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Posts posted by Pumped

  1. I wore the Musse-Cloud boots out to dinner with friends last evening. The missus reluctantly approves, but she does not get "it"




    I had gone out to lunch with the husband of the couple and had worn the "lower" heeled Coolway boots I mentioned earlier in this thread and he commented on the heel, but just shook his head and no more comments. He was with me when I stopped and home and changed for dinner and slipped on my Musse boots, and I was having second thoughts. Then I figured, the heck with it, and just own up to it and put them on and walked into the other room, showed him the boots and said "if you liked the the boots I wore at lunch you will go crazy over these!" He just looked at them, shook his head, and asked if I can really walk in them and that was the end of it.

    When we got to the restaurant may wife noticed my boots and my buddy asked his wife if she saw my boots and she said, just a glance. We ended up over at their place for a cocktail afterwards and nothing was said until I put my boots back on and my buddy told his wife to take a look. I turned sideways, pulled my jeans up a bit and tipped my foot so she got a good look and she blurted out "holy crap!" We all had a laugh and left. 

    • Like 5
  2. I just bought a couple pair of ankle boots, posted in the "who bought new boots" thread. Both have a western look to them, both have a heel that resembles a western heel. One pair has just under a 3" heel. The other a 4" heel. Check it out if you like western style boots.

    • Like 1
  3. I just received an amazon order for a couple pairs of boots. Great style for the guy that wants something a bit on the "male" side of the shoe spectrum. Here are links, later I will see if I can get a pic or two.



    I am wearing the Musse Cloud right now and although Amazon says 3 1/4" heel, from the rear of the boot it is a full 4" so they are taller than advertised. I have had them on for just a few minutes, and they fell fairly good, but they will need some break in. They are leather so I expect them to stretch a bit. Size is just a touch small, but with a thin sock they feel fine.

    The Coolway I tried on, and they fit about the same, but again the heel is taller than advertised, about 2 3/4" at the rear of the boot. about mid point of the heel they come in at 2 1/4". Both are keepers.

    Now to see what my wife thinks as she is not real fired up on heels for men, but as long as they look more "male" she has given in.

    • Like 1
  4. I get a kick out of all the people screaming about Trump taking g away thier rights, and he has not done much yet. This Muslim thing is Interesting, something needed to be done about imigration and watching out who are let into the USA, but not sure what.

    • Like 1
  5. It is not different state side! When did pajamas become suitable for shopping? Another one I just can not stand is Ugg boots, sure I can give them a pass in cooler weather, but to see them worn in the summer with a cute summer dress, or back to pajamas or sweat pants and Uggs at Walmart again!

    Some clothing people wear such crappy clothing in public I would not even wear in the privacy of my own home. People have forgotten that if you dress well you feel better about yourself. I read "Dress for Success" years ago and it stuck with me over the years. Even in the middle of a project at home and I need to run out for more building materials or paint I generally will at lest change into clean jeans and t-shirt and take off the grubby clothing I was wearing.

    My wife and I try to dress up a bit when we go out for the evening, it might be just jeans and a nicer shirt, but it still beats the normal jeans, t-shirt and sports shoes crowd. We went out last weekend. We planned to go out to a nicer restaurant and I told my wife she need to wear one of her skimpy party dresses and I was in dress  pants and a fancy shirt. Friends called and asked if we wanted to go out to eat and we told them to come with us, but dress up and they did! Even there we were the best dressed group in the place.

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  6. jim102, don'r worry about it! i would guess you speak French as your primary language. I speak English,some might say poorly, and that is all!

    It reminds me of years ago when I had some dealings with a few Japanese engineers. They spoke broken English and kept apologizing for it. One day I tolf them to not worry about it as they spoke better English that I did Japanese. One of them asked me if I spoke Japanese, no, I don't! One of them explained to the other s what we had discussed and they got a good chuckle out of it!

    • Like 1
  7. They were not even that high, maybe a 2" heel, hardly anything to get in a twist about. if a guy walked up there in western boots would it make the news too?

    My wife and I went out last night. We had a bad rain here a couple weeks ago that turned to snow, so sidewalks and parking lots are treacherous. My wife was prancing around in her 4" spike heeled boots like it was no problem. I would have been sitting on my butt.

