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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. There's nothing wrong with low-rise women's style jeans, more especially the ones by MUDD that are sold at alloy.com. I have about 10 pair. You're not going to look ridiculous, or unmanly--the current fashion among the skater boy croud to sag the jeans actually ride, if anything, below the hip bone (which is why they're always pulling them back up! LOL). Just remember that with hip-hugger jeans, order by the Junior size whose hip measurement most closely dovetails with your own, paying NO attention to the waist measurement, and if you order stretch denim (which unlike men's "stretch denim", has 3-5% Lycra spandex in the weave), order one size smaller; otherwise the jeans will fall off without a belt. Order your correct hip measurement (or one inch larger if you're in between) with 100% cotton.

    You might also try GirlFriends of L.A., www.gfla.com if your'e not too tall--they're fashion selection is a bit different than alloy.

    "IT" brand jeans typically run TIGHT, so it's best to order them one size larger than your indicated hip measurement.

  2. The interesting thing here isn't what Anita said, but what she revealed about her thought process. She dresses to inspire confidence in herself, as well as to be thought of as "hot" to other souls, regardless of gender. But notice her description of the dress of the guy in question.

    He is resplendant in dockers that look as if they have never seen an iron, "Nike-Just Do It" t-shirt, unpolished shoes AND the obligatory BACKWARDS BASEBALL CAP. . .

    Notice what she doesn't say. The clothes were apparently CLEAN, probably fairly new (unfaded), just WRINKLED and UNPOLISHED indicating that he didn't care about his appearance the way a female would. He possibly cares a great deal about his appearance--he may even believe (as most guys do) that wrinkles BELONG on dockers!! Therefore, pressing them would label him a sissy in the eyes of his male friends. He may even go to great lengths (and time) in the morning ensuring that he presents the right level of grunge. I know many teenage boys that do just that (including my own son). It's just not what is desired by a chic chick. The sooner that guys realize that their vision of fashion doesn't coincide with the average female's, the more popular they're likely to become among the fashionable elite, male or female. But it may involve a painful shucking of lower class friends that are likely to razz them back into the "unkempt" look.

    What I think Anita actually is saying is that she tried to exhibit "class" and he didn't. Or, "If you have no class at all (NCAA) don't bother to apply."

  3. And if you're really serious, I hear that surgeons in Brazil don't question your motives the way American doctors do. Cheaper too (once you get down there that is!). But from what I have heard, you can save a couple of thou even with the travel expenses. Seriously, I think you're too young to make a surgical decision, but if you want to be feminized, you're old enough that the effects of taking hormones is reversable, yet at the same time young enough to cause rather dramatic changes in your bustline. You should at least talk to your parents, or at least some adult you trust, or failing that your friends, especially female.

  4. Although I adore cats--we used to have about 20, now dwindled to 2--(and long-eared hounds), I have a somewhat metaphysical opinion of them: I think of them as assigned or potential witnesses to our behavior on this earth with respect to the Judgement Day! Just a thought . . . I mean, really, who would suspect a CAT of all God's creatures being a spy for the Almighty?

  5. Eat, Drink, and be Merry, for tomorrow you may be in UTAH!

    Caution! Driver chews tobacco!

    The PARTS falling off this vehicle are of the finest British Craftsmanship. (found on the bumper of a restored Austin-Healy)

    Don't laugh--it's paid for!

    I may be slow, but I'm ahead of you!

    So many men, so little time!

  6. find that very interesting: if you're wearing heels and point them out, it's a fait accompli, and seems to be accepted more often than rejected. If you're in guy-shoes and SAY you wear heels, you're a monster and an outcast, probably because their minds create some outlandish image that absolutely terrifies them.

  7. I wasn't going to post this since I don't consider it particularly humorous, but since it is you Dr. Shoe I can't resist:

    You can have my gun when you can pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

    (Was also a line from the redneck to the alien in the original Men in Black movie, whereupon the Bug says "Proposal accepted!"

  8. You need to make a real pain in the ass of yourself on this one and find out exactly what the dress code violation was, is it gender biased or not, e.g. would the asst principle have sent a girl home with the shoes on? AND ASK IT IN FRONT OF ADULT WITNESSES!!! I can't make that point strongly enough. A girl in St. George, Utah (an ultra conservative place if there ever was one), where I live at present, was sent home last year for dying her hair purple--and it was her mother who helped her do it! It was felt that it would present an "unusual or unnecessary distraction to the students' learning environment". More likely an undesired sexual distraction to the mostly Mormon teachers, but I won't go there. :x

  9. If you were getting by with an 18 GB HDD, then a 20GB model can be had for less than $59 new, and quite possibly a lot cheaper used. I have a couple of 2GB HDD's I'd give you for free, but since WIN2K needs at least 740MB to install to, that doesn't leave much for programs, etc. If you had a CDRW (which can be acquired now for about $50, you could set it up with a rewritable disk to serve as a data disk drive for another ~650MB.

  10. Even though it was put together at the same place as your sister's doesn't mean that they have the same brand of HDD. IBM/Fujitsu drives "gave up the ghost" real early, as I recall, several years ago. I had a bad experience with an IBM drive that I installed in my son's computer--it lasted exactly one year to the day that I bought it--it had a one year warranty--talk about built-in obsolescence!!

  11. If you can locate on the internet (most sites have been blocked by the RIAA, apparently) of "klitekpp241e.exe" or later version (ad-less, cracked version of KaZaA with the most used port blocked, and a few other anti-RIAA snooping features built-in), set it up on your computer, then look for "sspline v2.1" and install IT onto your computer, you can blow up jpeg pictures by as much as 2.5x without noticeable loss of image quality, in most cases. Or you can install a bootleg copy of PhotoShop onto your computer (same source) and pay sspline ~$60 US for an official version of their photoshop plugin (the version above works as a standalone photo image enhancer, or at least it did with me until my system acquired one or more unknown virii requiring me to reformat the HDD, and resulting loss of all *.exe programs I had acquired previously, including the aforementioned sspline v2.1!)

  12. I don't care much for the shoes, but if I can only see the heels and maybe a 1/2" platform under a pair of figure hugging black pants, or if the girl/lady is wearing boots with similar heels ~3" or more high, I get all mushy inside. I am one other male here who finds them very sexy. 'Course, then I want to wear them as well, but I know it will do absolutely no good at all to ask what brand they are or where she got them--None of the truly sexy narrow block-heeled boots (as opposed to spiky heeled or fetish type heels) are EVER made any larger than US-11, most often 10.

    It is so despairing that most of the time I just don't bother to look anymore--why torture oneself with what one cannot have?? It gives new, if twisted meaning to the words of the Rolling Stones/Animals song Paint it Black: "I have to turn my head until my darkness goes..."

  13. Having had 5 children, and having been divorced (and without sex) for nearly 5 years, I can tell you that the love of and from children, is worth more than all the sex in the world. If you can't commit to that (and many can't), you have reached a "dam" in the progress of your life towards what all humans ultimately seek--joy and fulfillment. You will never know it exists if your ultimate goal is to please only yourself, and never take the risk of living for another. (there's a reason the religious nuts call it "damnation", because it is!)

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