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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. If the balls of your feet hurt from wearing high heels, you might consider going on an Atkins diet (or something similar) and losing some weight. I speak from some experience--I have lost 32 lbs in the last 2 months, and my feet (and knees) feel the difference. Another 60 or so to go though... :wink:

  2. I have a thing for vintage FJ-40 Toyota Land Crushers, myself. Used to own one before my divorce. They would go anywhere. I asked the members of my Land Cruiser club if they would mind if I invited a friend along with a Jeep CJ-40, and they said "Sure--entertainment!". And sure enough they got stuck! Don't know much about Range Rovers, except that getting parts for them is expensive as the devil, and the older Land Rovers had a reputation in America of leaking oil like a sieve.

  3. Fighting for the crispies on top of a pork roast at Christmas. There's nothing like it. Some of you may call it crackling. I call it damn good.

    I always get funny looks when I ask for them, and the extremely well-done portions of ribs, etc--the crusts as I call them. But I haven't got a Danish cell in my body.
  4. I've noticed much the same thing, Heelsfan, tho I'm not as fast a typist so I can't be as verbose, sorry. Good "trainers" in womens' size 13 (US) are difficult to come by, unfortunately, tho New Balance and Nike have been known to make some. The only pairs of men's footwear I own are a pair of New Balance running shoes for over-pronaters, and a pair of very conventional cowboy boots made out of water buffalo hide. My low-heel dress shoes are size 12 wide womens'.

  5. Just got through seeing it. From a heel wearing perspective, including seeing the same pair of boots/pumps from scene to scene, running in stillettos, etc., it was a great movie. From just about any other perspective--you know, plot, believability, idiocy, etc.--IT STUNK!!! :x There's enough heel wearing to jade just about anyone, even on this board--I got quite bored, in fact, if you'll pardon the pun. Oh well.

  6. Surely you have graphics shops in Belgium...could you not take a photograph to one and, for the equivalent of a dollar or so, have them scan it for you and stick the digital version on a floppy disc? But don't feel obligated or pressured--just a suggestion. :wink:

  7. There was a movie made not too long ago about a "tomboy" who was hospitalized for psychiatric problems of not being feminine enough--based on a true story back in the 60's or 70's called Girl, Interrupted starring Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder. If parents have enough money, the tendency is for expensive private psychiatrists to milk them for every possible dime in the guise of convincing the parents that there is something wrong with Johnny or Janey, and that a few months of encounter group therapy and counseling will "cure" them, the length of time frequently corresponding to how much money can be milked, or how large the insurance policy is. Rich parents have this attitude that they don't have to do research to discover the truth of the claims--that's what they pay EXPERTS for. It just never seems to enter their head that credentialed experts wouldn't have altruistic motives, or would lie to them.

  8. I used an Epilady for awhile about 15 yrs ago, but eventually gave it away--shaving took alot less time, and the Epilady had done its job of making my hair about half as thick, especially on my legs, and quite a bit finer. Shaving also hurt less, although there was some decrease in sensitivity.

  9. Speaking of jobs that require high heels, If any of you get to visit one of the COMDEX's either in Las Vegas or Chicago, take a look at what virtually ALL of the poor female demonstrators are wearing on their feet (as opposed to what the male demonstrators are wearing--talk about a double standard!) standing 12-14 hours each day. Then there is the cocktail waitresses at the Las Vegas Casinos. Other than the pay, the only consolation is that they usually do their standing on more or less padded carpeting.

  10. Julietta . . . You go, girl!

    At least you have a mag that comments on a famous person wearing nail polish. Over here on the other hand...

    I once read in a history book that Americans average 20-30 years behind the Brits in adoption of social change. :wink:

  11. Depilation cream works just fine on regular areas of the skin (legs, arms, chest--even face) with no ill effects,even if left on for up to 25 minutes (gets rid of more hair that way) just don't use it on delicate areas, including underarms. What happened to me reminds me of a supposedly banned and destroyed (but alive and well in the US Army Chemical Corps training files) documentary movie made by the British Army during WW-II chronicling the effects (over a 6-week period) of one-time skin exposure to Mustard Agent by several hundred "volunteers" from the Australian Army... :wink:

  12. So, can i remove my pubic hair with depilation cream too, or not?

    (from experience) I wouldn't recommend it unless you keep it well away from areas not normally considered delicate, but which actually ARE, such as the "crease" where the upper thigh merges with the crotch (e.g. the area where bikini briefs'/panties' leg elastic usually ride). The depilation cream can cause what amounts to the symptoms after a blister pops, but over several inches of what used to be skin. :wink:

  13. As "redneck" is (originally) an American term for a Southern Hillbilly Hick who swills beer, beats up on his wife, and wears a sheet on weekends while burning crosses by the light of the moon, I really can't picture a proper King's English speaking Brit fitting the original meaning of the term. :wink:

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