playing a lot of gigs with his guitar, has taken up the cello, and is still of course wearing thigh boots pretty much all the time.

    • Like 5
  9. 6 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    I saw some amazingly fashion conscious commuters aboard scooters in Vietnam.

    Quite right, and you can use that to your advantage if you need to get somewhere in a hurry. What you do is you find a woman who is smartly dressed and rides fast. Stick to her like glue, and you will arrive at your destination significantly faster. Don't follow a boy, that will get you killed. Follow a girl, she won't take ridiculous, unnecessary risks. And she doesn't want to mess up her outfit.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 10 hours ago, p1ng74 said:

    Tallboots the blog is very nice and I think pleasantly promotes what we have a passion for here.  I have been blogging for 20 years now (back then people hadn’t really coined the term yet) and it takes a bit of time just to write the content.  The photos, as others have pointed out, add even more time commitment.  I grew to appreciate the quality of full outfit photos while playing on Reddit and just how much time it takes to use self-timer and remote shutter to get that shot you are looking for.  Great work.  

    I blogged about my cowboy boots initially but switched to more socially engaging outlets for my interest in boots once I found HHP and certain subs on Reddit.  I don’t have a lot of blog followers so this is a bit more satisfying and engaging to me.  

    I had no idea that my comments would be as controversial as they have been. Yes, I agree that @Tallboots's blog is very well done. After thinking about it for a day, I have realized that the reason I don't start a blog is not because I think it's unworkable. It's just because I don't want to. It is a huge time commitment, especially if you add a lot of photos, and I just don't want to spend that kind of time on it.  For the same reason, I don't do much with Youtube, either.

  11. Wow, that is becoming the story of my life, shoes failing catastrophically. It seems I am always gluing something back together, and it doesn't necessarily get better as you go up in price point. Some of my worst offenders have been Michael Kors, which are not all that cheap. I've also had trouble with the Vera Wang "Lavender" series shoes, which are even less not all that cheap than the Michael Kors. As I've said many times before, it all comes of walking in shoes that were really not designed to be walked in.

    I wonder if it wouldn't be more advisable to find another pair of booties that do not have the walkability drawbacks of these Zodiacs. At that height, I can't think of a reason why you should put up with them being hard to walk in, especially now that they've failed on you badly.

    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, SF said:

    I wouldn’t mind creating a blog, after 20+ years of wearing high heels in public, I probably could offer some valid advice.  But alas, I am so technology impaired I would not know how to begin setting one up....  

    Like mlroseplant, this site will have to suffice.....  sf


    23 hours ago, Cali said:

    I have been thinking of a nail blog since I have my nails exquisitely done all the time. I also experiment  with color, materials, processes, etc.

    I have a tentative  name but I concern of having enough content.

    Well, that's just it--what on earth would you write about? I am imagining something like a newspaper column, where you would write something every week or so. In our case, be the subject nails, heels, dresses, skirts, &c., I think a person could have strong, interesting material for the first two or three times, but then what? At that point, I think you'd have to artificially create interest somehow, and this seems to me to be the opposite of what we seek as men who sport what has been traditionally women's fashion. We kind of want as little interest as possible--to be left the hell alone.

    It is difficult enough to come up with something interesting to say on my thread here, without getting completely off the subject. I have no idea what I would say every week in a blog, where I would be expected to be interesting. I think I get a "pass" here if occasionally I write something less than brilliant, because of our long-standing community.

  13. On 8/23/2019 at 5:38 AM, pebblesf said:

    Looking sharp buddy....I think the combination of biker gear and heels/boots is very powerful and alluring...

    I don't disagree with you there--I think it is an appealing look, it's just that I don't like to wear heels when riding a regular motorcycle. I've tried it before, and, safety concerns aside, I just don't like it. To tell you the truth, I don't even like driving a car in heels all that much. However, a scooter is awesome in heels!

  14. Another resurrected topic! But it IS interesting that the actual heels of the day were much lower than the advertisements might suggest. Perhaps a place like Frederick's of Hollywood had actual 5 inch heels, but I certainly never saw anything close to being that height in public until the mid 80s, and that was only a very few times. It really wasn't until the 2000s that I saw actual 5+ inch heels regularly, and even those were platforms. I guess the point is, what we used to think of as Really High heels.  .  . really weren't.

  15. 19 hours ago, jeremy1986 said:

    While my first heels I tried on were around the age 6 or 7, my own heels that I bought were much later, around 2013 or 2014 - a pair of black stiletto heeled knee-high boots, made in faux suede.  I bought them off a local store's website on special and landed up picking them up myself from the delivery company.  They were a little small on me, and had chain-bling all over them, which I cut off immediately. Other than the chains, they were pretty classic looking. Heel was probably 3.5"-4" high.  I don't think I have any pictures of them unfortunately. They got tossed a few months later in a purge (wasn't much of a purge - I only had a single pair!). I do have a bunch of other pairs now, that are much nicer than those. But as you know, the first ones have a soft spot ;-) 

    Oh, I know! The only reason why I keep my Söfft mules is because they were my first pair, and I'm probably overly sentimental about them. Plus, they don't really take up much room.

