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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. I don't think 5" stilletos would be considered sexy or a turn-on by most North American boys under 17. Wierd, maybe, but not sexy. Fashion tastes change rather drastically as they get into their senior teen years, at least that is what I have observed with myself, as well as observing my two teenage sons, ages 14 and 17, respectively.

  2. Slapper.....I like the term Isaac Asimov coined in his futuristic spy novel Friday: SLITCH. Might even be applied to you, Francis, since the in thing these days, at least among gurls, is to label their boyfriend as their "bitch". :wink:

  3. I would like to know what fragrances and/or perfume or cologne brands everyone (girls and guys alike) find attractive, and if sensitvity to certain perfumes provokes an extreme reaction (such as headache, nausea, hives, etc.). Also if there are any heel wearers, guys especially, since it is an assumed skill for most girls(!), who can, or even pride themselves in being able to, recognize a particular scent or brand, or for that matter can often identify the individual spices used in a particular food dish by scent and/or taste alone.

  4. As with most mutations, there are damn few of them in the human population, which is the only way the human brain could "evolve". Based on my 50 years of observing human behavior, the best I can come up with is that the vast majority of human brains are slowly retrogressing (the exact opposite of evolving). But then I'm a cynic. So I don't belong in this discussion, shutting up now, ma'am.

  5. Obviously your parents never laid a belt (or worse) to your bare butt for what they considered wrongful behavior. Or needled you with derogatory or humiliating remarks or treatment in order to exorcise from you your unmasculine behavior. If you had, you would go out of your way to avoid other such confrontations. If your rose-colored glasses tell you that such parental behavior is a thing of the past in our enlightened era, you have never met a redneck. Or a homophobe. To either of these types, and a host of other religious bigots, ANY kind of feminine behavior, thought, or desire in a son is a sure sign that they are "going gay", and they go out of their way to beat it out of them using any and all means available.

    I have often wondered why feminine behavior in a guy is equated to a preference for anal intercourse by most of society, when it is typically held in low esteem by the most feminine individuals in the world, e.g. women!? :wink::D

  6. I figured this out when I first went to the site, and concluded that I had about 60% more in common with autism than normal human beings. Since all of my kids have been diagnosed with varying degrees of ADD/OCD, as well as myself, and knowing there to be some sort of a link based on P.E.T. scan research done in the last decade, this came as no surprise!! Don't know what others were wrangling about though. It might make for some interesting research to find out if there is a connection between hi-heel wearing (or greater sensitivity to things traditionally known as "feminine") and low-scale autism. :wink:

  7. When I was a kid chewing gum came in packages of 5 sticks for a Nickel (5 cents); eventually the price rose to a Quarter (25 cents). Then marketing became big business and they ditched the 5-pack and came out with the 10-pack for 50 cents. About 2-3 years later they knocked it down to an 8-pack, and left the price at 50 cents. Same thing with cookies, candy, etc.--same package size, 1.5 ounces less. With fuel prices at $2.30/gallon for premium gas in Las Vegas, Nevada (second-highest gasoline taxed state in the US), I have no doubt that some marketing genius working for Big Oil will soon come up with a plan to market it by the Liter (we spell it a little differently here), and then use that little ploy to gouge the American Consumer even more by upping the pump price to $1.15/Liter, instead of the ~$1.05 that it should be, since the American Consumers, being dumber than chickens, can't divide by decimals without a calculator anyway, and therefore won't know the difference (American newspapers are written at the Third Grade level, except the New York Times, which is written somewhere around the Seventh Grade level). Therefore, everything now marketed by the gallon will now be marketed by what will be promoted as the same as a half gallon, e.g. a Liter. That's why I don't want to switch more than anything else--I positively detest giving any more of my hard-earned cash to Corporate America than I absolutely have to!! :x

  8. Micha wrote: @Azraelle: I'm just imagining that the Americans had to give up their beloved everlasting Dollar. Giggling to coma

    As little as I see of the "everlasting dollar", 'twouldn't bother me in the least!!

    Perhaps trade it in for the Mexican Peso, or better yet, the former Italian Lira!! :wink::D

  9. I had a crush on a Japanese Hawaiian girl in the third grade who wore black patent leather shoes. Having grown up (until that time) in a rural Utah town where patent leather shoes, at least on 8 yr old girls, was unheard of, I naturally fell in love with the shoes...my next infatuation was with a couple of girls in the 6th grade that were fond of wearing white patent go-go boots, and my "love affair" with girl's boots and shoes was sealed. High heels are something of an afterthought with me! :wink:

  10. Unless you're a size 14, why not just bite the bullet and get a pair of conservative women's boots in the heel height that you want initially?

    Most men's boots with steel shanks are quite uncomfortable when raised even as little as 1/2"; you can't readjust the heel angle, so your forefoot is increasingly jammed into the toebox.

  11. cruise control does nothing for bumper to bumper traffic, as typically exists in any large metropolitan area (such as LA freeways), and drivers who never analyse the way they drive (about 99%); what you end up with is stop-start, stop-start, lurch, lurch, lurch! :x

  12. I used to get ocasional bouts (every 1-2 months) of excruciating agony in one or the other ankle, or rarely both ankles, when ANY weight was put upon it. Wearing orthotics did nothing to alleviate the problem. Since I started wearing moderately high heels at least some of the time, I haven't had a return bout at all. Now if I could just locate a source for steel toe high heels...

    I have mentioned elsewhere (and provided what seems to be a plausible anatomical explanation for it) that I can't drive for more than 10-15 minutes without debilitating knee pain in my "gas pedal leg" unless I am either a) wearing a high heeled shoe on that foot, or :wink: putting my other foot underneath the heel of my gas pedal foot. Wearing a high heeled shoe or boot is easier, and doesn't produce knee pain in the other leg, as would occur after several hours of it being in the sidewise position it had to be in when propping up the heel of my gas pedal foot.

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