  8. I was told to not wear Harley Davidson shirts to work, any shirts with company logos has to be work related. Right before Christmas one of the guys showed up wearing, what first appeared to be a very Christmas-y t-shirt. My boss complimented him on his t-shirt. I looked at my boss and said "seriously"?! I went on to ask that HD shirts are off limits, but shirts with animals having sex was fine?? If you looked just a bit harder there were silhouettes of humping reindeer on the front of the shirt. My boss took a second look, said maybe not, and walked away.

  9. One day while shopping with my mom we ran into an "older" lady, mid to late 60's would have been my guess, wearing nice blouse, jeans and a pair of well worn heels. She was shopping in the pet supplies isle and my mom just started talking to her. We stood and visited for 15-20 minutes, all the time I was admiring her in what appeared to be her knock about heels. I had the sense about her that she had some money by the way she dressed and her appearance, and she had quite and edge to her personality. She did know how to strut about in those heels and it was obvious she was more than comfortable wearing them. I found her quite attractive even though she was not a great beauty and showed her age. Her appearance and personality made up for any other short comings. Plus she was 15+ years older than me. Even so the thought passed through my head that if I was a single man I might have given her my phone number, or asked for hers.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, kneehighs said:

    Actually, the bold is incorrect.  There are all sorts of ways to legally carry a gun in NYC.  http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/firearms_licensing/handgun_licensing_application.shtml

    True you can apply for a concealed permit in NYC. The chances of getting a permit are poorer than most states, plus restrictions as no more than 7 rounds in a magazine, plus all "assault" type weapons must be registered. Add to the restrictions that New York state does not accept concealed permits from any of the other 49 states. New Jersey is probably the worst state in the union as far as gun possession, followed by New York.

  11. Heelswearer, I am surprised you did not know about the attraction to heels that many people, men and women, have. A nice looking woman, dressed well, wearing a classy pair of heels just about turns me into a babbling idiot! If I had seen you in your white shorts and heels I would have been struggling to not look, or at least try not to stare! 

    I hope now that you know the power of heels you learn to enjoy it and don't feel weird about us guys watching, take it as a great compliment when you have distracted us to the point of mental lockup!

    • Like 1
  12. What I found funny, unless I missed it, is the article said nothing about an increase or decrease in shoe purchases of different styles, it just said women buy more trainers than heels. It might have been this way for years, or even decades.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Sydheel said:

    Of the 22, 15 pairs went to guys. 

    so for all of us who think we are alone, take courage. There are a lot more men wearing heels than we think

    It would be nice if more guys would admit to wearing heels. Perhaps it would become more mainstream and gain acceptance. Obviously there are many men hiding in fear of ridicule. Too bad if you surf the 'net most pictures you see are of guys that are feminine and many are obviously gay or making fun of men wearing heels and it stops many from opening up.

    I am surprised there are not more positive forums, videos and other sites about men heeling on the 'net.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  14. As far as I am concerned it has more to do with your body type than age. My wife is over 50, has nice legs, no cellulite, so why not wear minis and shorts? On the other hand if your legs are cross crossed with varicose veins and look like you have a layer of cottage cheese under your skin, and perhaps 50 pounds over weight maybe it is time to cover up. 

    Shorts shorts on guy? I guess the same applies, and if go have the gonads to wear them. I have a couple pair, but they are for lounging around the house.

    Cat, you blow mind mind! Slim, curvy, great legs. I had to look twise when I found out you are a guy!!

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  15. The deal with waiters wearing heels is pretty silly. If you have never worn heels, of course they will be uncomfortable! I have a pair of boots with a 3" block heel that I can wear all day. When I first bought them I could only wear them for maybe an hour at a time. Heck, I have worn new men's low heeled dress shoes that I could not wear for much more than an hour because they were so uncomfortable until they were broken in.

  16. 1 hour ago, Mr. X said:

    I have never done shorts and heels.  With women, heels and shorts are somewhat of a fashion no-no, or so I have been told. It would definitely get unwanted attention as you said.  Even on a women, let alone a man!

    It use to be easier for me to dress in the wnter but not so much anymore.  If I think I look good in the mirror before I head out the door, I wear it!  And that is all that matters to me, Period!

    I saw quite a few women wearing shorts and heels the other evening at a local supper club so I don't think it is so much of a fashion no-no. Hot summer evening and a bar with a huge patio, so it probably depends on the situation.

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