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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. Back to memorable graffitti: From a portable outhouse in a (nuclear experiment construction) tunnel at the Nevada (Nuclear) Test Site, several years ago: Drive 30 rockbolts, $14 an hour. Drive 10 rockbolts, $14 an hour. Drive 1 rockbolt, $14 an hour. Write on shithouse wall, $14 an hour. John Wayne's toilet paper--rougher than hell, won't take shit off anyone! This is a teepee to take a peepee, not a wigwam to beat your tomtom.

  2. Two songs I heard on the University of Idaho college campus radio station (KUOI) and recorded! way back in ~1979 that I haven't heard since, and never did catch the singers' names:

    Dr Jekyl's cola, and

    Frosty the Dopeman which sounded a lot like Tom Lehrer, but apparently wasn't as I've never seen anything resembling it in any of his compilations.

    I also like Boot to the Head by The Frantics, but that is available through Dr. Demento.

  3. 50's straight skirts, calf-length & not slit for ease of movement.

    I always alter the skirts I buy, I sew up the back seam right down to the hemline as I like the sensation of the skirt hemline catching on my legs. I sometimes wear a straight skirt with a back knife pleat if I'm going to walk far.

    I find these skirts extremly exciting to wear, I can't understand why women hate them so much. :wink:

    YOU CAN'T???? :D:D

  4. As I said, nuclear energy is a tool, nothing more. The vast majority of what we know about the inner workings of the atom (particle physics) would not have been discovered were it not for the 800+ nuclear bombs exploded underground since 1963 in the US and others elsewhere (principally Australia and Russia). Having been intimately involved in the US underground testing program for 12 years, I can attest that the Americans, at least, learned from their mistakes (the few that there have been were rather spectacular, and resulted from scientific arrogance at least as much as from stupidity or miscalculation). Americans are as rabidly anti-nuke, for the most part, as the majority here seem to be. American nuclear scientists are very much aware of this, and were designing their experiments during the final years of America's testing program with more and more redundant safeguards exactly for the purpose of not ticking off the anti-nuke crowd (or giving them further ammunition). The last few devices that were set off, as well as those that were scheduled but cancelled in 1993, were purely physics experiments, very small scale (on the order of 1-20 tons, not even kt), with no military involvement whatsoever. Compared to the Russian program (or the British in Australia, for that matter), our safety record, even with F-ups like Baneberry in 1968, was exemplary. After the cessation of testing in 1993, I helped write the first radiation safety manual for the Nevada Test Site, to insure compliance with national and international nuclear law, and can attest that if testing is ever resumed, the safety constraints that will be required (and therefore the cost of implementation by the government) will dwarf what existed before by several orders of magnitude.

    (My reason for classifying the British experiments as less than exemplary was their classification of the Australian aboriginee population in the vicinity of their open-air testing site [before 1962] as part of the "local wildlife" so that aboriginal human casualty counts due to primary and/or secondary nuclear effects were "justifiably" deemed as unnecessary, and therefore not taken! There apparently wasn't even any effort to temporarily relocate them out of harm's way--at least we did that to the residents of Bikini atoll in the Pacific.) :D

    That said, were the US really serious about using nukes for bunker busting, the only reason to test them would be to reassure themselves that a minimum of harmful radiation would be released (and to quantify the amount that would result, and demonstrate the amount of cleanup that would be required afterwards). Rest assured, the technology exists to put such a device into production right now (if indeed such nuclear bunker busters aren't already in the system!). Would you prefer that the US use an untested bomb during the next war?? :D Arguably, even those used on Nagasaki and Hiroshima had been rudimentarily tested (at White Sands in July 1945) before their use. :wink:

  5. ......your stercoraceous adjectives and invective

    I am non-plussed! I haven't used a thesaurus in at least 5 years. One of the many reasons the English language enjoys such widespread use is its' marvelous "ability" to explore the many nuanced meanings that can be expressed in a simple sentence, merely by the use of the many synonyms available for most words.

    invective: such a nice word for "NO SHIT YOU ACT WITH YOUR FEELINGS!", or "Its just that when you ask a stupid question, you are going to get a stupid answer", or even "you cannot handle your emotions because you are still writing stupid, illogical, and irrelevant arguments".

    stercoraceous: a nice word for "of or relating to feces" e.g. "full of shit"!

    Is this a crystal moment?

  6. There may indeed be a "gay" gene, but I doubt that it determines sexual preference! What if instead it causes a sensitivity to things (and feelings) generally associated in our "modern" society as "feminine" or "unmanly"??