    • Like 2
  16. 20 hours ago, SF said:

    No helmet???   Maybe one that matches the shoes???  ha ha   sf

    I have to sheepishly admit that I don't wear a helmet around town. Iowa is one of the few states without a helmet law. For regular motorcycle riding, I have a very good helmet, but it seems like overkill to put on a giant full-face helmet to run up to the post office, less than a mile away. And if you're going to wear a giant full face helmet, you really ought to put on all the other gear, too.  I should get one of those half helmets for the scooter. That might be a good compromise between safety and convenience.

    • Like 2
  17. I too, wondered about the difficulty of wearing heels, and figured it couldn't be as hard as all that, especially given the fact that a 4" heel back in those days was considered insanely high. However, it was not my main motivator for wanting to wear heels. I did not actually buy myself any heels until much later, in 2012, and they were Söfft Avianos. 3 3/4" heel, 3/4" platform, chunky-ish heel. More like a clog, really, which is how I started wearing heels in public. I started with normal clogs, then went to clogs with a slightly elevated heel, like 2 1/2", then to the Aviano, which was really my first pair of shoes with a clearly defined, separate heel that could not be misinterpreted. I still have them, but never wear them anymore. If I'm going to wear something that low, I've a pair of Dansko clogs that are about the same height and are much better in every way. Here is somebody else's picture of somebody else's shoes, but they're the same thing that I've got.


  18. 4 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:

    Looking good on your scooter there! Taking the mule style to another level. Good job. HinH

    Thanks, HiH. I don't like wearing heels on a regular motorcycle, and I don't like it that much when driving a car, but a scooter is perfect for heels! This little 50cc scooter, bought for my elder son, is now waiting for my younger son to turn 14. In the meantime, I use it to do all my errands around town, as it gets over 100 miles to the gallon. I'm even considering getting rid of my regular motorcycle and getting one a them "maxi" scooters that can go highway speed.

    • Like 1
  19. I've also gotten quite a few pair from there, and might consider getting some other stuff from there, too. I've had nothing but good luck with sellers who are on Poshmark. One thing to keep in mind is that the seller doesn't get paid until you give feedback, so if you're happy with your purchase, don't dally to confirm your receipt of the item(s). As far as being discrete, I don't recall anything coming in other than a plain package, or a USPS logo'd mailing box. The return address will be that of whomever the seller is.

    As an aside, I find the site much easier to navigate from the browser on my computer than from the app on my phone.

    • Like 1
  20. Outfit of the Day: Nina animal print mules, which I got some time ago, but have never really worn out before, because they are not really my usual style, dark skinny jeans, medium blue polo shirt. Nothing earth-shaking, but the jeans are skinnier than normal, and the shoes are pointier than I've ever worn before. And they're closed-toed, which is a bit of a sacrilege for me during the summer, but I just wanted to wear them today. Shoes are 4 1/2", no platform, but are quite manageable despite the super skinny heel. And yes, I do ride my scooter in heels, almost every day.


    • Like 7
  21. 1 hour ago, swedeheeler said:

    I'm not too sure about those ankle boots though. Myself I do prefer untucked with bright jeans, migt be different withdark ones?

    I would agree with you. With those shorter boots, untucked looks much better. The dark jeans are rather tighter, so tucked in works better than with the lighter ones. I think the only ones who can get away with tucking in ankle boots are really skinny people with really skinny jeans. Otherwise, it looks kind of goofy until you get up to knee height with the boots.

    • Thanks 1
  22. 11 hours ago, Cali said:

    She also wants me to get (front) lace up boots so I can control the pressure on my foot. I told her those are hard to find. She said "You right, I don't even have a pair myself."

    So I'm on a lookout for some new front lace-up boots.

    I was just thinking that all of my work boots except for one have been front lacing, so then I got to thinking what about the "work" boot style heels? I used to have a pair by Doc Marten. I can see where you'd have trouble finding a lot of this stuff in person in the shops, though. Sorry to hear about your ankles.

  23. On 8/12/2019 at 1:02 AM, HappyinHeels said:


    I remember your street well. That's cool you have a block party there. Whilst I can't verify if you have the nicest legs in the neighbourhood I can absolutely say when I saw you help your kid start a push mower wearing heels I was in awe. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY did it better. That's a permanent compliment you can use during the dry months when they are few and far between. HinH

    I don't exactly remember the mower-starting incident, but I'm sure it happened. However, it happens less and less with each passing month, as my son keeps growing bigger and stronger, and rarely needs help starting anything nowadays. Thanks for the compliment anyway!

    As far as having the best legs in the neighborhood, I suppose I should qualify that to say that at least the skin on my legs is the nicest looking, save for a couple of high school girls, and they really don't count, being evil Birkenstock wearers and all. My leg skin is nicer probably because I take care of it fastidiously, and also because it's probably seen way fewer hours of sun exposure than your average woman my age.

  24. 4 hours ago, kneehighs said:

    West Des Moines?  Tasty Tacos?  Roosevelt High School?  Debate Team antics....you're striking close to HS home there.  Almost want to run and set up my virtual reality machine to Google Earth my way to Des Moines for the memories.

    Yes, indeed! And all of those things still exist today, probably even the debate team antics.

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