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Posts posted by Pumped

  1. 15 hours ago, destheman said:

    It is... I work in a small medical centre, so nobody really notices my boots... I'm usually behind my desk most of the day. Plus I'm usually first in and last out, so by the time the doctors arrive, I'm already seated, and they're so busy in their own offices to come out very often. Then they leave while I finish up.

    You must go to lunch, or other break, nobody notices you footwear?

  2. I was looking for a pair of simple flip flops to knock around the yard. I stopped at Famous Footwear and looked, but my narrow feet don't fit men's sandals, too loose. The manager was waiting on me and gave me a funny look and said, don't get crazy until you take a look, and lead me to the woman's section and pulled 4-5 pair of woman's sandals and I found a pair that fit well and are pretty plain. When I got home I showed them to my wife and she asked how I was able to find a pair narrow enough for my feet. I just gave her "the look", and she said, woman's sandals aren't they. She said their was no way to tell. I would post a pick, but it is really not necessary as they are so plain Jane. I just got a kick out of the manager heading that direction to sell me. Oh, also the manager was a young male, maybe 25 years old. I asked him if he drags men over to the woman's side very often and how does it work out. He told me that most guys don't care as long as they get what they want, but once in a while he gets a "hell no!".

  3. 11 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    There is something wrong with the basic idea behind this thread.  Unless you just want to be taller, why wear heels at all if you really don't want to be noticed?. 

    For first timers, something subtle is probably best, then work your way up to a heel that is more towards the crazy side. Get some confidence going, then move up. Plus it is best to start out in something you know you can walk in. I can stroll around the house in 4" heels, but walking on varying surfaces messes me up. I have walked from the house to the garage and back in heels, and fell on a slick spot that never bothers in lower heels.

    I remember a YouTube video of a young man walking in a mall with his girlfriend. He was wearing 3" or 4" spike heels, looked like ankle boots, and was walking like he was on ice. Not a good choice for what looked like his first time out.

  4. I wear a pair of Diba Pilot boots, 2 3/4" heel. I wear them out quite often, many times all day. The heel is similar to a cowboy cut heel, but slimmer and taller. I have gotten comments about them twice, once from a 50 + year old customer of mine and just the other day from a check out at a chain home store. My older customer was giving me a little hard time about them, but I just owned it and told him that he should get a pair and he dropped it. The check out clerk said she liked my boots and she was tired of seeing men come in with the same old clunky work boots.

  5. The type and style of shoes plus the materials they are made of affect  the comfort level. Generally mid priced leather shoes will be more comfortable than low end man made materials. Two inch heels in a quality shoe should be easy, four inch might be a problem no matter the quality, but better quality should be doable for a longer time. My wife often brings two pairs of shoes to work and trades of during the day.

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  6. 6 hours ago, hoborob said:

    This was a very interesting video to watch. I was at the very least impressed that she could stand in those heels at all. I found myself thinking about the construction workers walking around on stilts though. I've seen some very accomplished folks walking around on stilts that were at least 36" tall and doing so with such confidence that it looked like they had benn doing that all their lives. Of course stilts are flat rather than heels but the images in my mind are similar.

    Plus construction stilts, or what ever you want to call them, strap to your lower leg, so the ankle is out of the picture. Everything from the knee down is "one piece" so to speak.


  7. On 2/29/2016 at 8:59 PM, MackyHeels said:

    Can't be that bad. Just curious on how you described your jeans fitted. My new found intrigue is motivated only to understand the fashion sense you display. If your bold enough to wear such painted on jeans like myself can't be too shocking. Like myself wearing different type of skinny jeans everyday, often overtly showing off upfront that many woman just focus upon.  Just want to know if i could wear something better or copy your style if indeed bolder then what i wear already.

    I have seen a couple of his pics, Tech would go absolutely bonkers if w6 posted them, as would a few others! Lets just say they are a bit revealing! 

  8. I wish I had more flexibility in my ankles. I look at pics with some gal wearing six inch heels and the top of her foot is bent back from vertical, her toes are directly below her ankle, just kills me I envy the look so much. I have tried to stretch my ankles but have hit a dead end, I can not go any farther.

  9. 2 hours ago, wilecoyote said:

    It depends of the foot size ;-)

    For me, i think Daily wearable limit is around 5", for party, maybe i can go up to 6 but at 5.5 it is a bit difficult (Due to the shoes or the height? I don't know)

    Seriously, a six inch heel with no platform? What six are you feet? I wear a womans 10 and like I said, a three inch heel is comfortable, a four is pushing the limit, no platform. There is no physical way I can wear a taller heel with no platform. My ankles will not bend, (or maybe straighten, depending how you look at it), any farther.

  10. On 12/6/2015, 1:05:25, w6ish said:

    the WILD xmas party!  i survived another one!  i'm just in the door and this boy needs to get cleaned up!

    but i will be back with the many amusing details!  i swore to never go back to the xmas party after last year's mad capped events but the weather was unbelievably mild, beautiful, and i just could not resist.  and so i made a day of it!  and almost a night too.  let me know if you want all the details!

    Of course we don't want to know, why would we.........................

    Tell us!! darn it!!

  11. Robbie, I tried to come up with some explanation of my thoughts, but everything I come up with sounds hateful. Lets just say I understand your, and others line of thought on this.

    I don't have issue with anyone that wishes to change gender, in fact if you were here I would not have any problem having a nice visit with you. I believe I am more accepting than the average population. I just have issue with the terminology. Trust me, I am a guy that likes high heels! I believe we all have a certain amount of male and female traits, some more than others.

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  12. 10 hours ago, robbiehhw said:

    Whatever your opinion of her, she is not a guy :)

    Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner? if not a guy what is he?

    He is still a male, I don't care how many parts you add or remove. The scary part is he does make a fair looking woman for his age. Considering he is 60+ years old he/she does not look too bad at all, but then if I had the money to hire the best make up artists and clothing designers I might even look good in a dress.

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