    If our society was more enlightened and accepting of differences, instead of having a "need" to "pigeonhole" or categorize everything and everyone, then there might be a whole lot less gays nowadays. I believe that as a boy (who has these sensitivities) starts growing into a man, his peers and society in general "force" him into the category of "gay" because they don't allow themselves to have any other category to "stick" him into. The same may be true to some extent for lesbians in the opposite way.

  7. Nuclear energy, like gunpowder, is a tool, nothing more. Anyone can misuse a tool, even the French (who resumed nuclear testing quite some time ago, if memory serves me correctly). Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, Hiluc, Firefox, et al. According to you, it is apparently OK for the French to test nuclear weapons, because they are European (and therefore trustworthy), but it is not OK for the US because they are, what? Of Mixed European descent?? No longer part of the European sphere? Descendents of the poorest and least sophisticated amongst you? Descendents of the Europeans who had the intelligence to realize that the European culture was stagnating? All of the above??? :x :wink:

  8. A parody of an Eminem song attributed to Christina Aguilera (Will the real Slim Shady Please Shut Up) is applicable here to J-Turbo. While I agree with nearly everything you said, I could have said it without your stercoraceous adjectives and invective. You give mechanical engineers a bad name.

    Julietta, The Bolsheviks re-defined much of their (Russian) language after 1917. One idea that was redefined to reflect the Communistic ideal was the idea of "peace". The Russian word for "world" is "myehr". The new word that they came up with for "peace" was "myehr'e' myehr"; the idea being that the world would be at peace when it was 100% communist. Peace is relative. The peaceniks and hippies singing Give Peace a Chance while safely living within a country that allowed them to protest (as opposed to, say, North Vietnam, or for that matter Uganda under Idi Amin Dada, or Iraq under Saddam Hussein, or Cambodia under Pol Pot, or Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, or USSR under Josef Stalin, or Red China under Chairman Mao), would have had a very different view of what "Give Peace a Chance" REALLY means had they been members of the populations of any of those aforementioned regimes. They also would have been treated to the hospitality and intellect of those regimes' sadistic "men-in-charge" had they been unenlightened enough to have carried on their war protests within those mentioned countries.

    Dr.Shoe, Hiluc, Julietta, et al, If you cannot grasp the fundamental feelings of internal fear and terror experienced by the rank and file Iraqis for the last 20 years (or for that matter Cambodians, Ugandans, Jews in Nazi Germany, etc., etc.), as I assume you can't, judging from your remarks, then you shouldn't be expressing your unenlightened opinions. The reasons for America getting involved in this war, ulterior or no, are completely irrelevant as far as the average Iraqi is concerned who can now make a phone call to someone outside Iraq and say exactly what (s)he means without worrying whether (s)he will spend the rest of his or her life in some hell-hole for criticizing the government (even if said government is American-sponsored or not. This was not the case a couple of months ago! The Litmus test should be: Are the Iraqi safer now or not? Will they be safer in the future? Or would they have been better off if we'd left them to continue to live their lives in fear? The Iraqi people are what make up the Iraqi culture not the sadistic power mongering bully who was their "glorious leader"!

  9. When I was in High School, there was a (natural) blonde girl I'd never seen before that I was staring at until I bumped into a lunch table and nearly dumped the food tray. Some friends were at the table, and Knew the girl--after they picked themselbes off the floor ( :rofl: ), they said that it was a common reaction--they'd seen it several times. I was mainly staring at her face, but as I recall, she was wearing white go-go boots, ~2-1/2" heels.

  10. get on http://www.limewire.com

    kazaa, bearshare, or gnutella (http file sharing programs, more or less freely available) and type in the program of your choice, be it Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, 3D Studio Max, or whatever, and see what comes up. It took about 3 days, off and on, to download 3D 4.0 and it's update to 4.2, about the same with Photoshop 6, with my 56K modem about 18 months ago. I realize that the US Govt, w/cooperation of several European countries, put several of the cracking groups out of business a year or so ago, which is why I said that Trolldeg must know some good, and well-hidden, crackers, because a working cracked version of 3D 5.0 hadn't been released, to my knowledge, at the time of the raids.

    A cracker is someone, or group of someones, who is very good at programming, and more specifically reverse engineering the various copy protection coding schemes built into most commercially sold programs today. They typically do it for fun, thrills, and one-upping either each other, or the greedy capitalistic bastards that sell their programs at astronomical prices, simply because they CAN!!! They usually operate very difficult to access ftp sites to share their wares across the net with like-minded souls. Ocasionally, one or more of them gets generous and posts a cracked program, usually as a .zip, .rar, or in the case of MACs, .sit file on the more easily accessible gnutella-based file-sharing sites for a limited time each day. Those fortunate few who benefit from such bounty, often allow their own computer to be used as a gnutella-based upload site while browsing the net, and that way they get spread around, much to the irritation of those selfsame greedy corporate b*****ds. :wink:

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