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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. (If any of you are Morman or JW, don't take it personally, please)

    Actually I am a "Mormon" so how could I be offended??

    Dr. Shoe, you apparently didn't read the article(s) on random genetic drift.

    They augment the evolutionary argument in a completely unrelated way. You seem to ignore the things you feel you can't explain away, and hope that no one notices.

    An objective reading of the Genesis account should find no serious disagreement between a creation story written for the masses of superstitious intellectual ants that existed at the time of Moses, and historical geology as it is understood today. God started with the lesser forms of life, necessarily dividing the land from the sea before he started the process of creating life, and advanced to the higher forms only after the process had been perfected ("~and God saw that it was good...").

    Judging from the modern-day lunacy and mind-boggling ability of otherwise mentally-capable human beings to ignore the obvious and still adhere to so-called creationist doctrine of an actual 6-day universal creation, it is only logical for Moses, to whom God showed all his creations--and enlarged his mind, somewhat, as to how he did it ("~I now know that [compared to God] man is nothing, which thing I had never before supposed..."), to have to greatly simplify the creation story for the Israelites. The vast majority, after 400 years of slavery in Egypt, probably couldn't read, probably would have had difficulty counting past 50, and couldn't possibly comprehend the vastness of what we know as time.

    A scene from the movie Robin Hood, Prince of Theives (starring Kevin Costner) comes to mind--where one of the men asks Robin how many soldiers there are (there are ~50 or more) and he says 20, whereupon his Moorish companion asks him about the obvious discrepancy (to someone who knew how to count) and Robin says "they won't know the difference, anyway"! Or for that matter the fact that the words used for the numbering system in French changes completely at "40", the obvious implication that the commoners weren't expected (allowed?) to be able to count (or for that matter live past 40.

    Might we not expect a similar situation to exist in the time of Moses? If you look at all the rules that are in Numbers and Deuteronomy for carrying on their everyday life, you get a pretty good idea of the intellectual dolldrum that Moses' people occupied. So he put the creation of the world in terms that the Israelites at the time could understand.

  2. I think the first part of Terrayon's post was good--mention that you have a "thing" for boots, then say "if you see me staring at you it's probably the boots you're wearing--consider it a complement on your excellent fashion sense. But by all means, if you find my staring objectionable, please don't hesitate to call me on it, surreptitiously after class, if you don't want anyone to know that you complained.", etc.

  3. Sorry Laurie about the crack in your boot heel. I don't know if this would work or not--try filling it with black colored fiberglass resin, presumably available from a boat supplier. I assume it is available in colors now--haven't seen it used in about 30 years--back then I believe you had to mix in the pigment yourself. You'd probably need several fillings as it tends to shrink. Alternatively you could use 2-part epoxy resin, which amounts to the same thing, but it doesn't come in colors.

  4. I started out as a life member but lost a job in the middle of the payment plan so I ended up a paid-up 10-year member. HH Boots, yes, scarves of whatever material, no. And ties (or anything else constricting around my neck, including most men's T-shirts) as seldom as possible.

  5. If I may inject a bit of Mormon Blasphemy here--this is a couplet attributed to the founder of the LDS Church (if you're a non-believer), or the first prophet in modern times (if you are a believer), Joseph Smith, to explain some fundamental ideas about origins:

    As man is now, God once was.

    As God is now, man may become.

    Seems to me the ultimate definition of "evolution", don't you think? :wink:

  6. I answered "no" on your poll. The only thing really good about smaller feet is that they don't have a problem finding shoes that fit, a point of envy for some, including myself. :x The Chinese have been doing an extremely painful procedure for several years on young women who wish to be taller (apparently tallness equates to better jobs, pay, respect, etc. for women in China these days) which involves breaking the leg bones, then putting the legs in tension for a period of about a year, during which the voluntary "victim" adjusts the tension a little more each day. It results in an increase in height of 4-5" over the time period. This according to an article in CosmoGirl. I wonder if some enterprising surgical team could come up with the reverse, applied to the feet?

  7. how could you start with a fish and end up with a human?

    Ever heard of "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"?

    Basically it means that if you observe a baby from fertilized egg to maturity, it goes through stages whereby, microscopically, you cannot tell it apart from a fish, then a reptile, then a bird, etc. Genetically, you can, but even there, ~95% of the DNA is the same as your average fish.

    I believe God works with natural principles. There are too many coincidences pointing toward some form of evolution for me not to believe that evolution is a natural principle. So why couldn't God have created life by Directed Evolution??

    What killed the dinosaurs? The Great Flood.

    Noah was COMMANDED by God to take at least one breeding pair of every species of land animal then in existence onto the ark. Since the plans for the ark were also drawn up by God, I can't go along with this, Dr. Shoe. If dinosaurs were in existence at the time of Noah, then the ark would have been built big enough to accomodate them, since God is no respecter of persons, and all creatures are the same in His eyes. I can't imagine Noah second-guessing God about dinosaurs, or unicorns either, for that matter. :wink:
  8. You're still comparing apples and oranges, Laurie. Within a given species, such as humanity, there is an incredibly large "window" of possibilities for adaptation within the lifespan of individual members of the species to an equally large number of possible environmental differences. But for a change in the adaptability of the entire species as a whole to take place (in other words, to pass on the physical or mental adaptations your body has made to it's adopted environment in order to survive or make life less stressful, to your children, at birth) requires a genetic mutation (or more practically, a whole slew of interrelated mutations) to occur. Or for existing mutations to be selected out by survival of the majority of the population during some major catastrophe. Natural selection doesn't occur without life-threatening, extinction-oriented environmental stress. I can't see man "evolving" during the times of peace that you allude to--there just isn't enough extinction-oriented stress.

  9. from the www.designershoes.com website referenced above:

    Footwear Facts and Quotes

    If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them.

    -Sue Grafton

    Shoes That Hurt:

    Eight out of 10 women polled by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons said their shoes were painful.

    Nine out of 10 women wear shoes that are too small, according to the same survey.

    Women's Feet are Becoming Larger:

    In 1986, 12% of American women had shoe sizes 9.5 and higher. In 1994, that number increased to 17%. In 1998, 30.4% of all women's shoes sold were size 9 and above.

    A sample survey showed that 60% of women's feet increased in shoe size since age 20.

    You can not put the same shoe on every foot.

    -Publilius Syrus, Maxim 593

    The average increase in the protrusion of a woman's buttocks is 25% when she wears high heels. (Harper's Index)

    If you know more facts or quotes, please send them to us!

    their email address is "info@designershoes.com"

  10. Nah, Real Women just want a Real Man, not just a masculine version of themselves. A high-heel wearing man (much less a man into other feminine acoutrements) doesn't fit the profile of a beer-swilling football-cheering, grubby T-shirt & jeans-wearing Real Man. It doesn't matter how loving, devoted, caring, or secure in his manhood masculine he might otherwise be.

    Sorry for the rant, but most women won't even get to first base if they know you like wearing high heels--and they're the ones that rant about how much they value honesty in a relationship. It's like they only want SOME honesty!!

  11. That's why I said "ordinance" which includes the knives and swords you mentioned as well. My oldest daughter (24) owns a stainless steel Mini-14 which I gave her, but her husband is much more into guns than she is, although she is the best shot I've ever met, and this includes the Army. I myself have trouble hitting a bottle at 10 feet! Her real passions are Chinese Martial Arts, and BLADES, of which she owns about a dozen, from Japanese Katanas to Bowie Knives to "Arkansas Toothpicks". She even owns a Kris (wavy ritual dagger from Indonesia). She likes knowing that she could use them if the need arose. Which is apparently one of the things that attracted her husband to her.

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